10 Summer 2011 Applegater Meet the new Board of Friends of the Ruch Library Applegate Library We have had some wonderful programs this year with local authors reading from their works, and doing book signings in the meeting room of the Applegate Branch Library. Gay Bradshaw presented her new book, Elephants on the Edge, and Louise Rouse read from two new publications, 365 Days of Celebration and A Juicy, Joyful Life. Lita Neiderheiser gave a presentation of her book, Jesse Applegate: A Dialogue with Destiny. We also had a program with Chelsea Rose, who has been a part of the Southern Oregon Historical Society’s “Windows in Time.” Chelsea’s program was, “On and Onwards: Finding and mapping the Applegate Trail.” We are looking forward to hearing Jakob Shockey talk about his adventures in Panama stalking the Pygmy Three-toed Sloth. The time and date of the program will be announced. (See Jakob’s article on the Three-toed Sloth on page 23.) “One World - Many Stories” has been the theme this summer in the Jackson County libraries. Children ages 3-12 have read or listened to ten books and have earned reading incentives. Teens have participated in the “You Are Here” reading program, attended activities and have earned the chance to win a prize. We are looking forward to more programs coming up this fall and winter. Joan Peterson 541-846-6988 Ruch Library Ruch Library is fortunate to have three mosaic works of art created by Lilli Ann and Marvin Rosenberg with contributions from school children and community members. In 2002 Ruch School children, staff, and homeschoolers created clay pieces, which the Rosenbergs inset into stepping-stones in the walkway between the library and school. In 2008 a mural showing life in the Applegate, past and future, was installed in the library lobby. The pieces in the mural were made by thirty-five community members working in the Rosenberg’s studio over the period of a year. Another small mural graces the front of the A-Frame bookstore run by the Friends of Ruch Library. LiLLi ann RosenBeRg honoReD   On June 25, 2011, many of the artists who created clay pieces for the lobby mural gathered at Ruch Library for a celebration honoring Lilli Ann and the publication of a delightful book detailing their experiences and contributions. The artists’ stories are accompanied by photographs by Cynthia Cheney of each person’s artwork. The book is available for your perusal at the library. Karen Salant offered a slide show of photos she took during the installation of the walkway and of the Grand Opening in 2003. Lilli Ann shared some stories and took the opportunity to remind everyone of the importance of public art and community. summeR ReaDing   Summer Reading for all ages has been a fun experience this summer. The theme is “One World, Many Stories” for the children through 12 years old. The same multicultural theme threads through the Young Adults and Adult programs, as well. Children and adults have been sticking pins into a world map showing the setting of the books they have been reading. It is encouraging to see the wide scope of interests the readers in our community have. We are having some great programs and activities, most with an international flair. Come by and match world coins to countries on a world map, and test your geography skills! Some of our teenagers are researching information about Ruch and the Applegate Valley, and Lilli Ann Rosenberg, seated second from left in front row, at the Ruch Library celebration in her honor on June 25. will be contributing to a book about our area, written entirely by young adults.   The Friends of Ruch Library have been very generous in helping with our Summer Reading Program. I thank them for their continued support. In addition, this summer local businesses contributed gifts and gift certificates to the children as incentives to participate in the programs. I would like to thank My Way Café, Cowboy Flowers, Café Ruch, Ruch Country Store, Pit Stop, Outpost, Drake’s Alignment, McKee Bridge Restaurant, Cantrall- Buckley Park, Deborah Buoy Massage, Ruch Video, Ruch Services, Sunshine Plaza Salon, Ellee Celler, and Pat Gordon Massage for their generous gifts. ComPuteR CLasses   There will be two series of computer classes at Ruch Library this fall. All classes are free, and computers will be furnished. Sign-up is required to hold your place in the class, which is limited to ten people. Basics 2 Class meets on Thursday evenings from 5 – 7 pm, August 18 - September 8.  