The Clackamas print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1989-2019, April 11, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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The Bigger Picture...
A. Timothy Brown
So, the 1990s is the last decade in
which we can reverse the ecological,
damage created by the many pollutants
in our society. How can we help to re­
verse this problem?
Well, for starters, someone had Jhe
foresight back in 1970 to organize an
event called “Earth Day,” (it occurs April
22) to raise global awareness of what is
happening to this planet. This was step
Next, the EPA passed the Clean Air
Act which went after corporations who
emitted dangerous substances. This was
step two.
Yet, these and subsequent steps are
still not enough, until recently. The
Earth Day idea has mushroomed from
20 million participants to over 130 coun­
tries who have guaranteed their partici­
pation during this Earth Day.
Some of the events occurring in­
clude festivals, awareness workshops,
and most notably, a group of climbers
from the U.S., Soviet Union, and China
which plan to scale Mt. Everest and
clean up the mess left by previous expe­
ditions who conquered the mountain.
Hopefully, events like these will in­
spire the population around the globe
to all participate in some form to help
clean up the environment. This is great,
now, since being environmentally con­
scious is the “in” thing to be. But what
about those unsung heroes who have
been doing their bit for years? .
A prime example is the community
which I used to live in, Victoria, British
Columbia. Everyone who visits there
usually comments on how pretty and
clean the city is. There are many reasons
for this, but first and foremost, the city is
full of environmentally conscious people
who care. Many hold positions of power
by which they can do something.
Secondly, this community has been
recycling papers, bottles and other items
for as long as I can remember. In fact,
recycling has always been a part of my
life. Every family I knew always sepa­
rated their garbage into different cate­
gories. All vegetable wastes were de­
posited in the compost in the backyard,
paper products were either used in the
woodstove or sent to recycling bins, and
other garbage which could not be dis­
posed of by the individual were sent to
the landfill. This last portion was usu­
ally one fourth of the total garbage.
Lastly and most importantly, every­
one participates in the effort to keep the
city clean. Store owners kept their por­
tion of the street or mall clean, and
made sure garbage was in its place. Not
only that, but many stores refused to
stock styrofoam, aerosol products or other
environmentally damaging products.
Hopefully, other communities will
take Victoria’s lead. Already, stores
such as Nature’s Northwest have adopted
many of these ideas, including tuna which
is caught without the use of driftnets
which kill unsuspecting porpoises. In
order to save this planet, everyone has
to participate and follow the lead of
other communities. Let’s get everyone
on this campus to contribute during Earth
Day or Earth Week in some way to help
preserve our environment. God knows,
it’s the only one we’ve got
April 11,1990
Page 3
Fads evident everywhere, even the White House
tty Allen Wood
sion with carpeting. The citizens have got­
Contributing Writer
ten to the point where the sale of carpeting
Fads - They’re everywhere. In schools,
has been outlawed.
workplaces, incarceration facilities, bath­
Now, there have been reports that two
rooms, and now THE WH11E HOUSE.
rival gangs, the Shags and Mats, have been
The fad that I am talking about is how wreaking havoc by selling illicit rugs to
the First Lady needs some sort of gimmick.
people who cannot control their obses­
When Reagan was President, good ‘ole
Nancy always said “Just Say No.” Now that
The First Lady of this small country in
Bush is President, his wife, Barbara, is
Africa is now flooding the press in this
heading up the campaign against illiteracy.
country with the slogan “Don’t Use Rugs,”
Bo th ca uses deserve to be com mended hoping that her words and caring will turn
and are lucky to be the honorary attention­
the country around.
getters of the women of the white house.
With the First Lady’s actions and words
There have been reports that the First
a new line of clothing has come out. T-
Lady of a small country in Africa has taken
shirts'that have a picture of her lovely face
onto this new fad.
along with the slogan “Don’t Use Rugs”
In this small African country, one of
printed on the back are flooding the mar­
the major problems is the peoples obses-
ketplaces of this small African country.
The citizens are buying these ¿hirts at
an alarming rate and nobody knows what
the people are doing with them.
