Cougar print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1976-1977, January 13, 1977, Page 2, Image 2

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    Good move
In the past, the Community Colleges of Oregon
Student Association and Commissions (CCOSAC) or­
ganization has not been very much in tune with the
students it is supposed to represent.
Now, at last, CCOSAC is moving in a positive direc­
CCOSAC's effort to put together a lobbying group
within the organization could have a great impact on
legislation with a direct impact on community college
Michael Ayers, Associated Student Government presi­
dent, has shown great initiative in appointing Jerry
Bellavita as Clackamas Community College's CCOSAC
In the past couple of years Bellavita has worked on
many projects beneficial to the college as well as the
community. He is a man who we feel is very concerned
about problems faced by the student population at
New barrier
In the midst of numerous complaints by the handi­
capped students, a new architectural barrier has hit the
Clackamas Community College campus.
This new obstruction is in the cafeteria. It is the
turnstile at the beginning of the service line constructed
over the holiday break.
One might ask why another barrier was erected after
all the flak that has come about since Bonnie Nelson
first complained about the accessibility situation in
The fact of the matter is that people were stealing
items from the cafeteria. Food to be exact.
This barrier is a direct result of the juvenile behavior
of some students. It seems a shame that to solve one
problem another has to be created.
"5K5'E?EAKE£> FbUT-lCU^f
To the Editor:
19600 S. Molalla Avenue, Oregon City, Oregon 97045
Offices: Trailer B -- Telephone: 656-2631, ext. 259
editor Jim Rogers*news editor Harry Bielskis*sports editor
Amanda Eggleston*arts & entertainment Cyndi Bacon*copy
editor Happie Thacker*assistant copy editor Harriet Mason*
photo editor Jerry Wheeler*assistant photo editor Brian Snook*
reporters Brent Benson, Barbara Dikty, Cindy Ralston, Patricia
Watson, Steve Williams, Joe McFeron, Randy Frank, Ron
Voder, Brad Boyer, Vickie Josi*artist Dan Ackerman*photo-
graphers Steve Wilkowske, Born Chhay, Larry Jackson, Lor­
raine Stratton, Randy Sullivan, Joy Williams*business manager
Ron Schaumburg*advertising Bob Northrup, John Drury, Paul
Byers, Linda Grier*adviser Randy Clark
The Cougar Print is the weekly student-managed newspaper for
Clackamas Community College, financed through student fees
and advertising. Opinions expressed in the Cougar Print do not
necessarily reflect those of the CCC administration, faculty or
the Associated Student Government. Editorials, columns and
signed letters reflect only the opinions of the editors and the
persons signing them. Correspondence should be addressed to
the above address.
The Cougar Print, a member of the Oregon Newspaper Pub­
lishers Association, aims to be a fair and impartial journalistic
medium covering the campus community as thoroughly as
possible. We encourage participation through letters, freelance
articles and story ideas and suggestions. Deadlines are the
Friday of the week prior to the Thursday publication date.
Page 2
Perhaps through the exposure of these words our choreogru
class (PE185-Richenbach) will gain the recognition neededto:
vide it with the proper facilities.
At the present time the administration has dealt a severe bl«
the possibility of a dance collective on campus by relocating
class constantly from place to place. Last week our moderndt
class met in the weight lifting room, this week we're forced tog
tice in the gym, and in the beginning we were scheduled to me?
a room over Smuckers, but safety standards aren't up to I
Beside the mind-rending confusion of it all, most of these pli
are simply not equipped for choreography classes. The weight«
has cement floors and the gym has wrestling mats, neither ofwl
makes for comfortable practices. In addition to experiencing!
burns and torturing ourselves on cement, people continually wan
in and out, disrupting our sets.
To create a successful program we need an attractive facil
one where we, as choreographers, have the reassurance of a wool
floor so we can practice productively and fruitfully without
spectre of bodily harm hanging over us.
With our own facilities we would have the opportunity topi
tice outside of class time and this could make for a moreappeill
program on campus and for the community.
Brad Picb
The COUGAR PRINT welcomes letters to the editor. Itw!
the editorial policy of the COUGAR PRINT to accept onlyi
letters which have been typewritten, double-spaced and which!
been signed by the person submitting the letter. The editorialh
also requires that at the bottom of the letter the person or pel!
writing the"1etter type his full name, address, and a phone null
where that person can be reached for verification.
Clackamas Community Colli