The Clackamas print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1989-2019, May 03, 1989, Page 3, Image 3

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Mayor's Ball falls short
About a week-and-a-half ago I attended
the fifth annual Mayor’s Ball at the Memo­
rial Coliseum. I walked inside with high
Iwalked out disappointed. Every band
that I had an opportunity to see sounded
the same. Granted, I didn’t find myself
wandering into the jazz or country music
sections, however, all that could be heard
from the plethora of rock bands were drums
and incoherent lyrics.
Par t of the problem may have been the
Coliseum’s sound-system-something that
should be working at top-notch for an event
of this magnitude.
I realize it may seem that I’m reaching
for ideal situations, but why not? If you’re
going to do something, you might as well do
|t right. Eighty-six bands are an impressive
feat, but not if there is only talent for 50.
There’s an area on campus that, al­
though not linked directly with Clackamas
Community College, doesn’t receive nearly
the amount of attention or acclaim that it
The John Inskeep Environmental
-earning Center, home of Haggart Memo-
ial Observatory, is a consistent source of
mowledge of nature and external surround-
The Environmental Learning Center
s always holding classes in order to help
students learn about things around them.
The classes help people understand things
such as medicinal plants, Northwest volca­
noes and resource conservation.
During the Associated Student
Government elections Thursday and Fri­
day, the college enjoyed its largest student
voter turnout in years.
All four candidates are responsible in
a big way for the increased turnout this
year. They had an impressive amount of
posters up all over campus making stu­
dents aware of the elections. It was an
extravagant effort by all involved in making
the 1989 ASG elections a success.
May 3,1989
Page 3
Student Opinions
Did you give blood when the Red Cross
was here? Why or why not?
The Clackamas Print was honored
recently at the April 21 meeting of the
Oregon Newspaper Publisher’s Associa­
tion in Salem.
We came away with an award of merit
for our story headlined, “Cougar game ends
in basketbrawl.” The article covered the
riot that occurred at the Jan. 25 Clacka-
mas-Chemeketa basketball game in Ran­
dall Hall.
From the editor’s standpoint, let me
personally congratulate Briane Dotson,
Mark Borrelli, Luis Perez, Staci Beard, Jim
Titus and Ray Marcham as well as the rest
of the staff. It’s nice to see teamwork like
that not go unnoticed.
This week’s GE Award (Genuine
Excellence) goes to Mickey Mouse and
Opus, who received two votes and one vote
for ASG president respectively, and Bill
the Cat, who pulled in one mighty vote for
vice president in last week’s ASG elections.
No, I didn’t because I pass out
at the sight of needles and who
knows what disease I might get
No, because of low iron and it’s
- Amy DeLavergne
- Trad Cummings
No P akticuiah
R bason
'.ytle's statement
grossly in error
To the Editor,
It’s typical for a candidate to make
>lind statements and represent them as
act It’s unfortunate that someone of Garett
-ytle’s academic ability should have done
o. Mr. Lytle’s campaign statement that
'financial aid does not take into considera-
ion child care expenses” is grossly in error.
)f course, since Mr. Lytle has no children
ind did not take the time to ask the Finan-
ial Aid staff is such a statement could be
nade truthfully, one wonders if he plans to
nake politics a career.
Voter’s, don’t take a candidates word
in all the issues he or she is running on. Get
he facts.
defissa Banks
financial Aid Office
In last week’s student forum
article on the question of the biggest
issue facing the president, we quoted
Garett Lytle as saying, "We need to
fix the child care situation. The fi­
nancial aid doesn’t take into account
the expenses of child care."
It should have read, "We need to
fix the child care situation if the fi­
nancial aid doesn’t take into account
the expenses of child care."
No, I didn’t even realize there
even was a blood drive. I’m not
out here too much
No, I pass out at the sight of
- Audra Turner
- Tara Remmen
Compiled by Jillian Porter and Tara Powers