Then, one day, a member of the Shag
gang was arrested transporting a large order
of carpeting. This carpeting was different
though. It was made out of the First Lady’s
“Don’t Use Rugs” T-shirts. The next day, a
formal investigation was conducted against
the First Lady.
It seems that hidden in the picture of
the First Lady were instructions on how to
make carpeting out of the T-shirts.
The First Lady is now starting new fads
in the local incarceration facility in this
small African country.
The Shags and the Mats have joined
forces and are now dealing in a much more
dangerous floor covering; LINOLEUM.
Letter from the Editor...
Print makes mistake with cartoon, not article
As Editor for my first real week, I’ve
already been greeted with some contro­
versy. It seems as if a certain ASG story that
ran on the front page last week has ruffled
some feathers. In my estimation, we don’t
as a staff, have anything to be sorry for, but
for me, as Editor, I did make a mistake.
The only thing that I have to apologize
for about last week’s paper was the edito­
rial cartoon on the front page . This car­
toon had no business on the front page, it
should have been on the opinions page. As
Editor, I made a mistake in running that on
the front page, for that I apologize, but for
nothing more.
Roseann Wentworth’s story on Tim
Jones and his resignation really hit hard
with some people, namely Tim, and some
of his pals. Ms. Wentworth in my opinion
covered this story in a away that was fair that The Print has a bad rap with ASG. I
and accurate. She had good direct quotes, don’t understand this, because for the most
and I believe that she presented the facts in part this year we’ve given them positive
an informative manner, certainly not a mis­ coverage, because they’ve deserved it, but
chievous one, or with intent to make ASG there has been those rare occasions when
look bad.
we are obligated to present the facts, re­
Well, apparently Tim Jones felt that gardless of whose feet we step on.
she did, as he came to visit her Wednesday
We’re a campus newspaper that covers
and accused us of being “tabloid writers,” the events of this college for students and
and then proceeded to call Roseann and 'staff. We’re not a public relations service
the people on the Print names that were for anyone! That means that when it’s
good, we’ll print it, but when it’s bad, we’ll
What’s the reason for this! I find it very print that too.
offensive that Jones would insult a member
I would like to remain in a good work­
of my staff, especially based on an article ing relationship with ASG, and urge new
that was in fact accurate. I certainly don’t President Ken Ingram to explore the facts
mind criticism, but in the future, please before making any judgments on us. But, if
direct it to me, not my staff! I’ll be happy to ASG wishes to hang a bad-guy label on us
listen to your complaints. Rumor has it for presenting the facts, then so be it.
The Clackamas Print aims to be a fair and im­
partial newspaper covering the college com­
munity. Opinions expressed in The Clacka­
mas Print do not necessarily reflect those of
the college administration, faculty or Associ­
ated Student Govt rnment A tides and infor­
mation printed in this newspaper can be re­
printed only with written permission from the
Clackamas Community College Student
Publications Office. The Clackamas Print
invites readers to express their opinions. Let­
ters to the Editor should by legible, should
not be libelous, and must be signed. Letters
should be dropped off in Trailer B, or The
Student Activities office by Monday, for pub­
lication Wednesday. The Clackamas Print is
a weekly publication distributed every Wed­
nesday except for finals week. Clackamas
Community College, 19600 S. Molalla Ave­
nue, Oregon City, Oregon 97045. Office:
Trailer B. Telephone: 657-6958, ext 309 (of­
fice), 576 (Editor), 577 (production) and 578
Editor-In-Chief :Mark A. Borrelli
Managing Editor: Roseann Wentworth
Copyeditors: Roseann Wentworth
R.W. Jagodnik, Jr
News Editors: Margy Lynch
Roseann Wentworth
Feature Editor: Angela Wilson
Photo Editor: Jillian Porter
Sports Editor: Staci Beard
Reporters: Aaron Brown
Me-Ussa Cartales
Amber Cof dry
Dan Fulton
Dawn Kuehl
James W. Splckelmler
Production Manager: Jennifer Soper
Photographers: Scott Johnson
Dawn Kuehl
Lane Scheldeman
Business Manager: Grogg Mayes
Advisor. Linda Vogt
Donald L. Marlatt, Jr.
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