Opinion THE CLACKAMAS PRINT May 17,1989 Page 4 Campus Views Campus Views is replacing Student Opinions as the weekly opinion section. Do you think the Chinese students will succeed in bringing democracy to China? Yes. Millions of people, in­ cluding the students, are very determined to reach the goal of democracy. The top people (in China) have been ineffective in handling the events so far. Change is going to be inevitable. It is diffi­ cult for the Communist Party to stay strong when democracy is being widely spread, for instance, in the Soviet Union. - Ronald Johns Youth is the future, whether here or in China. They want to bring more freedom to the com­ munist regime. They are not ask­ ing for a U.S. answer; their pur­ pose is a Chinese answer. With the obvious support they are re­ ceiving from the rest of China the government will have to capitu­ late. Because the Chinese revere education the students will pre­ vail. Their purpose is definite and they will win. - Ginny Cowan I know that “martial law” has been determined and that their government is trying to influence this industrialized nation. I’m watching closely how Americans and our government involvement help them achieve democracy. - Nick Lane Yes, I do think democracy is in the workings for China. When­ ever hunger strikes go on, reform usually is on its way. - Stephen Henry I think they are putting up a good fight. I also think they have a pretty good chance at acheiving at least some of their demands. I believe their cause is just and their methods are reasonable, although a bit impractical. If they can con­ tinue to do as they have been they certainly have a chance. - Me-Lissa Cartales No, they will not. Not in the sense that they would rid them­ selves entirely of the Communist regime. I do think they will be successful in making some changes in some government processes. - Aaron Lieberman The whole problem in China is the fact that they arc new ideas from a new generation, and the old are too stubborn to listen. I thought for a long time that the demonstrators had a good chance in gettingsome of their ideas across. But now that the Chinese govern­ ment has closed off all media coverage it seems hard for any­ body to reallyseewhat is goingon. Personally, I think that without the help of the med iathestudcnts in China don’t stand a chance. - Michael Nelson In my opinion, I hope the Chinese students get the democ­ racy that the country needs. It might lake longer than this protest, because the Chinese government is very set in its ways. I hope that there is no bloodshed, but change will happen when the time is right. - Stephen J. Rudometkin No, I do not believe the Chi­ nese students will be successful in bringing about a democracy at this time. The Communist Party, I be­ lieve, is too powerful. In the dis­ tant future-a few decades from now-there may be a possibility. - Deryl Hampton Democracy is an ideal con­ cept which supposes that each citizen will make a choice, and that the majority of choices will determine law. China has been and remains a multi-cultural, frag­ mented society where the citizens cannot agree even to vote, much less what to vote about. Nonethe­ less, China will remain the world’s oldest and most complex society. - Perry Lensen-Callas Photos and quotes compiled by Jillian Porter