THE PRINT Vol. XXII No. 11 Wednesday, January 18,1989 Oregon City, Oregon Clackamas Community College Clackamas celebrates King’s life by Tim Jones Staff Writer Clackamas Community Col­ lege held a ceremony Monday in the community center to celebrate the national holiday honoring civil rights activist Martin Luther King, Jr. The ceremony featured speak­ ers Halim Rahassan, academic advisor from Portland Commu­ nity College, Clackamas Commu­ nity College President John Key­ ser and Associated Student Gov­ ernment President Faith Taylor. President Keyser gave a short presentation on King and his many contributions to society. The movie Eyes on the Prize was viewed by the crowd who gath­ ered to watch the event. The movie used film footage of King and the protest against oppression of black Americans to dramatize the Photo by Jillian Porter struggle of the civil rights activist. This cake stating "I have a Dream" was featured during the The film highlighted the difficul­ college's celebration of Martin Luther King's birthday Monday. ties they encountered in attaining equality in America. the Lincoln Memorial to hear King He also spoke of the great contri- ASG President Faith Taylor speak and to support the passage buttons that black Americans have made to society. recited Martin Luther King’s of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. famous speech “I Have A Dream.” ... The featured speaker, Halim Rahassan pointed out to the King wrote this speech for the Rahassan, gave an extensive pres- audience how King awakened, the “March On Washington,” when entation on King and his leader­ American conscience and spoke 250,000 people gathered around ship of the civil rights movement. out against the injustice being done News ■Digest to black Americans and the im­ poverished. “King’s use of nonvi­ olence to strive for civil rights was the better alternative,” Rahassan said, comparing it to the violent stand the other prominent leader of the time, Malcolm X, had pro­ posed. He asked the students attend­ ing if America had “lived up its creed that all men were created equal.” He then asked them if, “America was better off than it was 8 years ago when Reagan took office.” Explaining what he saw as Reagan and his administration’s undoing of Martin Luther King’s dream of brotherhood for all men, Rahassan stated that, “Reagan was opposed to a day honoring King and it was Congress who voted to have a holiday in King’s honor.” Rahassan is educational chairman for the Black United Front and chair person for Portland’s Edu­ cational Committee. Martin Luther King’s desire for everyone was to share in his dreamof the brotherhood of man, regardless of color or social stand­ ing. He leaves behind his message for all people to live together peacefully. Intallation of officers held by Phi Beta The Pi Eta chapter of Phi Beta Lambda held its Intalla­ tion of Officers Dinner Dec. 5 at Red’s Coach Inn in Mil­ waukie. The Invocation was given by President Gertrude Amund­ son. Guests were introduced by Vice President Iva Smiley. The speaker for the evening was Instructor Bob Wynia. The topic of Wynia’s speach was “Business in Gen­ eral” Following his comments, the induction of new members took place. ASG begins film series As part-of a hew-weekly series, the Clackamas-Associ­ ated Student Government is presenting “Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome” next Monday at 11 a.m. in the Community Center’s Fireside Lounge. Aimedatgettingstudents ! more involved in the social aspect of attending the col­ lege, the weekly film series includes such films as “Mar­ ried to the Mob,” “Platoon” and “Risky Business,” coming soon to a Community Center near you. Lack of Entertainment coordinator evident by Mike Nelson and Rick Piller Staff Writers Last Wednesday the Associ­ ated Student Government spon­ sored a group of comedians to entertain the students during lunch. Most students around cam­ pus felt that the show was a flop. “They said some funny stuff but it wasn’t worth laughing at,” said one student. This show brought into fo­ cus the gross mismanagement of the entertainment coordinator Tim Pearson. According to Vice Presi­ dent Leslie Barton, Pearson failed to answer many of his phone calls, on time or even at all. Former Entertainment Senator Renee Bogart said he was hardly ever available. Last October Pearson received the position as entertainment coordinator for ASG. The post is usually filled during the summer term, according to Senator Tom Pagh. So in October Pearson started already behind schedule. This may account for his failure to fulfill his duties in office. “He has done a lot of good,” said Faith Taylor in a recent inter- eyser receives commendation Photo by Julie Church )R. JOHN KEYSER - Clackamas Community College president lamed Oregon City Public Citizen of the Year. by Christopher L. Curran Editor Clackamas Community Col­ lege President Dr. John Keyser received an extremely rare dis­ tinction for his work last year in thé Oregon City area. Keyser was chosen public citi­ zen of 1988 by the Enterprise Courier in the Dec. 29 issue of that daily Oregon City newspa­ per. “It was a great honor. I was very flattered,” stated Keyser. “Some folks estimated my job performance better than I did.” Although credited by the award, Keyser feels it is more of an award for the college than a personal award. “I would feel better about passing the bond levy in March than the award,” said the fourth year Clackamas president. In an article in the Enterprise Courier, Keyser stated that, “Al­ though nobody is perfect, it’s alwajs important to keep striving for see KEYSER - page 3 view. Earlier in that same inter­ view she said,”he is going to re­ sign.” The problem facing ASG now is that he has stopped work but has not officially resigned. Until such time as he turns in a written resignation the post is considered filled and ASG is unable to fill it with a full time working member. At this point the posi­ tion is being held on a temporary basis. Alack of involvement on the part of the students is also behind the failure of the entertainment "He (Pearson) has done a lot of good... (but) he is going to resign." - Faith Taylor ASG President coordinator. It is impossible for the entertainment coordinator to know what the students want if they do not express their opin­ ions. Every day suggestion boxes remain unfilled. Students are urged to make a difference in entertain­ ment and in the other aspects of Associated Student Government at the college.This includes any­ thing from going to a student council meeting to holding a posi­ tion in ASG. Health Testing offered to staff, students Thursday the athletic de­ partment is offering body com­ position testing and cholesterol screening to all students and staffat the college for just five dollars. The testing and screening will take place in Randall Hall beginning at 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m., noon and 2:30 p.m. Students at West Linn observe King In protest to a lack of ob­ servance to the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., stu­ dents at West Linn High School skipped their first class Mon­ day and only returned to classes during second period, where the school allowed a period of silence in tribute to the late civil rights leader. - centimeters -12.72 -29.46 Colors by Muriseli Color Services Lab________