Cougar print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1976-1977, April 21, 1977, Page 5, Image 5

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    Avances to be submitted in writing
Board discusses rights amendment
HpewStudent Grievance Procedure (Arti-
VI ofithe Student Rights, Freedoms and
Jonsibilities Document) went before the
Kamas Community College Board of
[cation for discussion yesterday.
The new procedure has two facets as
® it," said Jim Roberts, director of stu-
t activities at CCC. "If the old procedure
required the grievance to be submitted
writing, it probably would have been
lived [sooner; and the new procedure
<es 'due process' available to both stu-
Iand faculty members."
“If a student feels that he has been
domly graded or discriminated against,
Boes nave recourse under the grievance
cedure," said Howard Fryett, assistant
«resident at CCC.
The new procedure grew out of a grievance
arding grades that was brought by a CCC
dent last summer. In resolving the grie-
ce it became obvious that the procedure
mot specific enough, Fryett said.
"We aiscovered a conflict between the
lance procedure and the college's con-
tt with the faculty," said Jerry Bella-
■ASGsenator. "In revising the procedure
came up with new areas that needed
Mostofthe changes in the Student Rights,
lerties and Responsibilities (SRLR) Docu-
nt are to clarify wording and processes,
section has been added that deals with
[disposition of records in grievance pro­
ps; who should have access, and under
it circumstances?
The grievance procedure itself reflects
Btteth Fryett and Roberts termed "sig-
lcant changes."
The SRLR document, if approved, will
Included in the next printing of the CCC
[dent[Handbook which will be available
Ball 1977. Here, in its entirety, is Article
of the document:
A student may seek redress if he believes
he has been arbitrarily or capriciously
evaluated on academic or technical per­
formance according to institutional and
departmental procedures or if any rights
enumerated in this code have been violated.
■The steps for invoking a grievance shall
be aslfollows:
1. The student shall first privately con-
! tact the staff member involved during
I a time mutually agreed upon inform-
! ing the staff member that this contact
■ is an attempt at informal conciliation
I according to SRLR Grievance Pro-
2. Iiconciliation is not reached, the stu-
dent shall submit the grievance in
■ writing to the appropriate division
I chairperson or director and staff mem-
4. If both deans deem it appropriate,
they will meet with the staff member,
student, and the division chairperson
or director for a further attempt at
conciliation. If conciliation is not at­
tained, a grievance hearing will be
B. Grievance Hearing Committee Procedure
1. The Grievance Hearing Committee will
be composed of the following mem­
a. A chairperson who shall be
pointed by the President of
college. The appointment will
be made from the section of
person being grieved.
b. Three students - one selected by
the grieving student; one selected
by the affected staff member; one
selected by the president of the
Associated Student Government.
c. Three staff members - one selected
by the grieving student; one selected
by the affected staff member; one
selected by the chairperson of the
appropriate staff association.
(The Dean of Student Services is
responsible for providing secretarial
2. The Dean of Student Services will
notify the Grievance Hearing Commit-x
tee in writing of the date of the
hearing which will be within ten (10)
days following the completion of Step
VI, A, 2. This notification will include
the statement of grievance and a
summary of proceedings to date.
3. A tape recording and written summary
of the Grievance Committee hearing
will be kept.
4. The Grievance Hearing Committee will
receive evidence via grieving student,
faculty member and witnesses.
5. The Grievance Hearing Committee will
meet in executive session to review
evidence and arrive at a recommenda­
6. The Grievance Hearing Committee's
recommendation will be submitted to
the President of the college within
five (5) working days of the comple­
tion of the hearing for his final deci­
7. Two or more
grievance if:
may file a
a. The grievance is common to all
b. Each student has complied with
Step VI, A, 1.
8. Disposition of records:
a. All records of the Grievance Hear­
ing Committee will be retained in
the President's Office and will be
made available to deans, directors,
and chairpersons as involved.
b. The President shall notify in writing
the student, faculty member, and
chairperson of the Grievance Hear­
ing Committee of his decision on
action to be taken. The chairper­
son shall inform the members of
the committee of the President's
Board of Education
ponders four-day week
Highlights of last Wednesday's Board
of Education meeting include the possi­
bility of putting the college on a four-day
work week during the summer, the removal
of all architectural barriers, and an agree­
ment with Chemeketa Community College
for out-of-district tuition waivers.
In that meeting, the Energy Use Task
Force suggested to the board that the col­
lege should be able to bring about a 20
per cent energy savings during the summer
by putting Clackamas Community College
on a ir)-hour day, four-day week. Further
discussion will be held with college staff
before action is taken.
A bid to remodel four restrooms to
bring them into conformance with handi­
capped access requirements was awarded to
Brockamp and Jaeger, Inc. Automatic doors
for the college have been ordered and are
expected to be installed in May.
Dr. John Hakanson, CCC president, re­
that the college approve an
agreement with Chemeketa Community Col­
lege whereby students from both CCC and
Chemeketa would be able to take c<
not available at their respective colleges and
receive credit and tuition waivers.
ber. A meeting among division chair-
person or director, staff member, and
student will be scheduled by the chair-
person or director. If conciliation is
attained, the staff member and stu-
dent will sign a statement to that
If conciliation is not attained in Step
2 above, the division chairperson or
director will present the grievance and
a summary of the proceedings to date
in writing to the Dean of Student
Servmes and to the appropriate dean
of the staff member involved.
Packamas Community College
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