lection meeting held ' I ■ :CC staff discusses levy defeat ¡nt budget levy defeat will not ¡cellation of summer session at Community College; but if the assed by September, the college to close its doors in the fall, post-election meeting was held ¡y 31, to discuss the situation, past the time when we can win by ourselves," said CCC Presi- dent John Hakanson. "We need to appeal to community organizations. We need to get them to recognize the economic impact of the school on the community." Community leaders have been called to­ gether and told: "We need help or the question becomes academic. If we lose on Aug. 9, very probably we will have to close the doors," said Hakanson. ougar rint Clackamas Community College Thursday, June 2, 1977 [Clackamas Community College students take advantage of last week's sunny weather jngaround a Frisbee. For other ideas on how to take advantage of leisure hours under (kies check out our Summer Recreation supplement in this issue. (ource center funding asked posal has been sent to the Clack- Unty Health Department for a [of $48,000 to set up a Handi- ■esource Center at Clackamas Com- kling to Jerry Jamison, admini- Jfor Human Services at CCC, the Ice center will consist of two parts, ip-in center where people can get ad- pdinformation and referral service to ■gencies. Community based program will be ■by handicapped persons and will pven sites within four counties; Col- ■Multnomah, Clackamas and Wash- ording to surveys taken of students ■ at CCC most of those questioned was important for the handicapped staffers to be self-sufficient. Funding and space for the program will be the greatest problem, according to Jami­ son and there is a meeting scheduled to discuss this. The meeting will be held June 14, from 9 to 11 a.m. in the Community Center room 117. Speakers will include Judy Thomas, project coordinator for the dis­ advantaged and handicapped at CCC; Judy Smith from the Retired Senior Volunteer Program; Bonnie Hartley, college nurse; Rusty Harris, industrial machine shop in­ structor; Marilyn Kone, instructor for the developmental disabilities program at CCC and Jerry Jamison and Larry Forsythe of the Human Services department at the col­ lege. Hakanson believes that non-voting stu­ dents contributed to the recent levy defeat. "We have 8000 to 9000 students enrolled in winter terms," said Hakanson. If only half voted, and took one other person, we'd have 7,500 votes. Either they don't understand the connection between their vote and the levy, or we're doing something they don't like, so they don't vote. "I keep hearing the words 'athletics'and 'frill courses'. What's a frill course? It's a course that you consider to be a frill course. I am reminded of what Will Rogers said about Reformers: 'They pick some­ thing they're not involved in and they can reform the dickens out of it.' "One reason we hear so much about athletics is that there's not enough publicity about the other good things that are going on (at CCC)," said one faculty member. "People who come to the school see the tennis courts and the track. They don't see the students inside studying. It isn't news that 120 people are taking English Compo­ sition." "Maybe a bulk newsletter, a kind of human-interest oriented paper about the good things going on here, would be worth­ while," suggested Dick Andrews, English in­ structor. "I understand some of the board mem­ bers didn't vote," said John Rau, political science instructor. "Something should be done to change that." Rau offered several suggestions to get voter approval for the levy. "The budget should be cut," said Rau. "An informational letter to that effect should be sent. If the budget still doesn't pass, maybe we should begin thinking in terms of reducing the school district to exclude Canby and Aurora and areas who apparently don't want the college." "I think you have to recognize that the same people who vote no on the budget are the same people who vote for George Wallace for President," said Don Epstein, history instructor. "They're sending a mes­ sage that they're upset, but they can't get to Washington D.C. "We're not going to get anymore yes votes, we're going to have to make the no voters vote yes. This means cutting the budget. It means directing publicity to the reportorial side of the media. It means getting TV out here. Bring people out to the college instead of speaking off campus. "Every faculty member should write at least 10 post cards to personal friends," Epstein continued. "We should contact in­ dividual businesses, gas stations, grocery stores, and ask for donations, and the use of their name to use in advertising in the Enterprise Courier, the Milwaukie Review and the Canby Herald. Ask them to buy the advertising, but mostly get them to vote, because their name is on the line." Summer vacations make absentee ballots more important in August's election; but they are not available until the levy resolu­ tion has been filed with the county clerk. Hakanson believes a special board meeting will be necessary before submitting the new resolution. "Can we have students fill out absentee ballot requests and then mail the requests to the county clerk's office after the resolu­ tion has been submitted?" asked Annette Sax, English instructor. "Absentee ballots could then be mailed to vacationing stu­ dents." "Postcards saying "We need your vote' should be sent to graduating students around August 5," Epstein said. CLACKAMAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE ARCHIVES centimeters ffui T :i y u 49.25 ■0.16 0.01 /■ °-75 TT u T i |2" ' ! 17 ■"SseF ■0.18 -0.04 18(B) 28.86 0.54 0.60 0.98 1.24 lll|3l I I I 1 111 14 1 1 1 19 16.19 -0.05 0.73 20 8.29 -0.81 0.19 21 3.44 -0.23 0.49 SN: OL005i Colors by Munsell Color Services Lab