Cougar print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1976-1977, October 06, 1976, Page 2, Image 2

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    Pow Wow set
Sixty to 100 Indian dancers are expected
to compete for $1,200 in prizes at a Pow
Wow to be held on the Clackamas Com­
munity College campus October 22, 23 and
In addition to dancing there will be a
drumming competition and a display of
Indian artifacts. Indian food and crafts will
be sold.
The free event is being sponsored by
Ouy Ka' Lah, the college's Indian club,
Associated Student Government, and the
college's student activities office.
The sponsors are also holding a raffle
for an Indian blanket. Tickets are 50iS each
or three for $1.00 and are available at the
student activities office.
Parking for campers will be available on
Information about the Pow Wow and
registration for the drumming and dancing
competitions is available from the Indian
Outreach office, 656-2631, ext. 324.
for this
Ullman visits
Representative Al Ullman (Democrat, Or.)
spoke in the Fireside Lounge yesterday from
10:30 to 11:30 a.m.
There will be a story on his visit to
Clackamas Community College in next week's
Ullman is chairman of the Ways and
Means Committee in the House of Represen­
new addition
in next
Cougar Print
Elections set
The election of the 1976-77 student
senate will be held Thursday and Friday,
October 14 and 15.
There is still time for interested students
to get their names on the ballot. All a stu­
dent has to do is go into the Student
Activities Office and fill out a petition.
Student signatures are not required to make
the petition valid. Petitions must be turned
in by October 11.
A candidate forum is scheduled for Tues­
day, October 12, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. to
give students a chance to ask questions of
senatorial candidates. The forum may also
be used by Associated Student Government
officers to outline their plans for the year
to the student body.
New from Levi’s!
“Movin’ On” Jeans.
Clackamas Community College Business
students interested in attending a symposium
on "Career Potentials" should contact Lyle
Reese, ext. 255.
This is the 12th Annual Business College
Symposium sponsored by the Portland Cham­
ber of Commerce and will be held November
A slimmer, European
cut.With Levi’s®quality.
In lots of fabrics and
colors.The Gap’s got a
ton of ’em. Fall in today.
Page 2
© T h * Gap
Invitations will be extended to a total of
400 students and faculty from 18 Oregon
collegesand universities.
"The purpose of the symposium is to
provide a forum for Oregon businesses,
colleges, and universities to exchange infor­
mation and viewpoints on business careers,"
according to M.L. Chester, symposium chair­
man and University of Portland development
Clackamas Community Colle