FEATURE THE CLACKAMAS PRINT December 6,1989 Medieval miracle play performed tonight by Sue Payne staff writer ‘“The Son of Getron’,” which will be performed tonight at 7:30 in the Community Center, in­ cludes “sex, violence, and reli­ gion,” according to Dance and Speech Instructor .Jane Ricken- baugh. The group, Danceof the An­ gels, will perform the medieval miracle play. Dance of the An­ gels is a group of Oregon danc­ ers, actors, musicians, and schol­ ars who share an interest in medieval music, dance and drama. ‘The Son of Getron’ tells of a boy captured by the soldiers of an evil king, who keeps the boy a prisoner for a year before he is rescued by St. Nicholas. This performance also includes me­ dieval and renaissance dances from Germany. “It’s very easy to understand. It’s a simple play as done by the peasants in the middle ages,” Rickenbaugh said. In addition, members of the Dance of the Angels group will take part in a panel discussion on some of the historical religious and performance questions which the play raises. The program will run a little over an hour. “Nobody is doing this type of play in Oregon or Washington as far as I know. I don’t know if there is anything like this being done in the United States,” Rick­ enbaugh said. In the past two years, Rick­ enbaugh has received five grants for these projects. Two of these grants came form the Oregon Committee for the Humanities; The Son of Getron will be performed tonight in the CC Mall. Actors Susan Frost and Troy Larkin rehearse for the production, which will be performed to live music. another came from the Clacka­ mas Community College Foun­ dation; one came from the Lu­ theran Brotherhood Branch Chal­ lenge, branch number 2039; and another came from the R.S. Chris­ tianson Foundation. The group has performed as CCC befoie, as well as at Mt. Angel Seminary and Concordia College. “We have been working on this since last summer,” said Rick­ enbaugh, who will also be per­ forming in the play. Hi-Tech Center aids "disabled" with computer technology by Cathryn Bangs staff writer “Disabled” takes on a new meaning when considered in the light of advanced computer tech­ nology. That person is disabled who is not computer literate. The Hi-Tech Center is for disables students which is part of the learning center in Barlow Hall. At the Hi-Tech Center, com­ puter technology helps overcome physical limitations. These ad­ vanced computers are programmed to speak in eight voice ranges, enlarge type on the screen, antici­ pate what word the user wants by the first letter typed, and slowdown the keyboard functions. In addi­ tion, they are user friendly. “They’re not threatening, like I thought they’d be,” said Perry Lensen-Callas, an instructor at the center, speaking of the many pro­ grams available. Lensen-Callas is a former English teacher, but now spends his time adapting, rewrit­ ing, and developing programs for students at the center. The center was designed after adaptive computer programs in California. It was incorporated as a part of the learning center last spring. About 25 students now use the facility. An eligibility criteria is available at the learning center. One of the newest and most far-reaching features is access to a universal “Bulletin Board.” Ex­ clusive to the Hi-Tech Center at CCC, it allows a user to tap into programs accessible to phone lines anywhere in the world. Carolyn Cate, a specialist at the center, said she is very excited about the program. “Think of someone confined to a room; this gives them access to the whole world,” Cate said. The center has two color graphic computers with speech synthesizers, and three other computers without this feature. All share the same printer. Some of the students have congenital disabilities and some are victims of accidents or cir­ cumstance, such as illness, that changed their lives. Computers are helping them compete successfully in their academic counseling and the job market. Although many people are not physically handicapped at this time, according to Dave Campbell, counselor for the Handicapped Resource Center, a good number of people will be faced with a major hanidcap in their lifetime whether it be themselves or a family mem­ ber. Computers of this type, and future advancements, can play an important part in all of our lives. Of the students who use the Hi-Tech Center, Cate says thought­ fully, “They’ve taught me more than I’ve taught them.” St. Nicholas, whose feast day is celebrated on Dec. 6, was one of the most popular saints through­ out the Middle Ages. “The Son of Getron” is a story of one of the episodes that eventually trans­ formed St. Nicholas into the modern Santa Claus. The music will be live, with singers from the Mt. Angel Ab­ bey. The backdrop was done by Susanna