THE CLACKAMAS PRINT □ally capture a bird. d Station turalists ond Craters there were ;r cones which are among v in thestate. The area was irren and lacked plant life, few,small, scrubby plants ound in the lava rock, ccording to Misley, the )\vcrs were quite scarce, was probably because we ust a bit early and also ;e of the lack of precipita- vhich is needed to bring le flowers.” He then added lumber ofwildllowcrs were ed in the area between si base of the Cascades ¡nd. here were balsam root (a sunflower-like daisy), s phlox, big head clover, esert parsley blooming said Misley. ie group stayed in the dor- s at the Field Station. The rwas rather brisk and cool itermittent sunshine and A Bittern stands as though posing for a picture. In Sa turday we even had a ry light snow showers, i none of it stuck,” added K'crall, we had a great time, iup was small enough to one van, thus we all got ¡uainted with each other.” Gene Powell and Annabel Spencer leaf through one of the bird books as James Cameron adjusts Photos courtesy of Bob Misley Marlene Tucker views ducks while others wait in suspense. centimeters ( 16 (M) 49.25 -0.16 0.01 17 38.62 -0.18 -0.04 18(B) 28.86 0.54 0.60 19 16.19 -0.05 0.73 20 8.29 -0.81 0.19 21 3.44 -0.23 0.49 22 31.41 20.98 -19.43 23 72.46 -24.45 55.93 24 72.95 16.83 68.80 25 29.37 13.06 -49.49 26 54.91 -38.91 30 77 27 43.96 52.00 30.01 28 82.74 3.45 81.29 29 52.79 50.88 -12.72 30 50.87 -27.17 -29.46 L* a* b*