|A\5 Volume 1, Number 1 Ministry of Information Services The Official Publication of the Clackamas College Communist Party Week ends in bloodless coup by Comrade Zubkov Staff Liar A bizarre week ended Thursday with a bloodless coup that ousted the CCC Associated Student Government. Witnesses said that an armed group calling themselves the United Student Social Reform Revolutionary Front took control of the ASG offices. Rumors run rampant as to the whereabouts of former ASG President (Keep the) Faith Taylor. While it has been specu­ lated that she met with foul play comrade Paul Kyllov, spokes­ man for the front, denied these rumors, "Comrade Taylor has mere­ ly been exiled to Chemeketa Community College Party for political re-indoctrination and work on her grades," he said. Student government was renamed The Student Central Commitee and it is expected that long time party strongman Norm Bernzinski will be an­ nounced as chairman and politi­ cal commissar at a news con­ ference tomorrow. Reactions varied among much one way or another as now we can get Arvydas campus faculty members. "I long as we can field a champion­ Sabonis playing for the Red think it was a change that was ship basketball team," he Cougars next season. Heck, needed," said Linda Volkov, ad­ quipped. "You have to look at we’d be undefeated." visor to the Ministry of Informa­ the bright side of this...hopefully tion Services. "The party knows what’s best for us. ASG needed political reorganization so that the masses could function more smoothly. And besides, their grades were terrible." Political Science Teacher John Rau, a noted imperialist warmonger, disagreed. "I’ve been warning people for a long time that something like this would happen if we didn’t draw the line on communism, welfare, food stamps, medicare, social security and all those other worthless commie programs," Rau declared. "Those stinking reds think they can just come in here and take over like they did at Chemeketa. Well, let me tell you: there are still a few of us real Americans around that own guns and are not afraid to use them." Ipea Uchit (R), the new leader of the People’s Student Minister of Athletics Royce Government, and Uchit Ipea (L), assistant leader, stand in front Kischev was indifferent to the of the headquarters from which they staged their successful coup. new developments. "I don’t care KGB trailer destroyed in attack ■ by Comrade Zuhkov ■ Staff Liar A bomb destroyed the cam­ fl pus KGB trailer Thursday, kill­ fl ing and injuring 25 people. An ■ ultra right-wing terrorist group ■ known as the Committee to Re- ■ elect Faith (CREEF) claimed ■ responsibility for the act. An experienced intemation- ■ al mercenary, terrorism is noth­ ing new to Rick Piller, the man believed to be the head of the group. Piller was last seen kill­ helpless women and ing children for cocaine in Central America. Ever the egotist, Piller telephoned an interview to the Ministry of Information. 'Who cares about them?" Pillar said. "Commies are like animals: they don’t got no rights. With the current economic climate in America you have to go to where you can get your fair price per head to kill commies." Pillar’s attitude on the tombing of the KGB trailer was entirely different however. "That was different. I don’t want people thinking that I’m cold blooded and ,heartless. I love America and I do stuff like that for free for Uncle Sam. They deserved to die...those are the people that keep trying to take away my AK-47 and they were the .Bolshevik scum that in­ vented them," Piller complained. Piller warned that there would be more terrorist activity in the future. "I’m gonna take a bunch of party bigshots hostage and kill one of them a day until Faith is reinstated and these ridiculous charges on my friend Ollie North are dropped," he promised. This is all that remains of the KGB trailer after a terrorist bombing by the Committee to Re-Elect Faith (CREEF). DISCLAIMER The MisPrint is the April Fool’s edition of the CCC student newspaper and is completely fictional. It is not meant to be malicious or spiteful; it is merely good-na­ tured satire. If you have absolutely NO sense of humor read no further. The contents of this publication are bound to confuse the collective redneck brain cell shared by the humorless inhabitants of this backwater area. In other words, if you don’t think The MisPrint is funny, and/or take offense at this publication, we don’t really give a damn because Larry Flynt insured freedom of satire for all!! Party paper published This paper represents the first issue of the official publica­ tion of the Clackamas College Communist Party (CCCP) Mini­ stry of Information Services. It replaces the bourgeois capitalist rag, "The Print," which was a tool of the imperialist American government. Though we know you are all loyal party members, you may be wondering what hap­ pened to the capitalist pigs that used to staff the old regime’s publication. Editor-in-Chief Christopher Curran, Managing Editor Caree Hussey, and most of the other old staff were sent to a forced labor camp in Clair­ mont Hall ("little Siberia"), where they now serve the people in a more productive fashion in the State Condom Testing Division. Unfortunately the biggest enemy of the people, movie critic Rick Piller, was deported to Oregon City where he formed a resistance movement. Minister of State Security Stan Johnson informed the Ministry that his team of brave comrades is closing in on Colonel Piller’s band of ill-equipped, mal­ nourished mercenaries. April 1,1989 News Digest Training to be conducted The Ministry of Training will conduct mandatory guerrilla warfare classes beginning next week. The classes will be held from 12:30 to 3 p.m. in the field behind McLoughlin Hall. ALL loyal party members are expected to attend. Public executions set for next week Remaining members of the CCC english department will be shot next Thursday, according to Minister of State Security Stan Johnson. Craig Lesley, Tom Richards, Mike Kepler, and Annette Andre will be executed at noon Apr. 6 for extreme liberalism and crimes against the people. New faculty hired Four new indoctrination specialists have joined the CCCP english department Comrades Tom Richavsky, Mike Keplov, Annette Andrei, and Craig Leslovich were hired from the State School of Party Literature in Kiev to replace four recently departed members of the english staff. New history texts stocked Several new history texts have replaced the inaccurate volumes that were being used oil campus. The new texts were written by CCCP members and correct inaccuracies concerning the Soviet revolution and the imperialistic policies of the capitalist nations. ■BE