Feature THE CLACKAMAS PRINT May 31, 1989 Page 14 Movie mania hits with summer on the way This summer is going to be filled with many movies, of all descriptions and genres, from Ghostbusters II to Friday the Thirteenth part VTII: Terror in Times Square. : The first of these summer movies.-.which is already out, is Indiana: Jones and the Last Crusade. This should be the hit of the summer, that is unless something else is-like Star Trek V: The Final Frontier. Star Trek V, which opens June 9, is directed by William Shatner, who also plays Captain Jamfes T. Kirk. The movie brings back all of the original cast and sends the USS Enterprise on “the most fantastic voyage ever.” Forthoseofy ai who like your monsters, or si ould I say ghosts, a little closer to home, then Ghostbusters n is the movie fory< "y Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray and Sigourney Weaver are just a few of the returning cast members. What is it about? SLIME, for one thing and for a second how about SLIME, in fact this movie has what some describe as “rivers of slime.” Will all this slime hurt the movie? I think not, not if we don’t start stomach sliming our movie-go i ng buddies. There are going to be two comic book heros coming to the screen this summer. The.biggest and most anticipated of the two is Batman. Starring Michael Keaton, this S50 million movie has ‘Hit* written all over it. From the top of Jack Nicholson’s head all the way to the bottom of the movie’s bat­ car, which looks like it could blow the doors off a Lambourghini... literally. The second of the two comic book heros to hit the big screen this summer is The Punisher. A not so well known comic book anti-hero, but those who know of him nfcver forget him. The movie wiH star Dolf Lundgren and Lou Gossett Jr. I don’t know if this is favorable or deleterious to have these two guys in it, I mean they have both done good and bad jobs of acting before, but lately the movies they have done have been bad. What The Punisher won’t give you in action, maybe Lethal Weapon 2will. Danny Glover and Mel Gibson are back and so is the “magic” they say. Gibson’s character has worked out his suicidal tendencies, so he and Glover will be able to kick ass on a South African drug dealer. Funlly a bad guy even the bad guy can hate. Director Richard Donner came back to direct this sequel and in a recent article in “Premiere” magazine he said that they are going to play up the buddy-buddy story and have a little less action. Not too much less I hope. For big time comedians this summer both Steve Martin and Robin Williams are coming out with new movies. Martin’s is a comedy about family life called Parenthood. Ron Howard is directing and from all indicators this looksas. if it may be a really good movie. Family life is big this year with thirtysomthing and all Photo by: Bruce Btrmeln William Shatner returns as Captain Kirk in “Star Trek V the Final Frontier," just one of the many blockbusters due out this summer. of the people having kids, there is a large built-in audience for this movie. That is unless it is a dog of a script. Robin Williams’ movie is about an English teacher at a school for rich kids who inspires them. It is called Dead Poet’s Society and it comes from Touchstone, the production company that can’t seem to do wrong. Though this movie will have its dark moments it will also be funny (like life?). For those ofyou who can’t wait until the summer to see Robin Williams, there is a film out now in the Portland area by Terry Gilliam called The Adventures of Baron Munchausen. Williams plays the King of the Moon but doesn’t take credit. The film is well made and is very funny, one of the funniest I’ve seen in along time. Other movies to watch for are Do the Right Thing, by ace director Spike Lee. Those of you who don’t know him may recognize him as Mars Blackmon, Michael Jordon’s T.V. playground partner. Casualties of War, starring Sean Penn and Michael J. Fox, is a war movie about a soldier. Penn plays a soldier who rapes Vietnamese women and Fox plays the man who prosecutes him. Since this year is the twentieth anniversary of the Apollo 11 lunar landing, Al Reinert is going to release a documentaty combining both news footage and footage shot from the capsule it self. And I suppose I shouldn’t leave out A Nightmare on Elm street 5: The Drcam Child. Freddy comes back through the unborn child of one of his victims. We are all (yawn) waiting anxiously. Have a good summer and maybe I’ll see you in the popcorn line. Clackamas student develops computer program by Um Jones Moody who started his formal education late is impressed Staff Writer Bob Moody has by the availability of instructors developed a computer program and the closeness here at that makes and edits icons for a Clackamas. Before returning to school point and run system. “The program is called Moody said he owned a garage Maxie, which stands for Maximum and was a hotel manager for several years. When his wife Lea couldn’t Icon Edition,” said Moody. The program was wri t ten work with him at the hotel, he in Basic 09 Aunix type system. decided it was time to change Moody donated the program to careers. It was last summer that the OS9 Users Group of America^nd in return he received Moody received his GED from the entire library of OS9 free. This Clackamas. Being 46 years old program will appear in Rainbow hasn’t held him back at all, if Magazine in the July, August, and anything it has helped him excel September editions. in continuing his education. His advice to adult Moody is self taught. He acquired knowledge of computers students returning to school is that through reading and copying they “should take a spelling class.” Moody, who prepares programs from magazines. He bought his first compute^ in 1982 other peoples taxes in the fall, and has upgraded the system since says that he would like to receive then. When hestarted out he used his bachelors in accounting, and the computer for household tasks then plans to continue his and games. education and take his CPA exam. In his off time Moody Using a computer has taught Moody about logic. “The enjoys, you guessed it, “playing logic of computers has helped me with computers.” His program took in life,” said Moody. more than two months to create ♦ B7'> \ and he spent eight hours a day sitting at the computer. “I would get it done and then go back and change the program,” said Moody. He didn’t think that the program was perfect when he finished, and he still feels that he can improve this program. With the success of his newly created program and drive to get an education, Moody is a very busy student. He plans on attending Clackamas this summer and continuing his education here next fall. Try our soups, fresh salad bar, wo percent Beef Hamburgers It's Normalicious!