Cougar print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1976-1977, May 19, 1977, Image 1

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    Clackamas Community College
Thursday, May 19, 1977
Federal Law 94-502 has been repealed.
Educational benefits for veterans will not
be interrupted during the fall session.
"The new agreement allows us to
certify students for fall session as early as
June 20," said Mike Umbras, veterans
(VA) representative at
Clackamas Community College. "In order
to receive continuing benefits a vet should
pre-register for fall term when he registers
for summer session."
The change will not affect veterans who
do not plan to attend summer session.
Vets who wish to attend school in the
fall, but not in the summer, should regis­
ter with the VA office by Aug. 15, Umbras
Photo by Jenni Wheeler
■amid power is put to the test on the lawn between Barlow Hall and the Community
Iter building. This was just one of the many exhibits on display during the Experimental
lergy Exposition held at Clackamas Community College last week. See related story on
Both Umbras and Reggie Latham, Cou­
gar Vets president, attribute the recent
change to letter campaigns.
"The registrars of all Oregon institu­
tions got together and created a uniform
pre-registration form," Umbras said. "Dur­
ing the meeting they were kind enough to
write a joint letter to the legislature. The
colleges really lent support where it was
"Nobody is going to be concerned
with someone who isn't concerned with
himself," Latham said. "Letters to legis­
lators showed the amount of concern."
Cougar vets will not cease to exist just
because one obstacle has been overcome.
"We plan to pursue legislation in the
Oregon Legislature that would provide
tuition free education for Oregon veterans
at Oregon institutions," Latham said.
acuity and students urged to vote
udget goes before voters again
By Happie Thacker
Staff Writer
[Clackamas Community College students
■ faculty who plan to return next year
ould make an effort to get out and vote
i the budget levy on May 24 and to get
Recording to Howard Fryett, election
Bring (committee chairman, it will be
Bust 19 before it can go before the pub-
(again if the budget doesn't pass this
[This would mean that programs for next
iar could be sharply curtailed. Without
ierlpproval, CCC has no local money;
key which accounts for about 43 per
Jit of the total budget.
■Until we have that we can't plan any
«rams or plan on money from the state
■federal funds," said Bill Shreve, public
formation officer.
Recording to Shreve, the state money is
jendent on programs being offered. How-
rerInce programs can't be planned until
■ budget is approved it is essential for the
■lege that the levy be passed next Tuesday,
■lore than 8,000 students enroll here each
Biter Students show that they come to
■because of its low cost, because in-
structional quality is high, it is close to
home and it offers a broad range of special
Also affected by the budget election are
the more than 30,000 non-students who
attend campus functions such as workshops,
clinics, conferences and meetings.
The highly popular community school
programs will feel the effects of the levy
vote. It it fails the programs will be dis­
continued along with those of the college
due to lack of funds.
Fryett and his steering committee are
coordinating a massive effort to get people
out to vote.
They are asking the staff to write per­
sonal messages to friends to remind them to
vote, sending post cards to the general
public and working on a mass telephone
campaign to call voters on election day to
get them to the polls.
They are also sending 7,000 flyers to
community schools in every public school
district to remind them that their fate is
riding on this election too.
Students are also participating in the
campaign effort. Phi Beta Lambda, the cam­
pus business organization, will be distribut­
ing 3,000 flyers on campus and there are
plans to allow instructors to take entire
classes to the County Courthouse in Ore
gon City to vote.
continued on Page 8
Dr. Howard Fryett
.. .heads election campaign