The Clackamas print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1989-2019, April 11, 1990, Page 6, Image 6

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April 11,1990
Bizarre but true comedy
Theatre Department Head Jack Shields will be perfoming at the
Coaster Theatre In the production of ‘My Fair Lady.‘
Shields practices
what he teaches
by Jim Spickelmier
Staff Writer
Jack Shields, CCC’s theatre
director, is currently playing the
role of Alfred P. Doolittle, Eliza
Doolittle’s father, in the Coaster
Theater production of “My Fair
The production will be play­
ing Fridays and Saturdays through
May 5, in Cannon Beach, at 8p.m.
This is not a new play for Shields-
as he directed this play at Clacka­
mas High School in 1968 with great
“This particular role has al­
ways been a great favorite of mine.
I’m very happy to have the oppor­
tunity to play it,” stated Shields.
“I’ve felt for some time it’sa really
good idea forworkingdirectors to
get on stage from time to time and
remind themselves about the
problems of the actor.”
• In the process of developing a
role, according to Shields, the actor
deals with concentration, focus,
physical demands, challenges and
“It’s costing a good deal of
energy because the character has
Make a
contribution to
life after death.
Director Lawrence Kasdan
may not provide wall-to-wall ex­
citement with his movies, how­
ever, what he does do is attract
big-nhme actors like a magnet to
steel. After such successes as The
Big Chill and last year’s award­
winning Accidental Tourist.
Kasdan introduces a film com­
pletely different with I Love You
to Death.
Love is a black comedy which
is based on a remarkablely true
story. The bizarre events surround­
ing this movie actually took place
six years ago in Tacoma, Wash­
ington between an immigrant
couple (she Yugoslavian and he
Italian); She, a dedicated wife,
discovers that her husband is a
chronic philanderer and attempts
to kill him five times. After a couple
bullet wounds and a few scratches,
he falls in love with her all over
again because he feels he deserved
it and is touched that she loves
him as much as to go to jail for
Kevin Kline plays Joey Boca,
the philandering pizza man, and
Tracey Ullman plays Rosalie, his either sex in the Western world,
plain-looking, but devoted wife. •
This ensemble cast works
Joan Plowright (widow of Law­ unbelievably well throughout the
rence Olivier) stars as Rosalie’s entire picture. It was even fun to
eccentric mother. Also starring is watch Bill Hurt play a character
River Phoenix as Devo Nod, a with some sense of humor unlike
his duller-than-dull character in
A Reel View
Accidental Tourist. Ullman, sur­
prisingly plays the most serious
Roseann Wentworth
role in this film, unlike her zany
characters we are used to seeing
employee in their pizzeria who her portray on her weekly show
has a terrible crush on Rosalie; on Fox. She brings that certain
William Hurt and Keanu Reeves ummphh to Rosalie that I don’t
(Bill & Ted’s) as chronically stoned think anyone more experienced
cousins Harlon and Marlin who could have given.
Kline as Joey Boca is perfect
are hired by Devo to kill Joey.
Phoebe Cates also makes an ap­ up until you have to listen to him.
However, he and Ullman do have
Everyone in this movie is a certain chemistry that keep you
completely wacko (except Phoebe in the movie house through the
Cates but doesn’t matter anyway whole picture.
I recommend this film if you
because she only has about three
minutes of screen time). Phoenix thought The Accidental Tourist
gets the prize for the ugliest hair was “great.” I also recommend
on a male; Bill Hurt deserves this film for Plowright’s charac­
something for most obvious hair ter; although she’s' a senior citi­
extensions worn by a male over zen, she’s an amatuer car mechanic,
40, and Keanu Reeves wins the a great liar, and puts some real
big one for the worst haircut of zest in this film.
Support groups offered on campus
by Jim Spickelmier
Staff Writer
a lot of singing and dancing to do,
Have you ever felt powerless
and I haven’t done a singing role
over such things as alcohol, drugs,
for about four years,” Shields relationships, eating, gambling,
smoking, abuse, etc...?
He tries to do at least one
Many people who suffer from
outside project a year. CCC’s
the previously mentioried prob­
administration agrees with his
lems have found recovery within
opinion. “If I can better my in­
the fellowship of 12 step support
struction to student actors, by
acting, then it’s a good idea to do
Twelve step support groups
it,” said Shields.
are ongoing fellowships of men
The last acting role Shields
and women who share their expe­
did was two and a half years ago,
riences, strengths, and hopes in
when he played in Edward Al­
order to deal with, and solve,
bee’s “Seascape.” Since then, he
common problems.
has directed “Same Time Next
The following is a schedule of
Year” and ‘.‘The Odd Couple” at
12 step support groups currently
the Coaster Theatre in Cannon
holding meetings on campus.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Al-
In closing the interviewrShields
Anon, Al-Ateen: Fridays, 8 p.m.-
added “I’m having a wonderful
Pauling 102, 104, 105; Cocaine
time. The show looks like it’s going
Anonymous (CA): Wednesdays,
to be quite a fun production.
noon -Orchard Center 121; Nar­
However, in addition to having to
cotics Anonymous (NA): Mon­
loose two front teeth for the role,”
day through Thursday, 8 p.m.-Or-
hesaidas he removed his two false
chard Center 121.
front teeth and smiled, “I had to
, Parents Without Partners
shave. The shaving is an ongoing
(PWP) also meets on campus
process. Fortunately, the teeth can
Tuesdays at 7 p.m. in Pauling 104.
be replaced.’
PWP is a support group that pro­
vides adult social functions, posi-
tive parenting education, and
family orientated activities aimed
at improving family life in single
parent households.
Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Counselor Mary Fitzgerald, from
Clackamas County Mental Health,
will be on campus Tuesdays, April
24, May 15, arid May 29 from 9 to
11 a.m. in CC-116.
For more information, call
Suzy Alexander at 657-6958, ext.
250. Vince Fitzgerald is available
daily for further information and
counseling in the Counseling
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