Cougar print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1976-1977, March 03, 1977, Page 9, Image 9

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    disallows 'W’s'
New rules released for vets
■Some important changes have been made
Regulations for Veterans Educational bene-
fcts, according to Chuck Adams, Clackamas
Community College registrar.
■They (the changes) have to do with
■Incom pletes,and variable credit grades,"
Bams said. 'W's' are withdrawals from a
lass with no grade.
■Effective this term, the Veterans Ad-
jlinistration (VA) will no longer pay for
non-punitive grades. In the past, a student
■receiving an incomplete could make it up.
Eder the new policy, the VA will charge
■ident for overpayment should he receive
Bl pass, withdrawal, or incomplete, unless
Mere are what the agency considers "miti-
■ "A, B, C, D, P are the only grades
Eeterans should receive. Any other grades
Billcause problems with payments," said
| Veterans counselor John Derr said the
VA'snew rules for variable credit programs,
such as the self paced welding, electronics,
id math classes at CCC, could cost some
peransas much as $450 this term.
■On variable credit grades, where a stu-
fent can earn one, two or three credits in
term depending on how far he goes, they
low get paid for what they get, not what
heysign up for," Derr said.
■ altudent completed two credits of a
hree hour class, this could drop him from
[full to three-quarter time, a difference of
$100-150 a month if he has dependents.
■ "In three months the student could owe
■50 just because of one credit hour," said
■ The college was notified of these changes
in a circular issued by the VA on Feb. 9, a
month after the new rules went into effect.
Adams said that delay could create some
problems for the 750-plus veterans on cam­
pus, but added, "We haven't had to handle
them yet."
"We've got some guys who are looking
at over $1000 in back payments, not al­
ways because of changes in the regulations
Affirmative action progress
tola by president’s office
John Hakanson, president of Clackamas
Community College, has appointed a com­
mittee to evaluate the college's policies and
practices toward Title IX of the Education
Amendments of 1972.
Title IX states that no person shall, on
the basis of sex, be excluded from partici­
pation in, be denied the benefits of, or be
subjected to discrimination under any edu­
cation program or activity receiving federal
financial assistance.
In order to continue to receive federal
funds the college must conduct a self-evalu­
ation of its policies in regards to Title IX.
The college committee will evaluate the
current policies and recommend remedial
steps to eliminate any discrimination that
may exist. The college must be in full
compliance with the regulation by July 21,
The commjttee members are: Jerry Bella­
vita, in charge of the president's office;
¡constituents of processes
proposed legislation affecting college stu­
dents during the Legislative Awareness For­
imi held last Thursday.
■lohn Hakanson, Clackamas Community
^■president gave a presentation on
^Band communicating with legislators,
■tanson stressed
nwhen visiting the state legislature.
Birding to Hakanson people wishing to
ft with their legislators should make
ointments with them well in advance
^■should reconfirm the appointments.
If a legislator's schedule changes and he
uld be unavailable to keep the appoint-
11 was suggested that arrangements be
de to talk to his assistants or staff mem-
■akanson also stressed the importance
fofihowing what to say and how to say it
■the legislators.
lation and explained the steps that the CCC
NORML club is taking to get this legisla­
tion passed.
Gerard Bellavita, ASG's Community Col­
leges of Oregon Student Association and
Commissions (CCOSAC) representative, dis­
cussed the CCOSAC lobbying commission
and legislation that they are working on.
ASG senator Ken Roberts talked about
Child Care legislation and said that the
current bill dealing with child care will be
put before the Oregon House of Representa­
tives Ways and Means committee in April.
Roberts said that there are 28 sponsors
for the bill which would provide child care
funds to many students who don't qualify
for it at this time. This includes freshmen
and sophomores at four-year institutions
and community colleges. Graduate students
are also included.
Board Room.
Everest show
Everest - The Hard Way, a slide show
and commentary on the 1975 British Everest
face of Everest. He was awarded the Com­
mander of the Order of the British Empire
in 1975 for his achievements in mountain­
Admission to the event is $2. Tickets are
available at Recreational Equipment, Inc.
1798 Jantzen Beach Center, Portland.
Crime report
Forty-five parking tickets were handed
out by Clackamas Community College secur­
ity this week. Thirteen were for parking in
unauthorized areas; 15 were for parking in
the loading zone; and two were for parking
in the cycle area.
Buy 3
shocks, get
the 4th
Now, Save 25% on
I a presentation
on Clackamas County
^Ratives in the stage legislature. Rau
dined the different districts within the
land gave background information
the legislators from these various areas.
■ Three CCC students also participated in
R forum.
These people, who are representative of
students, faculty and administration, will
meet weekly at 3 p.m. in the Barlow Hall
■wording to Hakanson a positive ap-
■ works much better than a negative
■litical Science instructor John Rau
ASG President Charlie Bennett talked
Rt the current proposed marijuana legis-
Joan Wiechmann, in charge of financial aids;
Ron Hoodye, student activities and student
health center; Pat Hemenway and Judy
Smith, student recruitment and admissions
and records; Alf Lair, counseling and testing;
Dave Madsen, placement office; Eileen El­
liot, business office; Mary Oldford, athletics
and women's athletics;
Chuck Hudson,
health, PE and recreation; Jim Painter,
Jerry Bellavita and Susan Fredd, personnel
services; Russ Wiebe and Larry Noonan,
expedition, will be presented at the West­
ern Forestry Center, 4033 SW Canyon
Road, Portland, on March 9, at 7 p.m.
Chris Bonington, who is giving the pre­
sentation, was the leader of the expedition
and made the first ascent of the southwest
sgislative forum informs
I I five-member panel discussed proper
|ne|hods for contacting state legislators and
but because they drop out and don't offi­
cially withdraw," Adams said.
"The best advice to the veteran is to plan
his program carefully, do exactly what he
plans to do, and notify the VA immediately
of any changes," he said.
Veterans who want more information on
the new standards can contact the VA
office, CC 115.
shocks, go Gabriel.
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