Lundgren. Some of the actors participating will be Troy Larkin, Susan Frost, and Shea Parks. The cost to see this perform­ ance will be $3 for adults, $2 for children, and CCC students get in free, with two cans of food for the homeless. The group will also be per­ forming at the Trinity Episcopal Church in Portland on Dec. 8 at 8 p.m., and the Newport Per­ forming Arts Center on Dec. 17 at 4 p.m., presenting a program they did last year at CCC, “The Play of Herod.” Page 7 Students travel will to London by Donna Agee Staff Writer “Students have the opportu­ nity to study in London Spring term of 1990,” says John Hooley, Assistant Dean of Instruction at CCC. This 10 week course offers a variety of classes: Introduction to Theatre, Composition, Business, Photography, British Culture, and English Literature. Students can choose a minimum of four sub­ jects. Student Services from the University of London schedule tours around London that further enable the student to learn about the rich history and culture of this “fast-paced and stimulating” pro­ gram. Students will stay in student housing and attend classes at the University of London, but the classes will be taught by instruc­ tors from the Mt. Hood and Lane Community Colleges. “This is a great learning op­ portunity,” says Hooley. “The program is open to anyone in the community. A financial aid pack­ age is also available for students.” Those interested should con­ tact John Hooley at ext. 454. Friends' program attracts interest The general consensus of all by Me-Lissa Cartales four members of the panel was if Rhapsody Editor About 90 people attended someone goes into the field of the Friends of the CCC Library writing for the money only, they program on how to publish a .are a fool. Lesley recalled a quote on the subject. book, Nov. 15. Lesley told the audience to According to Jim Meiser, President of the Friends, it was imagine all of the bookstores they one of the best turn outs for an had ever seen and all of the books open panel discussion. in them. Then, he told them to The panel consisted of four imagine all of the bookstores that speakers and a moderator. The they hadn’t seen and all of the four speakers were Don books in them. He then told them Hutchison, Terry Shumaker, that all of that doesn’t amount up Craig Lesley, and Jim Ander­ to Purina Cat Chow, meaning that son. Hutchison is the chairman all of the money from all of those of the Mathematics Department books doesn’t even equal the here at CCC and author and co­ amount of money made by the author of several mathematics Purina Brand Cat Chow Company. textbooks. Shumaker is an in­ Shumaker made the observa­ structor of drafting technology tion that “textbook writers don’t and author of six texts in that have agents because they don’t area. Lesley is an english and make enough money.” creative writing instructor and Anderson simply said, “Ifyou author of two novels. Ander­ want to do something for money, son is the owner and publisher do something else.” of Breightenbush Books Pub­ Another thing that all four lishing Company of Portland. members of the panel agreed upon Each author had about 15 was that writing a book of any minutes to talk about his per­ kind takes a great deal of time and sonal experiences in publishing. energy. Hutchison relayed some Anderson then had about 20 of the trials and tribulations of minutes to speak about pub­ writing a textbook and all of the lishing in general. After the supplements that must go along entire panel had a chance to with it. speak, the discussion was opened Once he had finished writing up to questions from the audi­ the text itself, the instructor’s ence. manual, the student’s solution manual, the computer test bank, the computer tutorial’book, and everything else that has to be done for the Intermediate Al­ gebra book, and heihad just begun to relax, Hutchison re­ ceived a notice from his pub­ lisher asking “what about the pre-algebra proposal?” Then, the entire process started all over again. On the same note, Shu­ maker said that there was a span of “about four years, that I didn’t know my wife very well,” but then he said that he felt his students benefited from it. One of the funniest mo­ ments of the evening came about after Hutchison spoke of his publisher flying him to New York, and how great it was to be treated like an author. As soon as he was finished, Shu­ maker said, with a rather comi­ cally hurt look on his face, “My publisher didn’t fly me any­ where.” All in all, the program was a big success. Meiser seemed impressed with the turnout, as did other members of the Friends that were present after the program. Meiser said the Friends hope to sponsor more programs along the same lines to promote “not only the col­ lege, but the whole community.”