The Clackamas print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1989-2019, April 25, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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April 25,1990
Page 3
Events at Clackamas deserve community support
With the levy passed, the students at
Clackamas Community College realize the
community’s effort to maintain the col­
lege. That covers the financial support, but
what about the moral support?
Granted, for a tax-payer to vote in a
levy, that increases property tax, even mar­
ginally, is a commendable act and deserves
a standing ovation, but the passed levy; in­
dicates the community’s interest in its in­
vestment The college belongs to the com­
munity. All members of the community
should take advantage of the institution
and actively participate in events on cam­
Time hinders attendance for most
people to functions on campus because a
majority of the community work However,
many events take place at reasonable times,
usually after the traditional working hours.
For example, the sculpture exhibit cur­
rently displayed all over campus can be
viewed at anytime that a person wants to
drive through the school.
Events, such as the exhibit, bring the
cultural atmosphere from the metro area
into the backyards of prospective patrons.
Many of the functions are student oriented
which show the progress of the students in
their artistic and scholastic endeavors. The
exhibition, such as a play from the drama
department, reflects the talent and dedica­
tion to the arts that this community is
capable of producing.
Not only does the college exhibit the
arts, the college athletic department opens
the gym to the public at least one night a
week, and encourages the community to
participate in intramural sports organized
on campus. Again, time may be a problem,
but an investigation into the programs may
prove beneficial to the members of the
community concerned with staying fit.
Other areas of interest for community
members may be night courses which cover
many different fields of study.
Also, students should look into the
variety of clubs and student activities pro­
vided by ASG. Despite popular opinion,
students are members of the community
Although this editorial sounds like a
promotional slogan for Clackamas Com­
munity College Registrar, the invitation to
visit and participate in events and func­
tions on this campus is genuinely offered.
This college is based around community
involvement and as much involvement as
feasible is appreciated. Remember, this
college is not just for daytime students.
Letter to the Editor...
Reader told to Throw it away
During my recent trip to the ELC recycling center, I was amazed to find many
materials were not taken to be recycled. Polystyrene, or Styrofoam, plastic bags, and
plastic oil containers are such a big enviromental issue why are they neglected to be
recycled? I was told throw them away. This seems to be irresponsible of a system de­
signed soley for the reduction of such polluntants. If anyone would like to reply to
thisshortcoming in the bureaucracy please do so in the next issue of this paper. I can
not understand why the drive to recycle harmful materials is so vocal and carried out
by the appropriate agencies in equal intensity.
Gordon James Spath
CCC interested, just not aware of intramural events
The recent lack of interest in the
intramural program at Clackamas
Community College has high light­
ened a growing problem within Clacka­
mas students. Awareness!
One team has signed up for the
intramural softball tournament. This,
compared to 64 teams. at Western
Oregon State College. Granted, West­
ern is a four year schools, with dorms,
and bigger, but 64-1, what’s the
problem here?
It could be that people don’t care,
don’t have the time, or just don’t want
to play softball. Often, people have to
work and go to classes, but playing
softball, a very fun game, one hour on
Tuesday and Thursday wouldn’t re­
ally seem to be a problem in a sched­
ule, if someone really wanted to play!
Granted, some may hate softball; some
may hate any sports, but. it’s likely that
the vast majority at least enjoy play­
ing softball.
The problem here is none of the
above! The main problem of intramu­
ral activities at Clackamas Commu­
nity College is that a lot of students
are not aware that anything is going on!
How can students be interested, or sign up
for something that they know nothing about?
A student, who is on a team, informed
me that he didn’t know about intramurals
until he got on our staff, and joined our
team. This student has been at CCC all
year, and he hasn’t heard of any intramu­
rals? We do our best at The Print to cover
Clackamas intramurals, but there’s only so
much we can write abopt stuff that’s not
happening. As it is, the only way you hear
about intramurals is by reading it in The
Print, in the Today bulletin, or by spending
a lot of time in Randall Hall.
Intramurals aren’t just for athletes or
jocks. This activity is open to the entire
college, from groups like the Writers Club,
to Phi Theta Kappa. The problem is that a
lot of theses people probably don’t even
know about intramurals! That’swhymuch
better effort needs to be made to reach
more of the student body. Posters need to
Th&Clackamas Print aims to be a fair and im­
partial newspaper covering the college com­
munity. Opinions expressed inThe Clackamas
Print do not necessarily reflect those of the col­
lege administration, faculty or Associated Stu­
dent Government Articles and information
printed in this newspaper can be re-printed
only with written permission from the Clacka­
mas Community College Student Publications
Office. The Clackamas Print invites readers to
express their opinions. Letters to the Editor
should by legible, should not be libelous, and
must be signed. Letters should be dropped off
in Trailer B, or The Student Activities office by
Monday, for publication Wednesday. The
Clackamas Print is a weekly, publication dis­
tributed every Wednesday except for finals
week. Clackamas Community College, 19600
S. Molalla Avenue, Oregon City, Oregon 97045.
Office: Trailer B. Telephone: 657-6958, ext. 309
(office), 577(production) and578 (advertising).
smother the campus, and sign up sheets
should accompany them. Abetter job needs
to be done as far as scheduling the teams,
and running the tournaments, but the big­
gest challenge for the Clackamas Intramu­
ral Director Kathie Woods is to get more
than one team. Once students become
aware of what’s going on, interest will grow.
But for now, the score is WOSC 64-CCC1.
Editor-In-Chief:Mark A. Borrelli
Managing Editor; Roseann Wentworth
Copyeditors: Roseann Wentworth
R.W. Jagodnik, Jr
News Editors: Margy Lynch
Roseann Wentworth
Feature Editor; Angela Wilson
Photo Editor: Jillian Porter
Sports EditocStaci Beard
Rhaposody Editor: Me-Ussa Cartales
Production Manager: Jennifer Soper
Reporters: Aaron Brown
Me-Ussa Cartales
Amber L. Cordry
Dan A. Fulton
Dawn Kuehl
Jim Spickelmier
Photographers: Scott Johnson
Dawn Kuehl
Lane Scheideman
Tim Zivney