Cougar print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1976-1977, April 28, 1977, Page 4, Image 4

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Fair evaluation
The Associated Student Government has allocated a
total of $2,094.75 for the spring fair that they are
The idea behind the fair (giving the community the
opportunity to find out what the college is all about)
is a good one but if some changes are not made, this
allocation is going to turn out to be a waste of resources.
Half of the total figure ($1,044.75) will be used to
purchase food and drink for concession stands. Six
hundred dollars will be spent on canopies to cover the
concessions and the entertainment areas. That leaves
$450 for entertaining events.
The fair will feature musical entertainment through­
out the four days it takes place, sky diving and an auto
cross. There will also be horse and buggy tours of the
college. All of these are real grabber events.
There will also be booths where people can find out
about different areas on campus and booths for people
to sell arts and crafts and the like. More excitement.
Income from the fair will be made up of concession
sales, sales booth rental and the horse and buggy rides.
To our way of thinking, this fair doesn't offer any
kind of event attractive enough to even draw their con­
servative estimate of 3,000 spectator participants. If
the fair doesn't draw crowds, student money is wasted
and the whole purpose of the fair is defeated.
The money needed for an event with a real hook
should not be taken from ASG funds. This does not
diminish the need for additionaFfunds.
So far, the ASG members coordinating the fair have
decided not to investigate the possibilities of supple­
mental funding from other college sources and we feel
that this isolationist attitude spells disaster for the fair.
Student vote?
As everyone should know by now, Clackamas Com­
munity College's operating levy for the 1977-78 school
year failed to gain voter approval.
In talks held with Howard Fryett, chairperson of the
Elections Steering Committee, one point was stressed
over and over again: the necessity of a large student
turnout at the polls if the budget were to pass.
The students here, more than any other group in the
community should know whether or not the college is
serving its purpose.
It seems ironic that the group the college was created
to serve is the least important factor when it comes time
for public evaluation.
19600 S. Molalla Avenue, Oregon City, Oregon 97045
Offices: Trailer B --Telephone: 656-2631,ext. 259
The Cougar Print is the weekly student-managed newspaper for Clackamas,
Community College, financed through student fees and advertising. Opinions:
expressed in the Cougar Print do not necessarily reflect those of the CCC
administration, faculty or the Associated Student Government. Editorials,
columns and signed letters reflect only the opinions of the editors and the
persons signing them. Correspondence should be addressed to the above
The Cougar Print, a member of the Oregon Newspaper Publishers Associ­
ation, aims to be a fair and impartial journalistic medium covering the
campus community as thoroughly as possible. We encourage participation
through letters, freelance articles and story ideas and suggestions. Deadlines
are the Friday of the week prior to the Thursday publication date.
Page 4
Efforts ignored
To the Editor:
The total lack of interest and concern for our efforts in the!
tional areas is disturbing and appalling. The instructors andad|
strators worked long and hard; made plans and preparations m
months ahead so that the students from high schools all oval
state could be hosted warmly and have a meaningful contest.In
an outstanding event!
The Cougar Print completely ignored our efforts. Wedora
newsworthy accomplishments, but normally, and by natural
don't "toot our own horns", but maybe we are going to befoil
to start. The squeaky wheel gets oiled. Cougars, we are squeal!
From this point on I want to go on record and let you know!
we do have a Vocational Department that is vitally a part on
campus. We are relating to potential college students and taxpaJ
as well as our regular full time students.
Ernie Whisenat
Metals Department Chait
Letters policy: The Cougar Print welcomes letters to the editor. It will!
the editorial policy of the Cougar Print to accept only those letters di
have been typewritten, double-spaced or carefully printed in ink, andwhl
have been signed by the person submitting the letter. The editorial bol
requires that at the bottom of the letter the person or persons writingI
letter attach his or her full name, address and a phone number where!
person can be reached for verification.
Clackamas Community Collet