OPINIONS THE PRINT This morning when I woke I felt re­ freshed and ready to meet the day. This feeling was immediately replaced with a deep sense of gloom when I opened my drapes and discovered that I was surrounded by masses of dense fog. Will spring ever get here? It’s not so much Domestic that I hate winter, it’s Issues just that I’m running out of ways to keep my daughter occupied. Tammy Every time I sit down Swartzendruber to do my homework my daughter decides that it would be a won­ derful time to play a game. So she runs and gets her game of Candy Land and shoves it under my nose, begging me to play it with her. It used to be fairly easy to tell her no, but now that she’s older she has grown more diplomatic. Now she says, “Mommy, let’s do something special tonight. I know you don’t have any money to take me to a movie so let’s just play a game.” I try to tell her that I don’t have time and she interrupts me by saying, “I know you don’t really have the time Mom, but I missed you so bad during school that I What do you think about 'mercy killings'? If someone is in a coma, who should decide if they should be kept on life-saving machines - family, doctor, hospital? "I feel that if a person has been in a coma for a year, without his or her condition improving, then their immediate family and friends should make a joint decision on their outcome." -Jerry Jones "There are miracle stories of how persons in a coma have been re­ vived and live normal lives, but I feel that, after a few months, the patient’s family should decide whether or not to continue life­ sustaining procedures. If I were the patient, I would rather have the machines disconnected and cease being a burden on my fam­ ily. Then maybe my healthy or­ gans could be used as transplants to give someone else a normal life - someone who might not have lived if I had been kept on ma­ chines." -Brenda Cyrus raised my hand and told the teacher I had to go to the bathroom and then when I got in the bathroom I just cried and cried. I wanted to come home so bad.” I wonder vaguely whatever happened to those days when she could barely put two words together to form a sentence. Now she is putting her arms around me and saying, “You’re so special to me Mom.” “Okay dear. I will play one game with you.” I can’t believe I’ve fallen prey to her again. Let me just say here that any of you who think that a six year old is not capable of this kind of manipulation probably do not have a six year old of your own. Needless to say, my school work can’t survive much of this kind of coaxing, and this makes for a long explanation when a teacher asks why my paper isn’t done. So I have learned to just say, “I’m sorry I didn’t get this paper done. You see it was foggy yesterday.” They look at me a little strange and that’s usually the end of it. Because of all this I will be very glad when spring is finally here. Teachers seem to understand it better when I tell them I had spring fever rather than when 1 tell them that the weather was bad yesterday. Here's to Japan's Haiku The English invented the sonnet and the clerihew; the Americans invented the limerick, or was it the British. The Japa­ nese like the short, succinct, descriptive haiku. I like to compose haiku while I watch TV. I spread numbers on a page, one through seventeen (the number of syllables "If a person is terminally ill and in each haiku) and proceed to write a thought, slips into a coma, they should be placing a syllable over kept pain-free and intravenously each number. The ex­ The Laugh fed, but as far a machines which ercise offers a result with breathe for them, etc., I feel that Clinic ® words like finger-paint­ those are one more example ofyet ing does with visuals: free another way that doctors and wheeling, yet thought­ Joseph Patrick hospitals are in the business of Lee ful, like snapshots of in­ I gouging the public. sights or impressions. -Elissa McGarry One day I saw a maiden playing a gui­ tar. All the while she smiled. Sea gulls on a lonely stretch of beach strutting, preening. Quite out of reach. Now and then I think of her as she looked the day she left me, smiling.. Homeless people huddled on the street Chemeketa’s is $240. At $230 this year, our waiting for a meal. This life is mean. costs are comparitive. Jumping on grapes tends to make the I would also like to point out that tuition costs at any college are not on­ feet royally purple, so they say. The French are marvelous folk: They going expenses such as the electric bill or housing, something everyone pays for ev­ enjoy vin ordinaire with their meals. Traffic Court is for the birds; the judge ery month-forever. Students are expected to attend college and pay tuition for only a hears the cop and bangs his gavel. Vitamins taken every day help to keep short period (2-5 years) of their lives. That the student who attended in 1978-79 paid the doctor away. Meditate twice a day and you will keep $110 should have no bearing on whether or not $230 for the 1988-89 student is reason­ the psychiatrist at bay. Money is not just the root of all evil; it able. You can’t buy a loaf of bread today for 35 cents as you could in 1978. Ten years ago is the whole damn tree. Touch me with your eyes, caress me I bought a new off-the-show-room-floor car for $4,200. Today a comparible car costs $8,000. CCC Tuition increase acceptable While it is not surprising that Clacka­ mas Community College’s Board of Edu­ cation has approved a tuition increase for 1989-90, it is surprising that the school newspaper would take such a reactionary position on the issue. Yes, it is true that the tuition costs for next year will be more than double the full- time costs of 1978-79. And yes, it is true that Umpqua Community College’s tui­ tion is 20 percent higher than ours. But you fail to mention that in 1978-79 Umpqua’s tuition was $135 for full-time enrollment, 22 percent higher than our $110 at that time. You also fail to note that Umpqua is a small community college serving a largely rural area with an isolated population; Umpqua doesn’t have to compete for stu­ dents with other community colleges or universities. Clackamas, on the other hand, does. Our students may be enticed to at­ tend Portland Community College, Mt. Hood Community College, Chemeketa Community College, or even several of the local four year institutions or technical schools. Therefore, our tuition costs must be comparitive within the metropolitan area. Portland and Mt. Hood both charge $225 for full-time tuition during 1988-89. with your lovely voice, scratch me with words. Does anyone around here know karate or kung fu like Bruce Lee? The passion in her voice was all he needed to hear; Love’s Fire was there. The vast wasteland that is television keeps us busy hours on end. Now we can go on to bigger and better things than watching TV. Freud was right, Karl Jung was right: the Mind is a terrible thing to waste. He held her in his arms and cried and laughed because it seemed, Oh, so right. Try these on for size, he said. We can always make alterations, Mac. Let us all resolve to make each day better than the best days of yore. Stun guns shock those geeks who try to grab the girls when they are vulnerable. Never give a sucker an even break; he’ll come back for more and more. Love, laughter and work make life worth while, she said, with a beautiful smile. One day after another, one day at a time, gets the job done right. Ronald Reagan talks and talks, smoothly, like silk rustling in the darkness. Nancy Reagan is pretty in her green dress, big eyes almost teary. Poindexter and North will be known to history as suede-shoeless boys. Designer dresses borrowed and kept, make headlines for gossipy press. Lap top computers: the machine is mightier than the sword or the pen. Lila is fervent, caring and willing to help others in their need. Melissa Banks Department Secretaiy Financial Aid Editor’s Note: Although Umpqua Commu­ nity College serves a largely rural area with an isolated population, it should be taken into account that Blue Mountain Commu­ nity College and Treasure Valley Community College also fit that definition and have the two lowest full-time tuition rates in the state at $216 and $220 respectively. centimeters 16 (M) . 49.25 -0.16 0.01 17 38.62 -0.18 -0.04 18(B) 28.86 0.54 0.60 19 16.19 -0.05 0.73 20 8.29 -0.81 0.19 21 3.44 -0.23 0.49 22 31.41 20.98 -19.43 Page 3 Fog shows winter's signs Student Opinions Letter to the Editor... February 1,1989 23 72.46 -24.45 55.93 24 72.95 16.83 68.80 25 29.37 13.06 -49.49 26 54.91 -38.91 30 77 27 43.96 52.00 30.01 28 82.74 3.45 81.29 29 52.79 50.88 -12.72 Munsell Color Services Lab 30 50.87 -27.17 -29.46