Cougar print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1976-1977, March 10, 1977, Image 1

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Clackamas Community College
Thursday, March 10, 1977
at CCC
"People just need to 'think' more about
conserving energy," said Alf Lair, director
of planning and operations at Clackamas
Community College.
For three years, CCC has cut energy
usage by 15 per cent by using fewer road­
way and hall lights.
CCC has saved 20 per cent of heating
by rebuilding burners and boilers. Another
15 per cent has been conserved by turning
thermostats down from 72 to 68 degrees.
The CCC athletic fields will be perfor­
ated this spring so irrigated water will soak
in and not drain off. "For other water con­
servation alternatives I encourage students
to take shorter showers and use sinks as
minimal as possible," said Lair.
At the March 2 meeting of the Energy
Task Force, several ideas were presented,
including that each individual should sacri­
fice some comfort by turning off lights,
turning down thermostats, and wearing more
clothing. It was also suggested that it might
be a good idea to let the staff and Student
Government know percentages and costs of
lighting and heating.
ak in the rainy weather provides the denizens of the ecology pond with the
Jiity to frolic on the banks of the aforementioned body of water. The neutria
|tel babysitting some duck eggs laid by at least one of the aforementioned water fowl.
For the future it was reported that if
classes are to be held on Saturdays they
will cause an estimated 20% increase in
costs. It was also reported that any plans
for future building should consider natural
lighting and ventilation by installing more
eekend college considered
Kafurday classes increased spring term
Bhas been a change in the schedule
Hasses offered next term at Clackamas
Inity College.
Weiss, dean of community services 3nd com-
munity education. Weiss added that both
schools have had successful results.
■ classes are being offered on Satur-
Some Saturday classes offered at CCC
next term are Social History of Oregon
(HST 215),
Oral Communication Skills
(SP 21), Exceptional Parent/Child Studies
(DD 37), English 31 and Farm Machine
Operation and Maintenance (AG 42).
■hese classes are the result of an in-
Bdesire by students wanting to go to
Eon weekends.
■his is not a weekend college as week-
dcollege is known, but we are considering
Idea for next year," said Ronald Kaiser,
jn of instruction at CCC.
Kaise-explained that some colleges offer
Irses on Saturdays and Sundays and that
id oes have a few Saturday classes, but
■ that the response to Sunday classes
Jfflbe limited.
■Hand Community College's Rock
iteklampus and Chemeketa Community
Jpllege n Salem are two schools experi-
■ting with weekend classes," said Marv
Body and Fender and Welding are also
Saturday classes held on campus. In addi­
tion there are various physical education
classes offered off campus.
The advantages of weekend college are
numerous. Students having conflicting sche­
dules will be able to pick up needed or de­
sired credits that would not be available
during the week. Weekend classes will also
benefit those who work nights and sleep
days. Saturday classes are also an alternative
to evening classes.
While CCC does have Saturday classes,
it is not cor.-idered a weekend college. In
order for that claim to be made, additional
facilities would have to be in operation. The
cafeteria, library, and other resources would
have to be utilized. This would mean more
cost to the college in terms of personnel,
labor and other factors.
"Extra funding, teachers and facilities
are all factors we must consider before we
start a weekend college," said Dean Kaiser.
"We would probably have to consolidate
all the classes in one building," said Dean
Kaiser. "This would eliminate the need for
extra security, reduce the amount of heating
required and, in general, keep costs to a
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