GUIDANCE FOR FUNERALS AND SERVICES Tribal Council Order On April 17, 2020, the Siletz Tribal Council adopted Resolution 2020-XXX, which ordered funerals to be conducted in a manner that does not conflict with the limitations of social distancing and the following criteria: S e r v i c e s The Dance House and Siletz Community Center will not be made available for funeral services at this time. Graveside services may occur with the following recommendations: 1) Limit the gathering to 10 people or less and 2) All individuals maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet from any person who is not a member of their immediate household. Social Distancing Guidelines As COVID-19 continues to spread in the surrounding areas, it is imperative that social distancing guidelines are followed to control the spread of COVID-19, decrease the burdens on hospitals and equipment supplies, and lessen the number of infections and deaths caused by this disease. L i m i t A t t e n d a n c e Attendance should be limited to the greatest extent possible. Ask all those who are not feeling well to stay home. All attendees should self-quarantine for 14 days following attendance. P r o t e c t E l d e r s Elders and those with underlying health conditions such as COPD, asthma, diabetes, kidney disease or heart disease, who are most at risk for a serious viral infection, should not attend. If elders attend, it should be a priority that all attendees limit contact with elders and provide them ample space (6 feet) to follow social distancing. L i m i t P e r s o n t o P e r s o n C o n t a c t Even though someone is not feeling sick, they could still have the novel coronavirus and pass it to others. Limiting contact with others is the best way to ensure the virus does not spread. This includes: It is highly encouraged that all attendees wear masks and wash hands frequently. If there are no hand washing stations, hand sanitizer should be used frequently and after handling any items that are handled by multiple people. Use disinfecting wipes on all hard surfaces and prioritize multiple cleanings for surfaces that will be touched frequently, such as door handles. Stand 6 feet away from others who are not a member of your immediate household. No handshakes and hugs. If food is being provided, as few people as possible should serve it. It should not be buffet style. Those serving should practice good hand washing, wear gloves, wear masks and frequently sanitize all serving utensils. Tables and chairs should be set for every other space. Giveaway items should either be avoided or held at another time Attendance Tracking One attendee will be responsible for logging the names of all attendees. This attendance log will be provided to the Siletz Community Health Clinic and will be kept confidential. This log will be used in the event that a funeral attendee tests positive for COVID-19 in the two weeks following the funeral and all funeral attendees need to be notified that they may have been exposed. Be safe. Stay home. Stay well. Resources COVID-19 Updates • • • Oregon – OR-OHA-COVID-19 CDC – WHO updates – General Resources 211info connects people with health and social service organizations. At our heart is our core Community Information Center, supported by Resource Data- base team. We’ve expanded to include enhanced information & referral and assistance programs that target specific services. Call 211 or 866-698-6155. • Coronavirus Worker Safety Fund – to-help-oregon-businesses-respond-to- coronavirus.html • Employment • • • Unemployment/Claimant_Hand- book/Pages/default.aspx Bureau of Labor and Industries • index.aspx Oregon Work-share Program - Work Share provides an alternative for employ- ers and workers who may be facing the prospect of a layoff situation. With Work Share, instead of reducing staff, an employer reduces the hours of work for a group of workers. Partial Unemployment Insurance benefits are then paid to supple- ment workers’ reduced wages. • Business Assistance Federal guidance for small busi- nesses, including information on the Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program: • grams/disaster-assistance post/PublishingImages/Paycheck%20 Protection%20and%20Loan%20For- giveness%203-25-20.pdf issues/top-priorities/cares-act/assis- tance-for-small-businesses Unemployment/Pages/Work-Share- Program.aspx Small Business Assistance • • coronavirus-resource-page-for-lin- coln-county-businesses/ Insurance Business organizations links for assistance and information • • • Business Oregon – https://www. Salem Chamber COVID-19 – https:// SEDCOR – Rental, Mortgage or Housing Assistance Paycheck Protection Program & Loan Forgiveness – • For information about unemployment benefits and COVID-19, visit; rus-covid-19-small-business-guid- ance-loan-resources The Federal government announced HUD has authorized the Federal Hous- ing Administration (FHA) to implement an immediate foreclosure and eviction moratorium for single family homeown- ers with FHA-insured mortgages for the next 60 days. and Community Action may be able to direct you to resources for pay- ment assistance. If Oregonians have questions or con- cerns about their insurance company or agent, they can contact the department’s advocacy team at 888-877-4894 (toll free) or visit for more informa- tion or to file a complaint. For insurance and financial services information related to COVID-19, visit the department’s website at https://dfr.oregon. gov/insure/health/understand/Pages/coro- navirus.aspx. General Health Information How to protect yourself – • coronavirus/2019-ncov/prepare/pre- vention.html • diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/ advice-for-public Food Assistance • • • • • • 211 is a statewide resource – Call 211 or 866-698-6155; text your Zip Code to 898211 (TXT211); email Partners for a Hunger Free Oregon – Application/ Marion Polk Food Share – Covid-19 info at https://www.marionpolkfood- What to do if you’re sick – • coronavirus/2019-ncov/if-you-are- sick/steps-when-sick.html Mental Health Resources • Lines for Life https://www.linesfor- • Adult Behavioral Health program -503-588-5351 • Crisis Services -503-585-4949 Additional federal resources listed on page 14 May 2020 • Siletz News • 13