Cougar print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1976-1977, September 23, 1976, Page 4, Image 4

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    CCC recycling program initiated
By Harry Bielskis
Staff Writer
This term marks the start of a recycling
program at Clackamas Community College.
The project, called the CCC Paper Re­
cycle, will concentrate on areas of heavy
paper use within the college. With the aid
of a Portland recycling firm and CCC's
Community Services, the program will take
paper that is normally thrown away and
re-market it.
"As far as I know, this is the first
community college in the state to market
its waste paper," stated Jerry Bellavita,
chairman of the Paper Recycling Committee.
The program will concentrate on college
paper only, but in a few years it may
develop into a full-scale recycle center and
facilities would be added for other waste
products such as bottles, tin, etc.
Containers will be placed in areas of high
paper concentration, such as Graphic Arts,
Student Activities, and the mailroom. When
these barrels are full, a secretary will call a
central phone number and work-study stu­
dents will transport the paper to a collection
site on campus. A trailor in front of the
Ecology Learning Center will be used to
sort and store the collected material. Trans­
portation of the paper will be handled with
the use of a three-wheeled pedal-driven
vehicle appropriately called "The Clackamas
Community College Recycle".
Administration and management of the
program will be assisted by the Portland
Recycle Team, a non-profit organization
having five years experience in the field of
recycling. The college will receive 20% ot the
projects' income, which will be used to
keep the operation going. The remaining
80% win cover the costs and part of the
salaries of the Portland Firm.
Bellavita commented on the significance
of the program. "It is important to initiate
a project of this nature because the college
is a central point of the community. People
will see the program in operation and per­
haps be inspired to use recycling in their
The committee chairman wished to ac-
knowledge the services of concerned college
individuals and especially Dr. Hakanson for
his support of the project.
Films, art exhibits, a raffle and "funky"
music will be some of the highlights of
Black Awareness Week September 27 through
October 2.
Sponsored by Concerned Black Students
(CBS), the week is planned to spark an
early interest in Black culture and to draw
attention to the newly-formed club.
"The club was originally thrown together
last year to help create ethnic awareness on
campus," said Ron Hoodye, Clackamas Com­
munity College Financial Aid officer and
adviser of CBS.
Black Awareness Week will be kicked off
Monday, September 27, with "The Learning
Tree", a feature > of the Monday Flick. The
film will relate to the display of African
art featured in the Community Center mall.
An art exhibit will feature sketches of
prominent Black people from the past and
present by Philmore Redeau, last year's
CBS president.
A dance featuring "Grove Tube" will f
wind up Black Awareness Week on Satur-
ay, October 2, in the Community Center <
Mall. Raffle tickets can be purchased in the
Student Activities Office for door prizes
to be distributed during the dance. Stu­
dents will be able to dance from 8 p.m. to
midnight for $1.50 single or $2.50 a couple.
"All these activities will help to identify
CBS as an active, creative organization,"
said Debbie Sipe, CBS secretary.
The creation of Black Awareness Week
began at other colleges and CBS hopes to
have several of the same types of "happen­
ings" each year. Sipe, who is also Associ
ated Student Government Secretary stressed
her hope that more Black students will
become involved with CBS.
More information on Black Awareness
Week can be obtained at the Student Acti­
vities office in the Community Center.
ASG plans events, involvement
The Associated Student Government held
two summer meetings to discuss and plan
fall activities.
ASG unanimously agreed to sponsor Ouy
Ka Lah's Pow Wow to be held October
22, 23 and 24. It had been originally in­
tended that ASG and Community Services
co-sponsor this cultural event, but Com­
munity Services was unable to help. Be-
Brown Bag billed
cause Ouy Ka Lah had asked for matching
funds. A$G had to have a remotion. ASG
then approved the expenditure of $1000
with the stipulation that any money made
up to $1000 be paid back to ASG and any
money made over $1000 be split 50/50.
"This year we're stressing more student
invdlvement along with a couple of major
projects," revealed Michael Ayers, President
of the Associated Student Government at
Clackamas Community College.
Another project being undertaken is the
revamping of student rights and responsi­
bilities along with better directive on ASG
senator and officer requirements.
"Right now we're going to try for col­
lective bargaining but it is only in the ob­
servatory stage now," said Ayers. "We hope
to get more student involvement by using
this system."
Summing it up Ayers said, "We're hoping
for a good year."
"The Emerging Woman" is the topic of
the first Brown Bag movie-discussion pro­
gram to be held at Clackamas Community
College Thursday, September 30, at noon
and 7:30 p.m.
The free programs, open to students and
the public, will be held in the college's
Community Center Building in room 117.
A documentary film about the history
of women in the United States will be
followed by a discussion. Annette Sax, a
CCC English instructor, will lead the noon­
time discussion.
Preview slated
A one-night preview of basic outdoor
skills will be presented at Clackamas Com­
munity College Tuesday, September 28, at
7 p.m. by Vahan Yazarian.
Yazarian, an outdoor survival expert, will
explore snow and ice climbing,snow camping,
cross country travel, photography, mountain
climbing, mountain walking, belays and rap-
pells, special mountain hazards and navi­
gation in a free slide presentation in the
college's Community Center Building, in
room 117.
Page four
Marleen Eversult, Canby, took first place in munity war» Ron Riekens, Oregon City,
the women's non-sighted bow competition (third) and Jack Daly, Lake Oswego (fourth)
during the archery tournament held on cam­ in the compound sights event
pus Sept. 19. Other placers from the com-
Thursday, September 23, 1976