2 the clackamas print ne Wednesday, Jan 20, 2010 Haiti calls for help Make history and your crucial vote and 67. The money from i sures is money the already counting on. 1 sures will not increase the budget or by any mea things better, according t Truesdell, president of Cl Community College. However if these me not pass, this will on the school. Truesdell explained will have to be determini exactly the cuts will 1 from, but the areas tl likely will be affected ar service hours and core The college would con capitalize on efficiencies! tinue to seek service the students. Truesdell said the in the process of identif consequences if one orbo measures fail. The measures failing only affect community c but K-l 2 education will| ed as welL If 66 and 67 pass, K-12 schools will a budget cuts that could i classes and programs heir “The prediction b is saying the outcome determined by who tun Truesdell said. There are some who agree that the way to a with this money is by tat rich. “I don’t think it is rid the rich; they went to colli achieved the American j and shouldn’t be punia it,” said Clackamas studi Pratt. Pratt said he mil “yes” to increase the minimum tax. Basically, if you ago supporting education ai 'improving the quality 'in our state, then vote “] Measures 66 and 67.1 By Abigail Neet U.S.- State Department photo A young boy receives assistance from an American Red Cross relief worker in the earthquake aftermath. By Abigail Neet News Editor It has been on the news constantly for the last week. On Jan. 12 Haiti was hit with a 7.0 earthquake, nearly destroying the small country. Death counts are being estimated at upto 200,000. Putting $5 towards a .country where most of its citizens have been going without food and water for the past three days is something most people can do. Pack a lunch and resist buying •onefor$5. Companies such as Honda are mak­ ing donations to help relief efforts in Haiti. Honda has made a $300,000 donation as well as water pumps and generators. It can be difficult to determine which organization to donate to with so many available and not knowing which ones actually are sending relief directly to Haiti and what percentage of the money is going to the effort The FBI issued a press release on Jan. 13 warning Internet users to be aware of scams in the wake of the earthquake. The press release encour­ aged people to be skeptical of e-mails and individuals requesting money. The release also suggested verify­ ing the legitimacy of non-profit orga­ nizations and confirming the organiza­ tions existence through other resources than links in an e-mail. Another thing suggested is to make donations direct­ ly to known organization’s rather than outside sources claiming to donate to other organizations. One good resource to help with this is charitynavigator.org This site rates charity and non­ profit organizations in a variety or ways using a star rating system. Charity Navigator rates charities based on two broad areas of finan­ cial health, organizational efficiency and organizational capacity. Charity Navigator also includes tips ranging from what questions to ask before donating to how to donate your car and other non-cash items. One easy way to give is by doing something most college students love, texting! You can text “Haiti” to 90999 and donate $10 to the American Red Cross. Another way to help is by donat­ ing through Mercy Corps, which is located in Portland, through a fund started at Clackamas. You can access this fund at mercycorps.org/fimdrais- ing/studentshelphaiti. . For those who are worried about sending money and not knowing exactly who is receiving it you can purchase items to send at httpsÿ/store. causecastorg/huffingtonpost This story was complete last week, and then I saw the ad on the front page of the Sunday Oregonian and became even angrier about their reinforece- ment of their endorsement on Measures 66 and 67. The front page features a leaflet urging vot­ ers to vote “no” on the measures. The Clackamas Print's edito­ rial staff took the opposite stance, endorsing a “yes” vote, although we never had a leaflet The Oregonian claims it is the wrong time to raise taxes and claims the government is pitting businesses against schools. Is raising corporate taxes real­ ly as harmful as they would have us think? Nol Increasing the corporate minimum tax from $10 to $150 is reasonable, and it’s very doubtful this would ruin people’s lives as they would have us think According to Oregonians Against Job Killing Taxes the cor­ porate minimum tax will elimi­ nate 40,000 full-time-equivalent Oregon jobs. Apparently, increas­ ing the tax from $10 to $150 is enough to have to fire people! Without that $140, it is a wonder how the businesses will survive at all. Today, the Associated Student Government will sponsor a debate about Measures 66 and 67 at noon in the Community Center. After the debate Courtney Wilton, vice president of College Services, will answer questions about what the results of the m ea- sures will mean for the college. An open forum will be held Thursday, Jan. 21 in the Community Center for students to voice their opinions about 66 forget or procrastinate ab issue because Oregon nee votes. Things will be difl these do not pass. Classes are filling enough as it is; imagine th tration lines if more sectij classes were cut and the ni do not pass. Let’s not make that i ity. Your vote matters! date is approaching quid! Sunday (Oregonian COSTS ADO TO OREGON'S TH CARE ILS Despite overwhelming numbers,the American Red Cross is able to treat this young girl’s injuries. - staff— the clackamas print 19600 S. Molalla Ave. Oregon City, OR 97045 503-957-6958 ext. 2309 Co-Editors in Chief: Ad Manager: Staff Writers/ Photographers Production Assistants Goals Kayla Berge, John Hurlburt Meredith James Joshua Baird, Miehael Bonn, News Editor: Coftv Editor: Hillary. Cole, Jaime Dunkle, Chyanne Escalante, Sean Huggins, Neil Lundin, aims to report till , Abigail Neet' . Kayla Calloway Jessica Foster, Matt Garrison, Robert Morrison, Corey Associate News Editor: Design Editor: Travis Hardin, Shambre Lund, Romick, Erik Andersen Kelsey Schneider Steven Riley, John Simmons, land, Kitty Suydam, Emily Sports Editor: Photo Editor: Mark Sunderland, Jason Valen­ Vaterlaus Mark Foster John Shufelt zuela;-Art Volodku Mark Sunder­ Associate Sports Editor: Web Editor: Journalism Advisor: Steven Weldon Brian Steele Melissa Jones Arts & Culture Editor: Annemarie Schulte 77ie Clackamas I in an honest, uni professional I Content published! Print is not sere® subject to censors® E-mail comment! chiefed@clackam®