Cougar print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1976-1977, January 06, 1977, Image 1

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1 waylaid;
Monroe, dean of students, addressed
H of accessibility for handicapped
ts and Associated Student Govern-
t President Michael Ayers announced
signation of Jerry Bellavita as ASG's
it to the president during the Dec, 9
’ ieeting.
- ier areas covered at the meeting in­
openings in the student government
; nroe asked ASG to take into consider-
other problem areas for the handi-
' d besides the problem publicized by
e Nelson.
Inroe said that a ramp for the Smu-
complex would cost from seven to
jousai dollars and that similar costs
be expected with an elevator or a
lift. He asked ASG to consider making,
commitment towards a total
isibilit program and said that a deci-
by the college's board of education
dplbablv not come until May.
it so hard to get money for an
^■project?", asked student senator
| Granger during a period of questions
lied It Monroe. Monroe's answer was
the qoard has to decide where the prob-
in the total scheme of priorities
he cllege,
Bllaviti suggested that ASG hold fast
ts prior commitment to Smuckers and
Iger was chosen by Ayers to head a
mittee to look into the situation and
fe upBvith a list of preferences.
jellavita, while stepping down as assistant
le president will still be involved in stu-
fgovernment as ASG's representative to
■ommunity Colleges of Oregon Student
relation and Commissions (CCOSAC).
hers listed the qualifications he is look-
for in Bellavita's replacement saying that
¡assistant to the president should have
jss to and the ability to communicate
■every area of the college.
Bellavita will also be available to student
[rnment as a resource person and says he
¡continue to work for what he feels still
is tolbe worked on at Clackamas Com-
lity College.
kt this time there are two open positions
|ie student senate. These positions were
'iously held by Candice Schwaubauer
Debbie Bottorff.
Is ASG a Mickey Mouse organization? Charlie Bennett, vice president of the Associated
Student Government at CCC, and Brad Boyer, business manager, expressed their opinions
on certain aspects of ASG meetings. Bennett, Boyer and Debbie Griffin, ASG senator,
wore the hats at the Dec. 2 meeting.
Students interested in filling one of these
vacancies should contact a member of ASG
or show up at the Jan. 13 meeting of ASG.
ASG members will be placing the names
of inte-°sted students in nomination and
ASG wt I determine how the vacancies are
The two senators of the term were cho­
sen at the meeting under somewhat con­
troversial conditions. Ayers had asked that
senators wishing to apply for the honor
submit to him a written report detailing
what they had worked on during the term
that would justify giving them a tuition
Three senators, Brian Peters, Maureen
Kearney and Debby Griffin turned in re­
ports but it was decided at the meeting
after some discussion that names could be
placed in nomination by fellow senators.
This decision allowed the senate to add
Kitty Selman, Ken Roberts and Marsha
Kunkle to the list of senator of the term
The two senators chosen by the senate
as senators of the term were Brian Peters
and Kitty Selman.
for emergencies
Community College
switchboard will be open Monday through
Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. and
Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
For emergency calls after the switch­
board closes, call the Oregon City Police
Department and ask them to relay the
information to CCC Security. Campus Se­
curity will be on duty 24 hours a day.
Since it is very difficult to gain access
to records after 5 p.m., night students should
inform babysitters and family of their sche­
dules so that security can reach them direct­
ly in case of emergencies.
To reach the switchboard during working
hours dial "0" on any campus phone.
Switchboard hours will be posted near all
available phones for emergency use.