Cougar print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1976-1977, January 27, 1977, Page 8, Image 8

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'Schizoid Plus’
reaches out
creative show
The Clackamas Community College im­
provisational group, "Schizoid Plus," is plan­
ning a special children's show that will go
on tour at the end of winter term.
According to Roby Robinson, director
of the improvisational group, the show is
still in its "embryonic stages" but will run
approximately 20 minutes with lots of
audience participation and comedy.
"The improvisational group is an adept
group of people who are really receptive
and responsive to other characters and the
audience. This creates a creative atmos­
phere," said Robinson.
The show will play to children through­
out Clackamas County in day care centers,
hospitals, parks and schools. In the past,
Schizoid Plus has concentrated on nursing
homes, senior citizens centers and others
who would not have a chance to a
formances of this sort.
This concentration on senior citis
had a beneficial effect on all those ini
The members of the group get a chi
meet the older generation and the
people get a chance to know younje
pie. Both groups found themselves»
ating preconceptions.
"When we were told we'd be doinj!
for old people, I was nervous," sail
group member. "I had visions of then
old, rotten and nasty, but they i
The new children's show should
vide an opportunity for still two
generations to get aquainted.
"I know for a fact that it will bee
show and very entertaining," said Rob
guitarist appeal
in recital
Photo by Born Chhay
Jeff Haag fires off a hot bass lick while Chris Hardin runs his lightning fast fingers
up and down the keyboard during last Tuesday's mini-concert. This tandem was part of
a trio which featured Sam Henry on drums.
Pianist to debut
Rare indeed is a "command" perfor­
mance in Portland, Oregon. But such an
occasion awaits piano buffs when Janina
Fialkowska, the brilliant young Polish-Cana­
dian pianist appears in recital at the Civic
Auditorium on Tuesday, Feb. 8 at 8:15 p.m.
Miss Fialkowska's booking here was a
part of the contract signed with the legen­
dary pianist Arthur Rubinstein covering his
last appearance here in 1975. Only on the
condition that she be engaged to perform
during the following season (1976-77) would
he consent to perform.
Tickets for the Fialkowska recital on
Feb. 8, priced at $6.00, $5.00 and $4.00,
are on sale now at Celebrity Attractions,
1010 S.W. Morrison, Portland, Ore. 97205.
Page 8
Christopher Parkening, guitarist ext
dinary, will appear in recital on stage,
Portland Civic Auditorium on Tuesday,
1, at 8:15 p.m. The noted young artii
appear here under the aegis of Cell
Blond, California-born Parkening is
first American ever to achieve the pot
of world-renowned virtuoso of the o.
In every center of musical learning It
he is recognized as one of the few surpi
masters of the classical guitar.
Not only lauded for his recital
ances, Parkening is in great demand
guest artist with such major orchestr
the New York Philharmonic, the PH
phia Orchestra, the Boston Symphony,
Angeles Philharmonic, San Francisco!
phony, Washington National Symphony
the orchestras of Baltimore, Dallas
Houston. In addition to these activiii
is fulltime instructor and Head ofthe
tar Department of the University of&
ern California School of Music.
Tickets for the Parkening recital on
1st, priced at $6.00, $5.00 and $4.(B
on sale now at Celebrity Attractions,!
S.W. Morrison, Portland.
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