4 Clackamas Print Commentari Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2007 Both extremes in the wrong Dustin Ragsdale I The Clackamas Print You know what really boils my blood? The fact that Bible-bashers think they’re any better than Bible-thumpers! This is not an attack against religion or other forms of spiritu­ ality, nor agnostics and atheists. This is an enthusiastic pair of middle fingers in the faces of religious and anti-religious extremists — those who would save/destroy the world by parrot­ ing exhausted clichés and engag­ ing in sophomoric mudslinging. Bible-thumpers: psychos who dwell on the extreme edge of lit­ eral interpretation and dogmatic law. They are zombies who hear and repeat without listening or considering, involving only their mouths and egos as they regur­ gitate and befoul well-meaning ideals. Again, this refers to a minor­ ity of religious and spiritual peo­ ple - mostly those waving or wearing signs on the streets of downtown. A sufficiently pungent stink has already been raised about unthinking, holy-book-wielding automatons and their hypocriti­ cal practices - so no additional slamming is needed here. However, not enough noise is blasted back into the ears of superficial, anti-Jesus scream­ ers. Bible-bashers: losers who dwell on the extreme edge of anti-religious “activism” and malicious slander. These crea­ tures remain blissfully ignorant of the fact that they embody the very thing against which they claim to stand. They differ from Bible-thumpers only in that which they preach. It is thoroughly exhausting; listening to broken-record bitch­ ing that thinly veils an adolescent sneer towards authority figures. Grow up. It is one thing to have one’s own beliefs, or even to choose not to believe any­ thing at all. However, it is a different mat­ ter entirely when one chooses to overtly attack the beliefs of religious people. Anyone who displays and spews ant-religious propaganda is just a backwards-evangelist, hereafter referred to as an “ada- mangelist.” There are an infuriating number of anti-religious zeal­ ots that have not even bothered to read the holy book(s) they clafrn to understand well enough to contest. This means that any thoughts on the actual meaning of said texts are strictly second­ hand. They are zombies who hear and repeat without listening or considering, involving only their mouths, egos and etcetera. Nobody is impressed when an adamangelist quotes a pair of unrelated snippets without context from a religious text and points out “flaws” or “hypocrisy.” That sort of critical “think- ' ing” ceased to be funny in early ‘90s. The most glaring example of adamangelism is an all-too-fre- quent spectacle. Someone will approach a person or group, greet them, ask about their day, listen to the response and politely ask if they could spare a moment to talk about God. The response is an inflamma­ tory remark, often leading into an abusive tirade. A simple “no” would do just fine, or one could simply walk away. The evangelist in question honestly believes in their heart that they are attempting to help someone find a path to salva­ tion. To summarize, one can not claim to be an individual stand­ ing against something while remaining ignorant of that enti­ ty’s nature. Aping the protests of others makes you no less a mindless follower than your ste­ reotypical counterparts. In essence, black wool makes one no less a sheep. Chaoscius says, “To have a clear voice of revolution, one must know the heart of old songs to be changed. Otherwise, one sings with the voice of a jackass. Jack Thompson compares himself to known vigilante When it comes to tryinl to control peoples’ lives, and spewing conservative big­ otry, nobody does it bet® than pinhead attorney Jack Thompson. Thompson came into the limelight in the late ‘80s and early ‘90s for trying to bag rap albums released by 2 Live Crew and N.W.A. in Florida because they were “indecent.