News THE CLACKAMAS PRINT April 26,1989 Page 5 VP hopefuls have similarities by Christopher L. Curran Editor-in-Chief There are several similarities between the candidates for Asso­ ciated Student Government vice president Gertrude Amundson and Tim Jones. Both began their careers in ASG as senators last October, Jones as a vice president’s sena­ tor, and Amundson as an admin­ istrative assistant senator. Both have been involved in the busi­ ness organization Phi Beta Lambda this year. The latter of the two activi­ ties is only fitting, because the vice president’s main duty is to be in charge of the ASG budget. “The vice president is ulti­ mately responsible for seeing that the budget is adhered to and is carried out with integrity and prudence,” said Student Programs Specialist Paul Kyllo, an ASG advisor. “That person must make sure ASG doesn’t overspend,” said Kyllo. “The vice president must use the resources available for the good of the students and the stu­ dent body as a whole.” The game room in the com­ munity center, which is the largest money-maker for ASG, must be directly monitored by the vice president. “It’s a great learning experi­ ence. I learned a lot this year about budgeting,” said ASG Vice Presi­ dent Leslie Barton. “If you do it right, you can help the school. People wouldn’t be here if they didn’t care about the school.” The vice president and the president are the only two elected officers in ASG. “The fact that it’s an elected office carries some weight,” re­ marked Kyllo. “The vice presi­ dent shouldn’t forget the fact that they’re elected.” “The vice president is the representative of the student body when he or she takes the place of the president,” explained Kyllo. “You have to give a lot of personal time to the job,” said Barton, who cited working with the different clubs on campus as a vital duty of the vice president. Voting for president and vice president is from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday. Announcement of the winnerswill take place next week. Candidate confident of ability by Christopher L. Curran Editor-In-Chief As an Associated Student Government vice president sena­ tor, Tim Jones is confident that he will be able to “fill the shoes of out-going Vice President Leslie Barton,” if elected to that post. “My experience as senator to the vice president has allowed me to learn the duties of the job,” said Jones, a Business Administration major. “I’ve worked hard in ASG and (if elected) I will work hard to promote ASG to our student body and to other schools.” “As vice president I will use my voice (in ASG) and lobby to make things accessible to students,” said Jones, “I will talk to students and relate to them as a student.” Jones, a 1983 graduate of McLoughlin High School in Mil­ ton-Freewater, Jones was born in His family moved to Oregon when he was young. He has briefly attended Pierce Community College in Tacoma, Walla Walla Community College and Blue Mountain Community College in Pendelton. He came to Clackamas and has been an ASG senator since October. “I like the challenge and re­ sponsibility of holding an office (in ASG) at Clackamas,” said Jones. “I want to help ASG grow.” “I believe ASG should get at the heart of matters pertaining to students and working them through until their solved. This is some­ thing that I would dedicate myself to,” said Jones. “I’m willing to take charge of my office. I realize the responsi­ bilities that go along with being a leader,” said Jones. “I believe in solving issues in the most direct and simple way. I want to help Clackamas students in taking pride in the school.” At Clackamas Jones has been involved in, among other things, ASG, Student Publications and Phi Beta Lambda, a business or­ ganization established to help promote business at the college. Jones spent three years vol­ unteering at the YMCA working with kids; primarily keeping them involved in activities. Jones, a avid sports fan, en­ joys both participating in and watching sports as well as viewing “up-and-rising” local bands in Portland. “(If elected) I’ll get out and talk to students. It’s important to get their ideas and opinions,” said Jones, “I’m here to represent them; not necessarily my own ideas; but theirs.” Photo by Jillian Porter TIM JONES Experience an asset for VP candidate Amundson Photo by Julie Church GERTRUDE AMUNDSON 16 (M) 49.25 -0.16 0.01 17 38.62 -0.18 -0.04 18(B) 28.86 0.54 0.60 19 16.19 -0.05 0.73 20 8.29 -0.81 0.19 21 3.44 -0.23 0.49 by Christopher L. Curran Editor-in-Chief From senator to administra­ tive assistant, Gertrude Amund­ son hopes her leadership experi­ ence in Associated Student Gov­ ernment and other organizations will be an asset as she vies for vice president in the April 27-28 ASG Elections. Amundson originally joined ASG as a senator to Administra­ tive Assistant Beverly Hinkle. After Hinkle resigned at the end of Fall term, Amundson was voted into the administrative assistant posi­ tion, which she currently holds. Amundson is an active mem­ ber of Phi Beta Lambda, a student business organization working to “build future leaders.” She is the president of the group on campus and was recently elected vice presi­ dent of the statewide organiza­ tion. “I’m able to stick to my guns and get things done,” said Amund­ son. “I think it’s important to communicate with students to be alert to what students want and 22 31.41 20.98 -19.43 23 72.46 -24.45 55.93 24 72.95 16.83 68.80 25 29.37 13.06 -49.49 26 54.91 -38.91 30.77 find out how to help them make which she earned during Fall term the campus better.” of this school year. Amundson believes that Amundson considers herself “leading is being open, communi­ an “Air Force brat.” She traveled cating with people and sticking to with her father, who was in the Air a job until it’s complete. Force, and the rest of her family to “I want ASG to grow,” said such places as Turkey, Indonesia, Amundson. “I want to help train Switzerland and South America. and manage people (in ASG) to She is originally from Kansas and help students be aware of on currently lives in Sellwood. campus and off campus activities.” “I plan to work with different She feels she could help attain boards (i.e. Clackamas Board of that from theoffice-of vicepresi- ^Education, Foundation) to get dent. students information on where to Amundson is majoring in go for services,” said Amundson. Gerontology (the study of aging), “I want to make them (students) specifically the elderly. She came more aware of college services and to Clackamas to get her GED, facilities. ■ 27 43.96 52.00 30.01 centimeters 28 82.74 3.45 81.29 Colors by Muriseli Color Services 29 52.79 50.88 -12.72 30 50.87 -27.17 -29.46