6 Clackamas Print ArtsWEntertainmeriti Wednesday, May 30, 2007 --------- ------------------------ -------- — OKLAHOMA: It’s Hammerstein time! Continued from OKLAHOMA, Page 1 It’s a nice, breezy, full-of- talented-actors play. Guns and/ or knives settle most disputes. And - if no guns are handy - some serious necking will solve any relationship problem, whether said necking comes in the form of “Oklahoma hellos” or “Persian good-byes.” Speaking of Persia, James Sharinghousen’s portrayal of the slightly scummy peddler, Ali Hakim, was a highlight of Oklahoma! His bewildered fallings in and out of mar­ riage with assorted hyperactive females made for some inter­ esting scenes. The two leads, played by Emily Jackson (as Laurey) and Nick Jones (as Curly), show­ cased their vocal talents as they sang their way through the pro­ duction. Brianna Shewbert, as Ado Annie, had enough energy to fuel the entire production by herself, and Tanya Earle, as Aunt Eller, kept things delight­ fully sarcastic. The whole production was bursting with movement and sound. The live orchestra - while a little loud af times for those members of the audience seated right below it - added something truly wonderful to the experience. It was fascinating to watch the music, actors, costumes, scenes and set interact with each other. I have heard that many peo­ ple either love or hate Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Oklahoma! I would encourage both sides to take a step back, leave their assumptions, obsessions and egos at the door and just go to see some inspired perfor­ mances and hear some lovely music. Maybe it will be a pain­ ful experience; maybe it will be glorious. It will always be good. The show runs in the Osterman Theater from Thurs., May 31 through Sat., June 2 at 7 p.ml with a matinee show! ing at 2:30 on Sun, June 3. For more infor mation, please contaci Jennifer Schwartzman oi the Theater Departmenl at (503) 657-6958, ext 2356. All photos by Katie Wilson Clackamas Print ABOVE: Tanya Earle and Mark Polendey dancing. RIGHT: Brianna Shewbert and James Sharinghousen holding each other close as they perform. I ■ I ■ i I I I I ! - ■ * v . , - ui JdM a oeliuq Un, srrn Courttdown’ comic commences ■ri David Stark A&E Editor The wait is over, and the count­ down has begun. But what is the countdown to? That is one of many questions that will be answered in DC Comics’ series Countdown. Countdown is the sequel to DC’s previous year-long maxiseries, 52, and will be released in the same man­ ner: one issue a week for 52 weeks. However, while 52 went from issue 1 through 51, Countdown will, as its name implies, count down from issue 51 to issue 0. The teaser image for Countdown started a flurry of speculation about the content of the series, as it depict­ ed Batman in chain mail wielding a sword, the silver-age Flash, Donna Troy in her old Wonder Girl attire, someone dressed as Red Robin, as well as the bodies of recently-killed characters Blue Beetle, The Question, Jade and Maxwell Lord. In addition to the teaser image, there were five styles of pins given out at conventions advertising storylines in the comic. The first four pins say “WWMMD?” (What Would Mary Marvel Do?), “I Found Ray Palmer,” “Look to the Skies” and “.Timmy Olson Must Die.” The final pin pro­ claims “Darkseid Rules!” So far, Countdown has shown us that things are afoot in the universe that the heroes know nothing about Characters such as the Monitor, who has been absent for more than 20 years real-time, return to deal with problems that have surfaced since the end of2005’s Infinite Crisis tn V Mie series. . i Countdown is by no means a I ■ read. Like so many comics of I ■n b one must be knowledgeable al 20 yeans worth of comics histon ilei understand what’s going on. 1 leads to only hardcore fans picl I» up the series. H lis However, by no means is it sd H ‘ I thing that should be missed. If I lio newcomers really want to get | the comic, then the bare esse that they need to read before are Crisis on Infinite Earths, Id Crisis and Infinite Crisis, in order. So while Countdown mayl be something that can be en into easily, its all-star list of ers ensures that it will be wortj effort 3Ji