(Tlacfcamaö $rint Vol. XXIII No. 1 Wednesday, October 4,1989 Oregon City, OR Clackamas Community College ELC concerned over plans for Berry Hill Mall by Jim Titus Editor-in-Cliief Construction of the Berry Hill shopping center at the intersec­ tion of Beavercreek Road and the Oregon City Bypass has gener­ ated some major concern from the John Inskeep Environmental Learning Center (ELC). ELC Director Jerry Herrmann is concerned that construction plans for the Berry Hill site do not adequately handle water run-off during periods of heavy rain and may harm fish in Newell Creek. Fish released into the creek from the ELC’s fish rearing program use the waterway as a route to the Willamette and also return up­ stream to spawn. “Newell Creek has extremely good habitat and is one of the few urban streams that still has a migratory fish run,” Herrmann explained. Initial discussions between ELC members and the Oregon City Council last November con­ cerned options for the discharge of water from the Berry Hill site and future developments in the Newell Creek Basin. Herrmann feels that on-site detention (a method of holding storm water on the site of the development and slowly releasing it to control rnoto Dy uawn Kueni ' flooding) is the best way to handle the drainage problem. “It became very obvious back in November that if some type of on-site detention for storm water wasn’t provided there could be some real impact on the stream and even the college,” said Herrmann. Herrmann went on to explain that the area to the east of the Beavercreek Road entrance of the college is zoned for commercial development If development does occur in this area without proper drainage, the area of the college containing the ELC, athletic fields, and Clairmont Hall could become flooded during periods of heavy rain. Most of the area now occu­ pied by the college was once a wetland. A letter to the Oregon City planning director from Depart­ ment of Fish and Wildlife biolo­ gist Jay Massey dated January 6 seems to support Herrmann’s contention, stating that, “the cal­ culated storm water flow from the shopping center, without adequate detention facilities, could create severe problems for the fish lad­ der and for fish habitat and fish downstream in Newell Creek. Extremely high flows in the creek will cause severe bank erosion, wash away spawning gravel, de­ stroy streamside vegetation, and silt in valuable spawning and rear­ ing areas further downstream.” The letter concludes by stat­ ing that, “it is very important that the shopping center provide ade­ quate storm water detention on the site to reduce the peak flows discharged to Newell Creek and protect valuable fish resources downstream.” The developer of the Berry Hill site, Centers West Realty Inc. of Portland, have been working with the City Council and envi­ ronmentalists to lessen the im­ pact of the development on its surroundings, but specifics of storm water management (such as ac­ ceptable water levels) are still under negotiation. Herrmann stressed that he is not against the construction of the shopping center, and is in fact trying to work with the developer to achieve the “best of both worlds.” Herrmann’s goal is to create a standard for development in the Beavercreek Road area to lessen the impact on the environment. The Oregon City Council is meeting tonight at 8:30 p.m. to adopt changes to the storm water plan. Construction continues on Berry Hili Mall despite concerns from the John Inskeep Environmental Learning Center. Pioneers of Country Music festival breaks even by Briane C. Dotson the Clackamas Community Foun­ News Editor/Managing Editor dation Board on whether there The Pioneers of Country will be a Pioneers of Country Music Music Festival, held August 19, Festival next year. drew 2,000 people for an after­ If there is a festival next year, noon of music at Balsinger Park Fulmore said the foundation would in Wilsonville. like to have bands from the North­ “The festival was successful west play during the intermissions in terms of starting something of the major acts. Also there is new,” said Bev Fulmore, festival talk of making the festival an all­ coordinator. day event. Without the corporate spon­ If the board decides to have sors the festival would have lost another festival, it will then begin money, however, with their help contacting bands to perform at the festival broke even. future festival. Corporate sponsors were The booking agent for the KATU television and Thriftway festival was Portland based book­ Association. Media sponsors for ing agent Steve Reischman. Reis- the festival were This Week Maga­ chman has worked for the Port­ zine, and KWJJ AM and FM. land Zoo-grass Festival, Rippling Three major country and River Resort, and other music western bands took part in the festivals all over the Northwest. extravaganza: the O’Kanes, South­ Terri Calamoneri, who’s has ern Pacific, and Ricky Skaggs. had experience working for the “Reviews from the perform­ Mt. Hood Festival of Jazz, handled ers gave encouragement to have the logistics. The festival employed more country music festivals. The 150 volunteers and staff. newspapers also gave good reviews Any money that was raised by of the festival. I’m really pleased,” the festival will be used to equip said Fulmore. the South Clackamas Satellite It will be decided on Oct. 9 by Center in Wilsonville, and to fund traditional foundation projects. pointed out that it took the Mt. David Dickson, assistant to Hood Festival Jazz four years to the president, said he is pleased make any money. with this first time effort. He “Despite the fact that we didn’t make any money, sponsors are committed to it... we’re enthused about doing it again, and plan someday to sell it out and make a whole bundle of money,” said Dickson. Photo courtesy Bill Symes Ricky Skaggs entertained a crowd of 2,000 at the Pioneers of Country Music Festival held in Wilsonville on August 19.