jergy conservation stressed ICC goes to four-day summer week ntimstrators at Clackamas Community jejiave announced that the college mate a four-day work week this sum- he t to shorter hours is part of a mBieeting the demand of energy con- ion. «energy task force at CCC, started by dent Hakanson, has studied the total ige 'operation relative to energy con- tion. They found that the college is [approximately 350,000 kilowatt hours Ictricity per month, costing about ne group also found that a significant jy savings could be achieved by either mating activity or by changing the mode »rations. The task force decided to choose the later and switch from a five-day to a four-day work week for the summer. It is estimated that such a shift would bring about a 42,000 kilowatt hours savings per month or about 12 per cent of the monthly energy consumption. The change will begin June 13 and conclude September 2. Discussions of the plan have been held with appropriate staff organizations, Union Local 2832, and the Clackamas Community College Educational Association (CCCEA). No objections have been raised to the plan. Total working hours of support staff and their immediate supervisor would be arran­ ged so as to best serve students and clients. Offices will still be open to serve the com­ munity but most of them will have a mini­ mum of one staff person available from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Recreational facilities will be scheduled for use seven days a week and a recreational supervisor and custodian will be on duty when these facilities are in use. Security staff would be on duty as usual serving the college seven days a week. A Code-A-Phone device will be installed with a recorded message explaining the sum­ mer Friday closure for energy conserva­ tion reasons. It is anticipated that college service will not be diminished under this plan and that a significant energy savings will be accom­ plished. ■nior citizens day scheduled for May 24 iMay has been declared "Older Ameri- IMonth" to honor senior citizens who in [ad lonely, empty lives. To help Bern active and involved the Retired ■Volunteer Program (RSVP) plans [ivities. Ing these activities is a special May ■ion to be held Tuesday, May 24, om I a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at Clackamas ^Mnity College. The senior citizens Sy J being sponsored by RSVP, CCC, ■las County Senior Citizens Coun- ’ Lake Oswego Adult Community Cen- ■Oregon City and Sandy Senior Cen- Js and all area Loaves and Fishes Centers. [The event has been titled "Lei Day" |a Hawaiian luau will be one of the Matures. Cost of the luau is $1 and ■etsare available at local senior centers, ■fes will also be available to seniors me registration table on May 24. The event has been scheduled to take place in the college's outdoor courtyard between Randall and McLoughlin Hall. RSVP coordinator, Judy Smith, said all senior citizens of Clackamas County are welcome to come and it will be an open day for seniors to come and go as they please. "All persons attending are invited to wear Hawaiian costumes," said Smith. Among the events scheduled for the day are health screening activities such as blood pressure checks through CCC nurse Bonnie Hartley, a bingo game with cash prizes and information booths. A folk dance workshop will also be featured and dancers will demonstrate and teach. Senior citizens will have the oppor­ tunity to participate in a theatre or art workshop. ideo department students finding employment success ■helVideo Department at Clackamas immunity College is turning out students io are having no problem in finding suc- ^positions. JThe reason is that at CCC, the students | trained for technical and production ^■whereas many schools train only for ration," said Norm Herman, head in- Wof the department. For the last three years there have been Bjobs available than students to fill ■This Is not the case at other schools ,odo not have the technical training that offered at CCC. Van Faulk, a 1976 CCC graduate, has ieen assigned to become a member of the || House Communications Department's Deo Staff. Tom Hopkins, CCC graduate, la film editor, and Milt Ritter, another ■te is a news cameraman for KOIN, innel 2 TV in Portland. pithough cable TV is still in the infant rait is steadily increasing, and this will Emore jobs directly involved with trans- lission, distribution, production, and devel- |ng programs material, plus many more jobs in the design and supply end," said Herman. "We hope next year to have more women enrolled in the Video department as women tend to push the production part while a class of men will often make the class en­ tirely technical," he said. The video department works with the school in areas such as speech, drama, psy­ chology, nursing and other departments by videotaping speakers, skits and other teach­ ing aids. TRI-CITY BOWL Auto emmissions testing will be fur­ nished by CCC automotive department and entertainment will be provided through­ out the day. Craft sales will also be a feature of the event and any person who would like to sell handmade crafts should contact Judy Smith at 656-2631, ext. 317 to reserve a table. "Interested art students could pos­ sibly sell paintings," said Smith. To top the day off a dance with a live band will be featured. The dance will begin at 4 p.m. and continue until 5:30 p.m. Senior citizens who tion may call their local Loaves and Fishes center Howell at 655-8640 or ext. 640. need transporta­ senior center or or contact Kelly 1-800-452-6382, Ml A ■ SITI TUDFÍ You'll find it in the Navy. You’ll travel to exciting places. Work on space age equipment. Get top benefits, career training and a great future. For more informa­ tion see: WARNER MILNE RD P O BOX 29 2 OREGON CITY OR 97045 SEV HARKSON O wner M anager Pinball Bowling Mack A. Woods, MMC, USN Navy Recruiting Station 13750 SE McLoughlin Blvd. Milwaukie, OR 659-4007 635-2603 Kamas Community College Page 5 centimeters Colors by Munsell Color Services Lab