® He would send photocopies of his driver’s license to his i “opponents” with a picture of I Batman pasted over his owl face. When asked whl Thompson sent pictures of Batman to his opponents, heI responded, “I have sent myl opponents pictures of Batmal to remind them I’m playing th« role of Batman. Just like Bruc« Wayne helped the police in the] movie, I have had to assist th® sheriff of Broward County.” I After his stint pretending to 1 be Batman, Thompson joinel up with the psychotic, pin« headed Oliver “Should-be-i® prison” North and his disgust« ingly patriotic group, Freedol Alliance. Around this time« Thompson was going after th® song “Cop Killer,” by Ice-lj claiming that it advocated thfl killing of police officers. Besides going after rap« pers, Thompson has alsl attacked radio personalities® Most notably, Thompson cal be blamed for Clear Channel pulling Howard Stem off the air in Florida by filing a j complaint to the pinhead gov« emment agency, the Federal Illustration by Katie Wilson & Dustin Ragsdale Clackamas Print Conflicts abound over resources dedicated to mountain rescues . Laura Cameron 11 The Clackamas Print I knew it would happen. The moment the news broke that eight climbers were “lost” on Mt. Hood, I knew - with the cold cer­ tainty that only cynicism can bring - that there would be another spate of anti-climber rage in the media. It arrived, right on time, two days after the climbers were brought safely down off the mountain. “Why would anyone be so stupid as to climb the mountain in the winter?” one letter to The Oregonian read. Many people couldn’t understand why anyone would want to go climbing. Almost all demanded manda­ tory Mcruntain Locator Units - MLUs - for anyone going above Timberline, or mak­ ing stranded climbers pay for their rescues. Hardly surprisingly, none of the people yelling are from the mountain climbing com­ munity. Not only are they not climbers themselves, but they show an amazing Uck of knowledge about the sport for which they want to set the rules. Safety on Mt. Hood is an important subject and should be debated. But first, let’s take'a look at the actual facts and hopefully dispel some misconceptions about haul­ ing yourself up a mountain. First: Why would anyone go climbing in the winter? Answer: Because that’s the safest time to do it. No, really. The mountain climbing “season” is the late fall, winter and early spring. This is because the snow­ fields and glaciers melt dur­ ing the spring and summer. Climbing up a melting glacier is not safe. Melting glaciers tend to crack, shift and spill off large chunks of themselves. Also, the rocks that make up the top of the mountain are mostly held together by ice. Again, this ice melts in the summer - that’s why you see more rockfalls on Mt. Hood in the summer than in the winter. True, the weather in the winter tends to be inclement. But, honestly, it’s easier to get out safely in the face of a growing storm than it is in the face-of am avalanche. Mostly, though, people don’t understand why anyone would want to climb moun­ tains in the first place. They don’t see the point. • I don’t see the point of golf, but plenty of people do that. Some people jog. Some people knit. Some people hike. To quote the sadly defunct TV show Firefly, “Some people juggle geese!” It’s a hobby. Just because it’s not something you would do doesn’t mean it’s not a worthwhile pastime. Remember: Each year, more snowboarders get lost than climbers. I’m not saying that snowboarders are inher­ ently stupid. I am, however, annoyed at how every time a snowboarder decides to leave the bounds of the snow park, gets lost and has to be hauled half-frozen off the mountain, they are treated like a return­ ing hero. But when a group of climbers get in trouble, do what they are taught to do to get out alive, and are therefore quickly and easily rescued from the mountain, they are vilified. Maybe we should require everyone who sets foot on the mountain to wear an MLU. Or, maybe we should just shut up and let the climbers climb. Communications Commission I (FCC). Thompson was offendel by Stem’s vulgar show, and j said that “Either broadcaster! will accept the light harness of I decency that has been the law! for decades and start cleaninl up their acts, or the public’s 1 deepening outrage will foster I more fearsome governmental response.” Okay, I will admit that al lot of what Thompson tries t| 1 ban can be described as “ind® cent” However, Thompso® needs to realize that it’s nol up to him, and especially nol up to the pinhead government to dictate what people can or I cannot listen to, read, watd® write, perform, say, etc. Thompson believes tha® violent and sexual image® words are the root cause of all I the violence in the world. NaI I’m sony, but the root cause (HI violence is humans. Human® make stupid decisions all th® time, and bad parenting andl poor education make for eve® worse humans. If we want to rid ftie worl® of violent behavior and ign® rance, let’s be better paren® and have an education syfl tem that actually does som® thing. Oh, and banning Jad I Thompson, and other peopl I of his ilk, from existend I wouldn’t hurt either. Jack Thompson’s pinhea I rating: Thompson is such a pinhead he breaks the scale of pinheadery.