Cougar print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1976-1977, March 03, 1977, Page 10, Image 10

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Skill Olympics
More than 200 high school students from
throughout Oregon will compete Friday and
Saturday, April 15 and 16, at Clackamas
Community College in the fifth Statewide
Industrial Clubs of America
Skill Olympics.
The Skill Olympics feature competition
in a wide variety of technical skills, inclu­
ding auto mechanics, bricklaying, carpentry,
radio and television repair, sheet metal work
and welding. Students are judged by mem­
bers of business and industry on assigned
tasks and are graded on written tests to
determine the winners.
Students qualify for the statewide com­
petition by high school, area.and regional
judging. The winners of the statewide compe­
tition will then qualify for the National
Skill Olympics.
Gib Bloomquist, agricultural and indus­
trial division chairman at CCC, is organizing
the event along with George Warren of the
State Department of Education.
Noonan, automotive department chairman,
is directing the job skills contests.
Auto repair bill
Oregon consumers are being asked to
contact their legislators and urge their sup­
port of a bill to provide consumers some
protection in the area of auto repair.
House Bill 2085 has been introduced in­
to the 1977 Legislature to provide three
sanctions for the public: the right to re­
placed parts, a completed work order and a
choice of estimates.
The bill will be heard before the House
Business and Consumer Affairs Committee,
whose members are Representatives Grannell
(Chairperson), Fawbush, Achilles, Kerans,
Klein, Markham, Morris, Shaw and Vian.
Similar legislation was proposed in 1973
and 1975 but was unsuccessful. Part of the
failure has been attributed to lack of public
Auto mishap
Richard Edmund Nash, 20, a student at
Clackamas Community College suffered ser-
ious head injuries Tuesday, Feb. 22, when
the Volkswagen he was driving was struck
in the left side by a Chevrolet pickup.
According to police sources, Nash ap­
parently pulled off the access road near
Smuckers onto Beavercreek Road without
stopping to check for oncoming traffic, and
was hit by the pickup.
Nash was pinned in his car and had to be
extracted by firemen from District 54, who
shortly arrived on the scene. He was taken
to Willamette Falls Hospital for emergency
treatment, and was then transferred to the
University of Oregon Health Sciences Cen­
ter intensive care unit where he is reported
in serious condition.
Neither the driver of the pickup, Edwin
Dee Heilman, or his passenger, John Gregory
Scott, were injured.
The series starts March 17 an
held from 6:30 p.m. to 8 in the E
Building on the Marylhurst campus]
For more information contact A
at 655-8401.
New senators
Three new senators were voted.
Associated Student Governmentdur
meeting last Thursday.
Three people were nominatedt
three vacancies and a motion was
accept the nominees. The motioij
The new senators arc Kevin Coo
Holland and Marcia Tuma.
ASG also approved a revision]
constitution that will allow ASG
exceptions to a newly adopted red
for senators. This requirement sS
all members of ASG take a mini
Gardening section
With spring just around the corner, many
persons are beginning to have visions of com­
post piles, rich, red earth, tiny seeds, lack
of water and their favorite garden-fresh
Next week the Cougar Print will offer
another special section for the enjoyment
and interest of the college community.
Happie Thacker, Cougar Print copy edi­
is editing a gardening section for
"green thumbers" with help from staff re­
porters and photographers. Paul Byers, ad­
vertising salesperson, is handling advertising
sales to merchants with a special interest in
gardening and Clackamas Community Col­
Transition group
The Clackamas County Mental Health
Program is planning a transition group for
newly single women as part of its com­
munity service program.
The group is open to women up to the
age of 55 who are undergoing stress due to
separation, divorce or death.
According to Clackamas Community Col­
lege counselor Bernie Nolan this is not a
therapy group but an opportunity for sup­
port, growth and self expression for newly
single women.
six credit hours per term.
The revision to this requireme
Exceptions may be made concei
campus student senators with a 2/3
approval of ASG of Clackamas Com
College if a candidate has except«?
fications as determined by ASG of
Art presentation
This Monday, March 7, Norm Bl
will give a presentation of hisworksij
in B-151. Bursheim, art instructor^
amas Community College, will m
presentation in conjunction with Ma
Philosophy of Asthetics (Phil 204
P O BOX 292.
O wner M anager
I ■
for sale
for sale
help wasted
PARTING OUT 1968 Volvo 144S. Good engine,
glass, wheels and some body parts. Call 655-
sell used clubs - cheap. 1,3 woods 3-9 irons,
wedge, bags, balls, and tees. Call 636-7833 and
make an offer - I'll never refuse.
Print, a weekly newspaper serving all aspect!
the college community, welcomes new staff!
bers. Credit and limited tuition waiversforsfl
editorial positions are available. Apply atTrails]
USED PARA-COMMANDER parachute in Pio­
neer Para-Twin Piggy-back containers. All blue,
short lined for stability. Excellent for relative
work. Includes 24' steerable ripstop reserve para­
chute. Extremely reliable canopy. All for $385.
Call 655-3194 or leave a message at CCC ext.
259 or 310, for Jerry Wheeler.
USED SWINGSET. Fulfill your childhood dreams
or provide a dream for your child. Only $15;
U-haul; a horse and 2 swings. With a coat of
paint it would be just like new. Call 638-6191
after 6 p.m.
63 VW BUG, 32 mpg, 40,000 miles on rebuilt
engine. New Tires, New Paint, Needs reverse
connected. $595.00 or best offer. Call ext. 259
and leave message for Ron or call 397-4427.
Page 10
FOR SALE TEAC A-4010-SL Reel to Reel.
Asking $225.00 or one way ticket to Marrakech.
Contact H.B. in Trailer B, Publications. 656-
2631, Ext. 259.
BE SURE to keep watching for a new I
WANTED: The cheapest price for good, fine
barkdust. We'll provide transportation. Call 638-
6191 after 6 p.m.
great journalism classes being offered sprinl
Editing and Design, Offset Newspaper Prodiij
Publications Lab and Photojournalism. 0
with your counselor or call Randy Clark!
WANTED: Movable storage shed. Must be $75
or less. Phone Cyndi, 829-2021.
Ext. 259 for more information. Some
information in the schedule is incorrect.
Thursday, March 3