The Clackamas print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1989-2019, March 04, 2009, Page 3, Image 3

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    Is Culture
__Clatkamas Print 3
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
laughty funnies good read
Sam Jtrause
The Clackamas Print
by Nicholas Gurewitch
Dark Horse Comics
A cloud gets a boner, causing fee wind to blow up a woman’s
skirt A father puts his son to bed, and then is shown paying off fee
monster thatjust killed the boy. So begins “The Perry Bible Fellowship
It’s the perfect book to keep in fee bathroom or to leave on fee coffee
table for your guests and parents to see.
From random beheadings to aliens who like messing with the Earth,
this graphic novel hits odd and poignant notes.
No subject is sacred or taboo for the creator/writer/artist Nicholas
Gurewitch from suicide bomber chess pieces to gopher blow jobs.
Some parents have said they would use PBF to educate their chil­
dren on humor that has many di fferent levels, from innocent fim to
crude sexual innuendos.
This multi-paneled comic is full of high-level intellect and low­
brow humor touching on everything including religion, love and wet
The simple absurdity of each strip is often all it takes to cramp the
stomach muscles wife extreme bouts of snickering.
As to be expected of this kind of humor, Gurewitch started the panel
whi le bored in class at Syracuse University. He took it step further sub­
mitting strips to the university newspaper The Daily Orange. Then it
was turned into a Web-zine and was noticed by the public at large.
Before Gurewitch stopped making strips in February 2008, PBF
was published in the UK Guardian and Baltimore City paper.
No justification is needed or given for fee comic’s humor or exis­
tence —like it says, “I am here in all my lewd, sexual, violent and mor­
bid glory.” But, it’s almost like fee comic is a puppy licking your face,
and humping your leg at fee same time.
Wife all this said, it’s worth noting feat Oregon’s own Dark Horse
Comics is currently publishing PBF in hardbound editions across fee
fish worth the trip
irissa Flgley
Uackamas Print
ky ii restaurant catets to lovers’ of seafood arid Japanese cuisine Wife ’
■- leave you anything but raw. San Sai Japanese Grill boasts an all day
H ” on everything from sake to tempura to sushi, simply meaning
Rs are cheap all the time.
■menu is quite extensive and varied; they also serve beer and wine,
pm y inexpensive fest food options available, which offer no nutritional
Batsoever, it is great to find establishments that offer healthy, scrump-
| n ordable prices. From fee health benefits of fee omegas found
■ and fish oil, to the minerals and vitamins of the vegetables, sushi is a
■fills you up and doesn’t let you down.
■vice was on the slow side, with a few small reminders
required to
■erything that had been ordered. With such low prices, , it is economical
■Japanese seafood feast full of variety, so it is easy for the servers-to
Ks. But. the wait is definitely worth it for such delectable, inexpensive
J not the highest of quality of course, but it still falls into fee category
for any sushi lover.
eal starts off wife complimentary miso soup, a bean curd and tofu
1 that warms fee belly and prepares you for the food to come.
■of hot tea is very cheap, about $1 per person and fee drinking of hot -
Biile eating aids in digestion, making everything go smoothly. Orders of
pods, are
are a
as well,
not only
they fun
fun to
■ soybeanpods,
a great
great starter
starter as
well, not
only are
are they
to eat,
■nsumption of spy beans is high in protein, omega-3s, and tryptophan,
■you're warmed up and relaxed, it is time to enjoy the main course, or
■d iding on your mood.
lie uld easily spend under $10 and be completely satisfied, but for an
■ $5 you can enjoy an extensive feast The best way to do this is to
■ few people and order an assortment of items so everyone gets to try
■different things. With so many options on the menu, variety really is
■ro main types of sushi are the nigiri, which are rice balls with slices of
■n top and the norimaki, which are the more typical rice and fish rolled
Id si
le ingiri made with Albacore tuna was one of the best After trying it you
levei want to sear your tuna again. They also have salmon and salmon egg
■ed with those omega acids.
■ rolls were the shrimp tempura and California roll, great options for
■easy about the idea of eating raw fish. Their spicy tuna rolls were also
■, not too spicy and not too mushy. So, fix a little under $50, four big
■have about six different norimaki rolls, about six types of nigiri, miso
■name and hot tea.
^staurant even offers a couple kids plates that are completely raw fish
■not so disconcerting, for those who haven’t gotten the taste for sushi
■include steak, chicken and tempura all served wife rice and all kid
Bm go to to access their menu options, other locations,
■nutritional information for fee majority of their dishes. Nutrition infor-
J can be surprisingly hard to find when eating out, so it is refreshing to gp
■nts that not only use oodles of healthy natural ingredients consisting
■oil rice, and vegetables, but also provides fee caloric information to go
k pl ice has a casual atmosphere and despite their small size it doesn't feel
■it would be perfect for large parties as well as small groups. Overall,
|ai is an affordable, enjoyable and healthy option for all seafood enthusi-
■Sai Japanese Grill is located in Northwest Portland in the Alphabet
F® 539 NW 21 Ave. It is open daily from 11 ajn.tolOp.rn.
1 i
4 8
4 3
Í yi
9 1
6 5 7 9
How to play:
Make sure the num-
bers 1-9 are in each
box. At the same
time, place the num­
bers 1-9 vertically
and horizontally. All
numbers must match
up accordingly.