8 The Clackamas Print Opini Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2010 Lovecraft measures the ball Elections take place on November 2, and the last day to register was yesterday, Octo­ ber 12. To quench your politi­ cal thirst, enjoy these rewritten measures. vote will allow the state to exceed $50,000 on bonds for their property. My, your coins look ... tempting. Measure 73 Unhappy is the creepy sex offender repeat­ ing abominable acts, if this measure is passed. Increased sentencing will leave them aghast. Habitual DUI convictions share the task. Measure 74 Harmony will reign when medical mari­ juana ceases to be misunderstood by the mis­ By Jaime Dunkle & Brian Baldwin informed. With this measure more research News Editor & Associate News Editor and assistant programs for cardholders will be born. Measure 75 The City of Roses will soon see the glis­ Reading the measures can be a tedious mission. To make it more fun, we have tening of gold, if Multnomah County allows rewritten them in the vein of two commended casinos into its fold. Measure 76 horror authors: Edgar Allan Poe and H.P. Lottery will pay 15 percent of proceeds Lovecraft. to silence the screaming trees of our parks, wildlife and beaches until 2014. Measure 70 Few soldiers are stopped at the gate. It’s not too late. If you desire, vote “yes” and get these men into homes where they’ll be called For a longer and more detailed “Sire.” explanation of the measures, Measure 71 In the den of Oregon politicians, a plea of and for descriptions of mea­ “yes” will require them to meet once a year, sures not listed here, please with a limit to 160 calendar days to regular sessions of odd numbered years and 35 days read your complimentary in even numbered years. Plea “nay” and con­ voter’s pamphlet or Google it. tinue to be surprised. Measure 72 Do you have deep pockets, sir? A “yes” LOVECRAFT FILM FEST K C C T V O A E T O S S H L T H E A L Z B I E I O R F T O G R S K V E X H E T R E M D J X M E H S A E E T O M B Y B T M L E N E L P I A R R E M T C P N E E C H I L L T O Y L Y E E O B H E R H A G O N S T T L H Y A V N V B O I N T T O H s I E E T R F A G E E O H R G H A H T R K D D T C F S I L V E R B 0 X S Q E H L U R K I N G F E A R R How to play: Find the below words in the text box above. Words may be horizontal, verti­ cal, diagonal or backwards. Word Search Key Silver Box Mr. Noyes The Book The Tomb Cool Air Re Creation Bleeders Dagon Castle Freak Lurking Fear Other Gods Ashes The Festival The Temple The Tree Chill Dot Gai 5 3 2 6 4 6 8 5 4 7 7 1 3 1 ? 9 6 3 6 5 9 7 5 1 6 2 8 1 9 7 1 1 Draw one line a time with yoiL friends; whoevl finishes a box pj their initial to ell it. Keep addins and finishing ho until you run ol dots. Sudok! How to play: Make sure the nil 1 -9 are in each bl the same time,! must be the numbl vertically and hori tally. All number] 1 match up accordii