Clackamas student versatile musician Playing five instruments and teaching mu­ sic are onlv two items on Chris Hardin's list of accomplishments. Hardin, a Clackamas Community College music student, finds his career motivated by music. Hardin has been going to CCC for three years. During this time he has played in the Woodwind Ensemble, the Jazz Ensemble and the Concert Band. Hardin plays a variety of instruments. He has played the oboe since he was 7 years old, starred the piano when he was 16 and the bass, guitar and bassoon during high school. Hardin also is a musician in the group "Sound Junction". They play a variety of music for Elks clubs and other private par- ties. He also teaches band at a grade school, Photo by Brian Snook »Hardin, a Clackamas Community College music student, is pictured above playing ■any instruments he has learned to play. Other instruments Hardin has mastered ■eoboe, bass, guitar and bassoon. When asked about his long range plans, Hardin said he wants to teach music at the college level until he gets his Masters. After that he wants to start composition. Next fall Hardin will be going to Portland State University or Linfield College. ¡’S Shields Io play lead in comedy his summer J i JSs ÿ y -.s ? £ lamas Community College's theatre ■nt will be closed for summer term Ini, but theatre department director »Ids has his own plans in store. Bummer Shields will be playing the ■ in a comedy to be presented at ■Theatre in Cannon Beach on the Hsecond weekend of July. The play Bn Yesterday" and is one of four plays X % 5? rortland State University (PSU) will be king at the Coaster Theatre for the 2 K a ,7 ■Inlay is about a junkman in his forties ■ Harry Brock who made his multi- Hinjunk business. Brock has a girl- ■oho lives with him named Billie and ■¡■chorus girl who is in her twenties. Blfplay takes place in Washington, D.C. fchck has just taken residence in two jg ■ gfci ■ of a hotel. Brock is there to buy ■tatomake legislation for himself to ■nationally in junk business without ■ernment sticking their nose into it. ■wk's girlfriend, Billie is of a low edu- ■| background and doesn't fit into i ■¡ton society as Brock thinks she Ik so he decides to hire a local journal- p J ■tech her how to act "good." ■lie, being a quick student and very ■ makes a team against Brock with the ■ stand forces him to promise not to Mai things anymore. Billie is a 'lady' p nd of the play and the play shows a fctransition of how she was in the ■ng compared to the end. It's a fine piece of 40's dramatic litera- F aid Shields. "As a period play, just Ihld War II, it will be a good deal of |orthe audience to watch." ■Ids said the play also has a political W suited to our time. The presenta- |of "Born Yesterday" is through Port- 16-oz. Rainiers are running in Oregon. Capture a sixpack. Bate University Summer Theatre Pro- The new 16-oz. Rainier sixpack gives you twist-cap convenience and 96 ounces of our light, golden beer. That’s 30 extra ounces of Mountain Fresh Rainier for just pennies more. Bid Shields is a former graduate of Rainier Brewing Company, Seattle, Washington Page 7 mas Community College centimeters