Cougar print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1976-1977, March 03, 1977, Image 1

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    Skills center offers tutorial aid
itudents who are having learning prob-
5 can go to the Study Skills Center and
ive help.
'he Study Skills Center offers study
|n all fields or curriculums that are
red at Clackamas Community College,
lepartment chairman of the Study Skills
ter, Robert Misley, said out of the stu-
Iibody approximately 400 to 500 stu-
f per month use the center.
slide and cassette tape viewers, tape
Irdings and pamphlets are all part of the
[available to students who request help.
“The program has been very rewarding
listructors who work through the pro-
m and see the improvements in students'
It," said Misley.
Dr,Bohn Hakanson, who started the pro-
gram approximately nine years ago, foresaw
the need for the Study Skills Center to
meet the community college philosophy of
an open door policy.
Dr. Hakanson feels that students who
have not completed high school may need
the service and therefore the subjects would
have to be started from a basic level.
The program has been very successful
and Misley said the only problem encoun­
tered is that most students wait too long
before requesting help.
Misely said students should not feel em-
barassed to come in for help and any stu­
dent is welcome. Many foreign students
come in and request help in English be­
cause of the language barrier.
The main part of the Study Skills Center
is the tutorial services. Tutors are provided
for biology, chemistry, foreign languages,
math or any subject a student needs assis­
tance in.
Misley said all services including tutorial
assistance are free and should be used to the
student's advantage.
"I cannot see how any student could not
succeed if they ask for help," said Misley.
The Study Skills Center also assists blind
and handicapped students. Readers for blind
students, for example, are provided upon
The Study Skills Center is open Monday
through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.
and Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Any student needing help is welcome
and should take advantage of the free ser­
vices provided.
Clackamas Community College
Brianpruning doesn't want help in select-
j the right kind of bra.
Ron West doesn't want a course in how
pet his; hair.
Ray Delker isn't interested in learning
>w to stand and sit properly in a skirt.
[Larry Granger doesn't really care how
should act on a date with a man.
Don Bixler has no use for information
tut feminine personal hygiene.
These are some of the subjects being
Bussed this term in the Personal Promo-
on course at Clackamas Community Col-
Why are men enrolled in this class? Sim-
i. Personal Promotion (CT-25) is a re­
ared course at CCC for business majors
^Management or Merchandising.
[Five of the 19 students registered for the
rurse are men. Granger, Delker and West
Bixler changed his major to avoid the
curse, Bruning was asked not to attend
tees; a request which creates a problem
Borts tor him.
|"l almost feel like it's sex discrimination,"
lining said. "I can't take the course and
By Joe McFeron
Staff Writer
can't drop it; I need it for my Associate
Bixler, who was a business major in Mid­
Mement, changed his major to Indus-
Mobile Hydraulics.
■ couldn't see any sense in wasting time
•ith that course. I'll wait and see what's
Wed when 1 get to O.I.T.," he said.
■Bruning and Bixler were not the only
Bents to voice dissatisfaction. The gripes
put the course are many.
■here may be a need for the course,
ut the way it's being taught is flat out
■dination. It's like enrolling in a sew-
|gcourse and being required to take Body
Id lender Shop to learn how to make
■terns," said Granger.
»About the only thing Personal Promo-
ioii' to me, is how to be a
pan," commented Delken.
BEtext is called 'Today's Woman',
prat should tell you something. One of the
[apters is actually entitled "How To Act
I [Date With A Man," said West.
Heanor Stubbs, department chairperson.
admits the text is not consistent with the
aims of ¿he course.
"The text is a bummer," Stubbs said.
"We thought the course would lean more
toward Medical Assistant and Secretarial
majors, who are traditionally female. When
it turned out that a quarter of the class was
made up of men, I withdrew the book as a
required text. It definitely will not be a re­
quired text next term."
"We're not so much opposed to the
course as we are the way it's being pre­
sented," Granger said. "There is something
to be said for promoting yourself; but
there's nothing in this course for a man,
and we're required to take it."
Art Hames, director of counseling at
CCC, feels that part of the problem may
stem from the combining of two courses.
"The business curriculum was originally
divided into two categories; Fashion Mer­
chandising and Mid-Management. The two
SN: OL0055
Thursday, March 3,1977
programs were combined in 1974, and Per­
sonal Promotion, CT-25, has been a re­
quired course," Hames said. "I can under­
stand the problems this presents for some of
the guys enrolled in the program."
Many of the students enrolled in CCC's
Mid-Management Program are funded by
the Department of Vocational Rehabilita­
tion (DVR). This often presents another
kind of problem.
Of the 93 credits required to graduate,
45 must be in the areas of business admini­
stration, business technology, clothing and
textiles, fashion management or industrial
supervision. Though CCC offers 52 credits
in those areas, 18 of them are "work experi­
ence" credits. In a number of cases, a DVR
recipient must waive the "work experience"
credits because of his disability.
"That means I have to take things I don't
really want, like Home Economics courses,
as substitutes for 'work experience' courses,"
one student said. "DVR almost pushes peo­
ple into business courses; and when they're
paying the tuition, you have to justify what
you're taking if you substitute courses."
According to Don McKay, DVR repre­
sentative, the problem is a rare one.
"Obviously, we wouldn't certify a voca­
tionally handicapped person for rehabili­
tation unless that person was potentially
employable. If he is eligible for DVR funds,
he is able to work in the field of his studies,"
McKay said.
"Not so," said Granger, "I had to get a
doctor's statement and then have my attor­
ney intervene when DVR tried to cut off
my funds."
DVR funds or not, business majors are
required to take CT-25. Numerous com­
plaints have been made through channels.
Lyle Reese, division chairperson, business
education and public service, has been in­
volved in some of them.
"I have been made aware, from both
viewpoints, of the apparent problem. We
are working toward a resolution," Reese
The men enrolled in the Personal Promo­
tion course agree on two things: "It's a
stupid class for us to be required to take,"
and, "Eleanor knows - and she cares."