1 racksters ace high in two Golfers fail to score in league match ■ Cougar women's track team com- in two meets this past week, the ft Lane Community College on Thurs- ld the other an invitational at Mt. ■Community College on The Clackamas Community College golf team had a tough time of it over the week­ end as they couldn't manage a team score in their league match on Friday. Saturday. The biggest problem the Cougars faced was that their best players simply couldn't get going. ¡Thursday's meet, the Cougars scored ¡second to OCE,109-103. Other team ■Were Central Oregon 67, Southern 165, Linfield 26, University of Ore- The closest score put in by a Cougar golfer was that of Greg Stamatus with a 82, while their number one and two golfers, Shawn Parkhurst and Mike Frink, could only manage a 86 and 89 respectively. |V( 21, Oregon Track Club 20, Linn- 119, Umpqua 8, Lane 4. RSandwick had an outstanding day I Cougar gals as she established new ■records in both the 3,000 and ■meter runs. Her times of 11:25.1 i:16.6 brought her second and third Biers. As Coach Jim Hudson said, "We sim­ ply didn't do very well. We had problems with registering scores and we even had a ma Simon took first place in the long with a 15-1 leap into a strong wind, t out of LaSalle high school, also Red a personal best of 16.2 with her disqualification. Also, we had only four golfers, number five and six didn't show up for the match." place finish in the 100 meter high I, In the intermediate hurdles, Simon Jean Sandwick kicks in the last yards of her mile race at recent Mt. Hood track meet. Earlier in the week. Sandwick reset school marks in the 1500 and 3000 meter races. red second place with a 69.9 time and So ran a leg on the Regional-qualifying relay team which ran a 4:17.3 time, s running on the mile relay team were ■ Leathers, Amanda Eggleston, and |y Likens. The next match for the golfers is Tues­ day at Arrowhead. It is a dual match with Chemeketa. Offer expires May 31, 1977 panda Eggleston, Estacada, took three and a third in the meet, and set three n's best marks. Eggleston took the peters in 61.7 and the 200 in 26.9. She led third in the 100 meters with a time ¡cording to Coach Smith f the girls did er job, although we're not quite satis- with the field event performances of the Mt. Hood Invitational, the Cou- ran away with first place with a 139 Itotal to second place George Fox's 72. Hood gathered 64 points, Willamette 56, Portland State 52, Clark 18, Chem- f 17, and Pacific 12. Ban Sandwick again set the pace for the gars with her 5:41.3 mile win. lie Cougars then went on to dominate 110 yd. high hurdles with a sweep by I Johnson, Verna Simon and Rhonda 2. ¡[hey recorded times of 15.6, 16.5 16.8 respectively. febbielLeathers ran a 2:27.3 half mile was followed to the tape by Tammy ferna Simon turned in a 70.4 time in the mediate hurdles, which brought her a ory and the mile relay team of Simon, ns. Eggleston, and Leathers won first ■honors with their 4:20 time. rhe Cougars' next competition will be at Mt. Hood relays this Friday night in Iham. TRI-CITY BOWL AT WARNER-MILNE RD. P.O. BOX 292. OREGON CITY. OR. 97045 See these HRPR dealers for full details SEV HARKSON O wner M anager Pinball Bowling GLADSTONE AUTO PARTS OREGON CITY AUTO PARTS MON. THRU FRI. 8 to 5 MON. THRU SA T. 8 to 5:30 656-0308 655-2503 19237 s . e . M c L oughlin blvd 1010 MAIN 635-2603 ickamas Community College Page 11 Æ'i 0 .i