Sports THECLACKAMAS PRINT May 3,1989 Page 11 OC pair sparks Cougars by Stad Beard memory with what we already Staff Writer know,” explained Kerr. Friends come from different Fiskum had much to say on places and different situaytms. A each of their talents. sports team also has its share of “Kerr has changed from an friendships. The Cougar softball outfielder to our first baseman team has one such pair: freshmen and she has made a good adjust­ Ann Kerr and Lisa Williamson. ment. She has a great attitude and They met when they played a works hard,” stated Fiskum. season of fast-pitch softball seven “Williamson also has a great years ago. Since, they have played attitude. She is always working to on and off again during the sum­ help others stay up. Her speed on mer, and then four years of school the base paths also is a help to the. ball at Oregon City High School. team,” explained Fiskum. “We grew up as friends,” stated They are looking forward to a Kerr. great season. Their friendship has helped “We have improved our of­ their play on the field. fense immensely, plus we are deep “In high school, Lisa played in every position,” agreed both shortstop. I was her back up so I Kerr and Williamson. always knew what was happening. After years of playing together, It has carried over to this year,’* the admiration for each other’s explained Kerr. play has not diminished. Both players have noted a dif­ “Lisa is rarely ever down, even ference between high school and when she is it is on herself, never college ball. her teammates. Even when she is “The pitching is slower. We down she is pumping others up,” are using what we’ve learned more,” stated Kerr. stated Williamson. “Ann is a great leader on the Ken continued with that idea. field. She works really hard and “It is less coaching, Paul doesn’t give up,” stated William­ (Fiskum) just refreshes our son. ---------- .------------------------ """ ...................... ............... ' ....... by Jfalbm Porter Lisa Williams, left, and Ann Kerr,right ,both from Oregon City High School, have helped the Cougars to a great season. Four teams to vie for intramural softball crown by Mark A Borrelli teams make up the four team field. Sports Editor There were two scheduled Spring Intramurals got off to games for Tuesday May 2, but ho a slow start, but have picked up team showed up with a full team over the last week and it looks as except the "Untouchables." The if there will actually be intramural "Untouchables" were scheduled to softball play the "Death Valley Dogs", but The only team originally the dogs didn’t have enough play­ signed up were The Untouch­ ers, so they were forced to forfeit ables" and it looked like they would to the "Untouchables." The "No be champions by forfeit as no one names" were scheduled to play else signed up until the. last poo- "Dongs "R" us’, but neither team sible moment. showed up, so that game will be "We needed at least four teams rescheduled. to be able to give away intramural The next scheduled softball championship T-shirts/ said in­ action is tomorrow when the tramural director Kathie Woods. "Untouchables" are scheduled to Three teams signed up on the take on the "No names." The last day of sign-ups to give the "Death Valley dogs" will face the "Untouchables" some competition. "Dongs’R’us" team. Both games The "Death Valley dogs", the "No will start at 12:30 p.m. on softball names" and the "Dongs "R" us" fields 2 and 3. P eople U nited A gainst A ids Photo by JM m Porter The Clackamas Cougars are enjoying a successful season. With a 16-2 league record, they are alone In first place. < Don’t have sex, or Have one sexual partner. Use condoms for safer sex. Don't shoot. If you do shoot, don’t share rigs. If you share rigs, bleach works between users. For more information, or to volunteer, call: 223- AIDS or 1-800-777-AIDS.