The classes cover Word Processor Basics, Photo Processing, File Management, and Review and Artistic Design. Basics 1 Class meets on Thursday evenings from 5 - 7 pm, October 27 - November 17. The first class is learning about the mouse and keyboard, followed by Internet Navigation, E-mail, and Files and Folders. Contact the Ruch Library if you are interested in signing up for a class. I hope to see you at the library soon. Thalia Truesdell 541-899-8741 The Applegater was saddened to learn that Lilli Ann Rosenberg passed away on July 19, 2011. She will be greatly missed. New Board members (from left to right): Donna Epstein, Tina Drake, Fran Hopkins, Liz Hampton, Pat Gordon, and Joyce Webber. Not pictured: Shonda Siler. The recently expanded seven- member Friends of the Ruch Library (FORL) board is focused on the future of our library and our community. Undaunted by current economic challenges, Board members’ heads, hearts and hands are building a stronger Friends group for the 21st century—supporting our library to serve more of our community members in new ways. Donna Epstein—currently serves as President of FORL. Donna has lived in our community for over 17 years. She managed the Applegate Food Pantry for 14 years. “I love to cook, read (started a local book club 15 years ago), and jog early in the morning. I do all my research for cooking and book group titles using our library’s online system.” 541-899-8644 or dowritede@aol.com Fran Hopkins—former Treasurer of FORL and a continuing Board member. “I moved to the Ruch area the same month the libraries closed in 2007. It was such a shock to me that any library system would actually close that I attended my first FORL meeting and came home as Treasurer! It’s been very rewarding to me to help FORL’s efforts to extend our library’s hours when we re-opened. I’d love to see our library open eight hours every day!” 541-899-9602 or franhop@gmail.com Joyce Webber—retired, lives in Ruch with her husband and furry companions. She brings long-term mediator experience. “I agree with Edward Gibbon’s statement: ‘The use of reading is to aid us in thinking’—the library provides that opportunity to all of us.” 541-899- 0189 or joyce@webberventures.com Liz Hampton—“Even though I have only lived in Applegate for 20 years, the Ruch/Applegate area is my home, and the Ruch Library, for almost 15 years, was truly my home-away-from-home. Having ‘lived’ on both sides of the library counter, I can vouch for the fact that our Ruch and Applegate libraries are more than just libraries—they are an integral part of our Applegate Valley community.” 541-846- 6200 or lizh@vsisp.net Pat Gordon—small woodlands steward, working massage therapist, 40-year Applegater, continuing Board member, and 60-year public library user. “Libraries change lives—I know that first hand!” 541-899-7655 or phg@jeffnet.org Shonda Siler—moved to Oregon in 2008, our newest Board member (with a law degree). While she currently doesn’t practice law, she’s eager to lend her skills and knowledge to further the goals and fundraising efforts of FORL. “Libraries open the door to knowledge, adventure, excitement, skill and expertise for each person who walks in and takes advantage of the opportunity to read and learn. Even in this digital age, it is important to preserve, encourage, and continue the legacy of enrichment that libraries and tangible books offer to all.” Tina Drake—new FORL Board member and acting Treasurer. Small business owner, Ruch resident for 16 years, Ruch Library cheerleader! 541-621-5235 or smartina@charter.net What are your needs and priorities? More open hours…which days and times? More help using the computer catalog and electronic resources the library now offers? Interesting cultural and educational events in our Community Meeting Room? Reserving the Meeting Room for your organization’s use? Getting information and materials if transportation’s a problem? The Friends are here to help. Call or email any above Board member. In addition to giving any of us an earful, you can: • Get a new (or replacement) library card—they’re free! • Grab a Kindle E-book reader and read daily newspapers while in the library. • Give the library some time. Branch Manager Thalia Truesdell, 541-899- 7438, will match your time and talents with the library’s needs. • Give the Friends some time—volunteer in our A-frame bookstore, serve on one of our fun committees, help with our October book sale. • Share your passion, talent, or expertise by presenting one of our special programs. • Help with our website, fill some other special need. • Attend Friends’ monthly Board meetings—open to all—first Thursday of the month, 6:30 pm. • Get a tax deduction by generously donating to the Friends in support of Saturday hours at our library. • Give your community library your support—be a library advocate; remind friends and neighbors of library hours and services by giving them a free brochure with library times and phone numbers; invite or bring them to the library or a special program or meeting. You’ll get more than you give, so don’t be shy. We’re all looking forward to seeing you in the library: Tuesdays 11 am - 5 pm, Thursdays 1 pm - 7 pm, or Saturdays noon to 4 pm. For more information, contact Donna Epstein, 541-899-8644.