Cougar print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1976-1977, April 21, 1977, Page 4, Image 4

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If there is anybody out there who still thinks that
student involvement at Clackamas Community College
is more than just a dream we advise that they not read
this editorial.
Two of the four open Associated Student Govern­
ment officer positions will be uncontested.
There is only one person running for the position of
ASG president (the highest office in student govern­
ment) and there is one person running for business
There are also four open senate positions; positions
that just never seem to get filled. It was worse though.
For awhile there were nine openings in the senate.
Can this lack of people for positions be attributed
to lack of publicity? -- maybe. Can it be attributed to
the twenty-first letter of the alphabet? - unquestion­
ffllS |5 4 VERY S4D> K4LLAP
I am writing this letter after three weeks of trying)
Editor of the Cougar Print to cover ASG meetings.
I have always felt that the Cougar Print's job was to»
students of what is happening through their publications,
reason this area isn't covered is laziness on the part of the
get the news out. I can understand missing a meetingi
ASG news go unreported is plain not doing your job,
If I decided not to have a meeting one week just boa
too lazy to conduct it I would expect to be replaced,«
ignored week after week. It is said ASG news is boring,J
our problem as there is always something happening. For
last week we expelled one of our senators, then this ws
instated him after two weeks of highly emotional debate,
paper ignored this and many other things that we arei
We have control over a nice chunk of money andl
students should know how we use it. I need to know’
count on the Cougar Print to get the news out or arewe
have to ask for another newspaper that can do the job.
There is a lot more happening in our Student Govern
myself closing the partition between the offices so wet
be more efficient. Next week we will be voting to give ana
$1900 to the Community Fair Committee and whether!
$800 dictaphone system. Do the students feel we are spent
money wisely or not? That is a question I would hope
would ask your readers so we can bring the students backi
picture. Your paper is a big link between ASG and then
students and without your help we are very much isolated.
I hope the Cougar Print can get its act together for the*
of the year and do its job with a little less sense of
Constitution twist
To the Editor:
I am writing this letter in response to the senate and their
Mouse ways of twisting the Constitution to fit the needsof
The few I refer to shall remain nameless for
this matter should be brought to the attention of the it
According to the By-Laws of the Constitution of CCCft
any senator shall take 6 (six) credit hours to be eligibli
senate or elected office. There are two senators, who arend
the required credits, but are senators, because they are ono
tees which will benefit them the most but do not repres
students of CCC which they deserve.
I hope that with the upcoming election for officers,we<
the first time, get officers with a back bone, and aretaki
interest of the students first.
19600 S. Molalla Avenue, Oregon City, Oregon 97045
Offices: Trailer B - Telephone: 656-2631, ext. 259
The Cougar Print is the weekly student-managed newspaper for Clackamas
Community College, financed through student fees and advertising. Opinions
expressed in the Cougar Print do not necessarily reflect those of the CCC
administration, faculty or the Associated Student Government. Editorials,
columns and signed letters reflect only the opinions of the editors and the
persons signing them. Correspondence should be addressed to the above
The Cougar Print, a member of the Oregon Newspaper Publishers Associ­
ation, aims to be a fair and impartial journalistic medium covering the
campus community as thoroughly as possible. We encourage participation
through letters, freelance articles and story ideas and suggestions. Deadlines
are the Friday of the week prior to the Thursday publication date.
Page 4
Letters policy: The Cougar Print welcomes letters to the editor,(
the editorial policy of the Cougar Print to accept only those W
have been typewritten, double-spaced or carefully printed in ink,#
have been signed by the person submitting the letter. The edit#
requires that at the bottom of the letter the person or persons«!
letter attach his or her full name, address and a phone number«!
person can be reached for verification.
Thursday, Aprili