The Clackamas print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1989-2019, February 21, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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Page 3
Ryan enjoys 'new freedom'
Ken Harmon has recently come to Oregon to head the Baptist
Student Ministries at Clackamas.
Harmon directs BMS
by Cameron Dickey
Staff Writer
Baptist Student Ministries has
recently stretched to Clackamas
Community College to meet the
growing needs and demands for
student ministries.
Ken Harmon, 23, is the BSM
director for CCC, planning Bible
studies, coordinating activities, and
building a leadership team during
his first few months on campus.
Student Programs Specialist
Paul Kyllo says, “There’s a lot of
interest on campus regarding stu­
dent ministries, including Fellow­
ship for Christian Athletes (FCA)
that has existed at CCC for several
years.” The group meets Tuesdays
at 1:30 p.m. in Randall 101.
“The focus for college-level
student ministries has generally
been on universities, and four-
year colleges. Now that the roles
of community colleges are expand­
ing, the needs are growing on the
campus’ of two-year colleges,” said
Appointed by Otey Enoch,
Student Ministries Area Coordi­
nator for Portland, Ken Harmon
and his wife, Dondi, elected to
move to Oregon from Missouri to
fill the position.
Harmon leads Bible study in
the Pauling 105 on Wednesdays
from noon to 1, and Thursdays in
Pauling 104 from 12:30 to 1:30
“I don’t stand at a podium
and preach. It’s more of an oppor­
tunity for everyone to learn to­
gether, Christian, Non-Christian,
etc. The point isn’t to see ‘how
many we can get’, or to compete
with FCA. We just want everyone
to get involved. BSM retreats and
activities are often regional, bring­
ing students from all the colleges
in the Portland area. BSM offers
fellowship at many different lev­
els, from group Bible study and
retreats, to one-on-one disci­
pleship,” Harmon said.
The Southern Baptist Con­
ference, who sponsors BSM na­
tionwide, is coordinating a week­
end of fellowship, prayer, music,
and speakers February 23-25 at
Golden Gate Seminary in San
Mission trips are already
scheduled for Spring break in the
Puget Sound area, and Idaho. The
cost will be approximately $40;
however, scholarships may be
offered to students.
Ken Harmon can be found in
the CCC Community Center on
Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fri­
days from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., of­
ten playing Ping-Pong in the rec­
reation room, meeting or talking
with the students.
“We are very excited about
being in Portland and working
here,” said Harmon.
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by Briane C. Dotson
News/Managing Editor
Retired Administrative Dean
of College Services and Planning
Bill Ryan has been enjoying his
new freedom of retirement.
“I’m really living in retirement
I wake with a kiss from my wife
and a cup of coffee, not an alarm
clock. I enjoy life,” said Ryan.
Ryan had been with Clacka­
mas Community College since the
1966-67 school year until his re­
tirement last June.
“I don’t worry about things to
do. I feel some are lost in retire­
ment. I have never experienced
that. Retirement is wonderful.
Having a hell of a good wife helps,
and I have that,” said Ryan.
Since his retirement Ryan and
his wife Pat have traveled to Lake
Tahoe and Reno, Nevada. While
on their trip through Nevada they
purchased a mobile home. Other
trips the Ryans’ have made were
to Bend, Oregon and a tour of the
Oregon Coast and Camp Sher­
man with a group.
Later this year Ryan plans to
make a trip to the Grand Canyon,
Las Vegas, and Mesa, Arizona. In
Arizona Ryan hopes to watch the
Chicago Cubs baseball team in
spring training.
“It will be a slow leisure trip,”
said Ryan.
In between traveling Ryan has
had two operations, one to re­
move a cataract from his left eye
Bill Ryan retired from Clackamas In June and has been traveling
throughout the US.
and another for a ruptured her­
“I never realized you can live
and work at the same time, be­
cause you can’t,” said Ryan. “You
can have a lot of fun if you sleep
eight hours and do something
constructive for eight hours, as
long as they aren’t at the same
Ryan does miss the people at
CCC but not the job.
“I’ve been too busy to miss
the job. I keep track of the Presi­
dent’s meetings, I’m still inter­
ested in what the college does but
I have another life now,” said Ryan.
“I miss the people: Rena (Green,
Hobart is college controller
Roxie Hobart enjoys her new position as Controller
Photo by Damm Kuehl
In July, Roxie Hobart took
over for Gary Dirrim in the posi­
tion of controller at Clackamas.
Dirrim held the position of
controller from July of 1984 until
he moved on to be the Acting
w Services and
Dean of College
Planning. This position became
Sixth & John Adams, Oregon City
* Monday-Friday
Tl>e Reverend Mi. Richaid K. Bellingham. Minister
7:00 a.m. - 6 p.m.
* Kids love it here!
C amp F ire
M t . H ood C ouncil
his former secretary,) the busi­
ness office people and others.”
Even though Ryan misses
these people he doesn’t want to
work again.
“I have no desire to work with
them, but have a drink with them.
It’s amazing how many calls you
get with people just wanting to
chew the fat with you,” said Ryan.
Ryan also has admiration with
the job Gary Dirrim has done.
Dirrim replaced Ryan as adminis­
trative dean of college services
and planning.
“Gary’s doing a really good
job. I’m really impressed with his
job,” said Ryan.
11:00 AM
Public Services
9:30 AM
Adult Forum
9:30 AM
Attended Nursery
9:30 AM
Church School
(except Aua. 1-Sep.15)
available when Bill Ryan retired
in July of 1989.
Hobart, who was the Assistant
to the Controller at the time, was
recommended by Dirrim for the
position of Controller, and ac­
cepted the promotion.
“The Controller, in layman’s
terms, overlooks the accounting
functions at the college,” Hobart
explained. “The position could also
be labeled ‘Director of Fiscal
Hobart has been an employee
at the college for nearly 15 years.
After graduating from high
school, Hobart came to Clacka­
mas. She then went on to Oregon
State University. She graduated
from OSU in 1974 with a BS in
“I wanted to come back to
Clackamas because itwas close to
home,” said Hobart. So, in 1975,
Hobart was working at CCC as a
part-time cashier. She worked at
that position for about six months
and then moved to the position of
In 1983, she became the As­
sistant to the Controller. She came
about the position in much the
same way that she came about the
position of controller.
“It was a time of retirement
and reorganization at the college,
and I was recommended for the
position,” Hobart said.
Hobart’s vacated position was
filled by Gretchen Miles.
“The Assistant to the Con-
• trailer oversees the business of-
s fice and the cashier. The control­
ler looks over those as well as the
bookstore, food service, and many
other areas,” Hobart stated.
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