Page 2 THE CLACKAMAS PRINT NEWS/OPINION May 13,1992 Students maintain 3.25 GPA Honors program motivates students See the stars at Clackamas The observatory at the John Inskeep Environmental Learn­ ing Center is open to the public every clear Wednesday, Friday and Saturday night from 7:30 to 11:30. Admission is $1.50 per person. Run off volunteers needed On Sunday, June 28,7,500 runners will pour through the streets of downtown Portland for the 15th annual Cascade Run Off. Assistance is needed race weekend to register athletes, serve water, hang banners, monitor the course, assist at the finish line and help with the Kids’ Cascade. Those interested can call the volunteer hotline at 226-1441. by Heidi Branstator Staff Writer “The Clackamas Community College Honors Program offers the opportunity to experience an en­ riched academic environment and promote academic excellence among highly motivated students,’’ said a current press release here at the college. Students who choose to take part in the Honors Program work closely with faculty. Independent learning and the exchange of ideas are stressed to help students strengthen their abilities and inter­ ests. There are two ways in which students may participate in Honors at CCC. Honor Scholars Program requires students to apply to be- come Honor Scholars. The com­ pletion of nine honors courses (27 credits) and a 3.25 GPA is required. Three of those must be Honors Curricula. The special honors des­ ignation will be included on the Honor Scholars diploma. Individual Honors Courses are available to full or part-time students who maintain at least a 3.25 GPA. Students may enroll in individual Honors courses, but to receive credit, a minimum of a B grade must be earned. There are three options for Honors credit in the Honors Program. Core courses require honors stu­ dents to enroll in designated Hon­ ors courses that are part of core honors sequences in writing, hu­ manities or social science. Honors Contract allows the student to enroll in regular classes and separately arrange with the instructor to com­ plete Honors criteria for Honor credit. Special Topics are special courses, outside the core, that meet Honors criteria and are designated Honors. To be part of the Honor Schol­ ars Program, students must com­ plete the application for Honors Scholar and submit it to the Direc­ tor of Honors, Don Hartsock. One piece of evidence of an above aver­ age ability is also required. Along with the academic re­ wards of being part of the Honors Program, it also helps to increase scholarship opportunities and memberships into honor organiza­ tions. New President elected Letter to the Editor The new ASG Presidential position for the 1992-93 school year has been filled by Amy Gaskell. Can we tolerate the OCA? A reader thinks not Garden plots available Individual garden plots will be available at CCC starting May 9. Gardens will be open through November, weather permitting. The plots are located west of the John Inskeep Envi­ ronmental Learning Center. The college will prepare the land, assign the gardens and water them twice a week. Registering for a garden implies a commitment to care for it Anyone interested can call the Community Recreation Office at ext 2211. Win prizes in coloring contest The Theatre Arts Department is sponsoring a coloring contest. Color Shakespeare and win prizes. Pictures can be picked up in the bookstore. The deadline is May 18. Last in poetry series Marvin Bell, a professor at the University of Iowa, will be at CCC tomorrow evening to share poetry from his seven books. Those interested can find him in the McLoughlin Hall Theatre from 7-8:30 p.m. This is a sensitive issue, so I will need to exercise some tact But at the same time, I will need to get to the point. But first, I will need to say that if I offend anyone with this, I will apologize right now before I say anything. I do not support homosexual­ ity because, simply stated, it is against God’s Word. I will cite Romans 1:24-27 out of the Living Bible version: (24) So God let them go ahead into every sort of sex sin, and do whatever they wanted to—yes, vile and sinful things with each other’s bodies. (26) That is why God let go of them and let them do all these evil things, so that even their women turned against God’s natural plan for them and indulged in sex sin with each other. (27) And the men, instead of having a normal sex re­ lationship with women, burned with pniet Family night movie The Jungle Book, one of Disney ’s most popular films, will be shown on Friday, May 15 at 7p.m. in the CC Mall. Children under 6 will be admitted free; children 6 to 12, $1 and adults, $1.50. Editors: Mdlesa Freds, Rob Hibberd News Editor. Nolan Kidwell Sports Editor Lane Scheideman Photo Editor. David Van Keuren Copy Editor. Frank Jordan Attention Graduates Caps and gowns will be available in the Small Dining Room in the Community Center beginning June 1. Hours for issue are Monday and Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and Wednesday and Thursday from 12 to 6 pan. Business Manager Brenda Hodgen Staff Writers: Heidi Branstator, Maurice Glenn, Daphne Hartt, Tracy