The Clackamas print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1989-2019, November 08, 1989, Page 5, Image 5

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November 8,1989
Carlburg's artwork displayed in Pauling
by Richard Marx
Staff Writer
Les Tipton, head of Clacka­
mas Community College’s Art
Department, is preparing a new
display of local artwork in Pauling
Wolfgang Carlburg, one of the
oldest art students at Clackamas,
will have an art display opening
on Saturday, Nov. 11. Carlburg,
S3, does mostly oil paintings, some
sculpture, and fountain forms. The
Pauling display will be a selection
of almost 50 of his best paintings.
“The subjects for his paint­
ings are people and nature, mostly
from around his home and per­
sonal life,” said Tipton. “Although
they are of realistic subject mat­
ter, they tend to be abstract in
style,” he added. Carlburg was
strongly influenced by the trends
that ^generated the modern art
movement of the 20th century.
“Especially noteworthy is the
fact that many of his paintings
have been done in recent years. It
has also been during this time that
Wolfgang Carlburg is one of Clackamas' oldest art students. he has been legally blind,” said
Carlburg's artwork will be displayed In the Pauling Center In
Carlburg is a man of consid­
erable education and travel expe­
rience. Born in Hamburg, West
Germany, he arrived in this coun­
try in 1927at the age of 20. He first
came to New York City, and from
there has traveled over most of
the United States.
His education includes art
studies at several different schools.
He attended the California Insti­
tute of Fine Arts where he re­
ceived awards for some of his works.
In Portland, he has also worked
and studied at the art college at
the Portland Museum of Art. In
recent years Carlburg has taken
art classes here at Clackamas.
Presently he is living on a small
farm near Carus.
“Although reclusive by na­
ture, he has been a host to a number
of local artists at his home. Here
theyshare theirworkand their in­
spiration,” said Tipton. “Indeed
he has been an inspiration to all of
The exhibit opens with a re­
ception at the Pauling Galleiy from
2 to 4 p.m. Everyone is encour­
aged to come enjoy this local art­
ist’s work.
Safety questioned after earthquake in Bay Area
by Mc-Lissa Cartalcs
Rhapsody Editor
How safe would Clackamas be
in the event of an earthquake?
Since the recent disaster in the
Bay Area, this question has en­
tered the minds of many CCC
students. Don Fisher, Director of
the Physical Plant, can provide
some of answers.
Most of the buildings here at
Clackamas arc built under a plan
called the “seismic design.” Fisher
explained that this means each
building is built in several sec­
tions which arc held together by a
wood filler. In the event of an
earthquake, the wood filler would
crumble and the sections would
literally separate, causing each
section to shake individually rather
than as a whole. This reduces the
pressure on the joints and stress
points of the structure.
The only building not built in
this design is the Pauling Center.
“Pauling is built around a wood
frame with brick veneer,” Fisher
said. In an earthquake, this would
be the first thing to collapse. This
is also theonly fixed building here
that would burn in case of fire.
The entire center is equipped
with sprinkler systems, but if the
water lines were broken, which is
a likely possibility in the event of
an earthquake, these sprinklers
would not work. Luckily, all vola­
tile chemicals used in the science
labs in Pauling are kept in a fire­
proof vault with a steel door and
eight-inch thick cement walls.
“The safest place at CCC,”
says Fisher, “during an earthquake
is in the catacombs beneath the
buildings,” which house all water,
gas, heat, and air conditioning lines.
These tunnels have walls of con­
crete, also 8-inches thick. How­
ever, the general population at
Clackamas would probably nei­
ther be able to get in to these
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tunnels, as all entry-ways are locked,
nor all fit.
The next safest place, other
than out in the open and away
from the chance of any falling
objects, would be the stairways
which run up the outside of the
buildings. Because of the “seis­
mic design,” these stairwells would
separate from the main building
and shake much less than the larger
“The stairwells would shake,
and possibly crack, but they would
not crumble. Because there are
very small windows in these stair­
cases, one would not be in danger
of shattering glass,” Fisher em­
As a general rule, one should
try to get to the basement or low­
est floor of the building, away from
windows or brick walls. Fisher
said that during an earthquake,
the mortar of brick walls would
“easily crumble, causing the bricks
to collapse.” At Clackamas, al­
though there are many brick walls,
Fisher explained that these walls
are all reinforced with concrete.
Therefore, if the brick did col­
lapse, the structure would remain
relatively solid.
Clackamas Community Col­
lege is probably one of the safest
places in the immediate area to be
in the event of an earthquake or
other natural disaster according
to Fisher. In fact, there has been
talk of whether or not to CCC
should be designated as a disaster
center for Clackamas County,
Fisher also noted.
The only problem with this is
that Clackamas has no back-up
power generator and nearly all of
its resources are electrically pow­
ered. However, even in this event,
with organization and without
panic, Clackamas College could
make it through an earthquake
sustaining little damage or casu­
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Page 5
The Left
by Angela Wilson
Love *■» Webster’s defini­
tion of love is: 1. a strong liking
or affection for someone or
something. 2. 3 passionate af­
fection for someone of the
I think that Howard Jones
asked the question best in his
1985 song “What is Love?”
Sure I believe in love, and
people who are in love usually
seem to be happy, but the dic­
tionary says nothing about the
down side of love.
First of all when you’re in
love you give yourself to the
person you are in love with. By
giving yourself to that person,
I mean you share with them all
of your thoughts and feeling
and most likely your secrets
If you don’t share yourself
with the person you are in love
with problems could arise, yet
if you do share yourself with
the person you are in love with
you put yourself in a very vul­
nerable position.
Onceyou have given your­
self to another person, that per­
son has the power to hurt you.
Although some people won’t
abuse that power some people
Love wasn’t made a four-
letter word by accident. Love
is, unfortunately, also pain.
Everything changeswhen
you’re in love. Your thoughts,
emotions, even your general
outlook. I’ve seen it happen,
but I can’t figure out why.
Another thing about love
is friends. Why can’t they feel
the same enthusiasm about love
as you? Instead they generally
do just the opposite; they usu­
ally smirk, sigh, even roll their
eyes when you begin to share
your stories of love and court­
Through the ages, the true
definition of love has been over­
used and highly overrated.
There are many cynics of love,
but they are the ones, when
asked, who can never admit to
actually being in love. Maybe
there aren’t so cynical after all.
I hate to admit it, but maybe
they’re right. Cold and lonely,
but right.
I don’t admit to being an
authority on the subject, but 1
am very interested. I continu­
ally search and ask people their
advice on love; but it’s usually
general, unjustified, or, if they’re
smart, they totally avoid the
question and change the sub­
Love may be pain, or it
may not. It may also not exist.
Until I_ find “true love." I'll
have to keep relying on dic­
tionary definitions.