Hobbs, Gin­ ger Land, Scott Morris, Eddie Murphy. Revin Shields, Greg fully. Photographers: Vivian Johnson, Kyle Moe, Allan Zlemke Graduation Petitions needed Students who are graduating this term have until Friday, May 15 to submit their petitions. Cartoonist: Lorin Arendt Production Assistants: Tobbi Ireland Advisor LlndaVogt The Clackamas Print aims to be a fair and Impartial newspaper covering the college community. Opinions expressed In The Clackamas Print do not necessarily re­ flect those of the college administration, bash (bash) — vt. [echoic; akin to or < ? ON *basca, to strike] or —n... #2 [Slang] a gala event or party faculty, or advertisers. The Clackamas Print Is a weekly publication distributed every Wednesday except for finals week. The open advertising rate Is $3.75 per column Inch. Clackamas Community Col­ lege 19600 S Molalla Avenue, Oregon City, Oregon;97045. Trailer B. Telephone: 657-6956, ext. 2309 (office), ext. 2577 (advertising), ext 2576 (production). <_____________ > lust for each other, men doing shameful things with other men and, as a result, getting paid within their own souls with the penalty they so richly deserved. (If I had taken adjoining verses, our current lack of moral standards can be explained.) The message of these verses explained one reason for the de­ struction of Sodom and Gomorrah, but in the sense of the here and now, is translatory to why homo­ sexuality runs rampant (more or less) in today’s society. That was not what God wanted, but do you think he was one to stand in their way? For the purpose of clarity, I only disapprove of homosexuals' actions. I will not say anything with a negative connotation to people that do acts like that, as that is not my nature. I will not stand in their way. I will only say that that is not what I believe in. Take a look at the last few words of the group of verses I cited earlier, “getting paid within their souls with the penalty they... de­ served.” That is why AIDS is here. God has allowed AIDS to flourish because of these sex sins. God did not create it, however. And unfor­ tunately, AIDS has claimed inno­ cent victims, such as Ryan White (who got the disease from a con­ taminated blood transfusion). To reiterate, I do not support homosexuality. But if people are going to do it, then I will not stand in their way. In fact, that is a very small problem in comparison with many others. For example, the Oregon Citizens’ Alliance. I thoroughly and whole-heart­ edly despise and loathe the Oregon Citizens* Alliance because they use unethical tactics. Case in point: the 1988 elections. Do you remember then-Govemor Neil Goldschmidt’s executive order prohibiting dis­ crimination on the grounds of sex­ foster child being placed with gay men as foster parents, asking “But where’s my mother?” I really wonder whose code of ethics they used? Certainly not mine. I also just outright hate the OCA’s guts for its hypocrisy. For example, Joe Lutz. He was the OCA’s first chair. He was happily married (or so we thought) with 3 kids. And he was chair of the most powerful PAC in Oregon. He left it all behind just to have an ex-tram- arital affair with a married woman in California. Tell me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t one of the Ten Com­ mandments say, “Thou shalt not commit adultery?” So what the heck did Joe just do? The OCA’s stands on some issues tells me that it seems they want to manipulate 2.8 million people by not giving them the whole picture. This is the “Human Whirl­ wind” method of manipulation. They opposed parental leave, saying it was not in the best interests of business. Say what? I was sure business supported it because the workers didn’t have to leave their kids with sitters. And on state-sup­ ported pre-kindergarten program­ ming, the OCA’s excuse? "Not in the best interests of families." About the only people that would not support it was the OCA. I do not think there is much Christian in the Christian Right In fact they are the proverbial “wolves in sheep’s clothing.” I was raised by a family with strong moral standards that go all the way back to when the family was in England, so I especially believe that the OCA is going to create political chaos. The OCA is the master of hypocrisy, so far as Oregon is concerned. We are living in a time of true social change, and all the OCA wants to do is ruin the true progress of mankind. In the last 40 years or so, we have seen, experienced, and ual orientation? The OCA didn’t witnessed a change in how we see like that. So they put together a our fellow citizens. We will not petition drive that exceeded itsex- change the course now. I can even pectations, put it on the ballot, and tolerate homosex uality, as opposed it passed by 55,400 votes. That, to tolerating the OCA. Ballot Measure 8, rescinded the If I have offended anyone, I order. But how did they do that? wish to apologize (except for the Plain-as-day scare tactics. The tele-' OCA). vision advertisements they used Thank you for understanding included (as Rob had mentioned in with an open mind. an earlier edition of the Print) a Sincerely, your colleague, Eric St. Anthony’s.