The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, October 26, 1988, Image 1

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Vol. XXII No. 4
Wednesday, October 26, 1988
Clackamas Community College
Bus turn-around near completion
by Briane Q Dotson
Construction is being done
Staff Writer
by Juhr Construction of Portland.
Completion is near on the Juhr also worked on remodeling
estimated $130,000 Tri-Met bus the Harmony School which was
turn-around, in front of the recently bought by CCC.
Community Center.
The reason for the overhaul
According to Don Fisher, oftheoldbus turn around,which
director of physical plant, the bus was built in 1978, is due to damage
turn around should be completed done by articulated buses which
around Nov. 4.
were too heavy for the concrete
The original date for to withstand. As a result, the
completion was Oct. 15. All that concrete was broken loose and
is left to be completed is a small couldn’t be patched. The 10 years
section of concrete and then an for which the old turn around
asphalt surfacing.
has lasted is considered a normal
Photo by Julie Church
The Trl-Met bus turnaround in front of the Community Center
Is scheduled for completion by Nov. 4.
life span, according to Fisher.
Only one inconvenience was
caused by the construction: four
handicapped parking places had
to be moved to behind
McLoughlin. Which, according
to Stan Johnson, director of public
safety, has not affected the
handicapped students very much.
“It took about a week for
everyone to get used to it. It has
worked really well,” said Johnson.
CCC will pay around 35% of
the $130,000 for the new bus turn
around. The state of Oregon will
pay 65% of the project’s cost,
according to Fisher.
There is also a possibility
that a new covered bus stop for
the turn-around could be
constructed in the next couple of
“I feel good about it,” said
Fisher when asked about the
construction of the new bus turn
ASG chooses staff
by Christopher L. Curran
Eight Clackamas Commu­
nity College students were sworn
in as Associated Student Gov­
ernment Senators at the weekly
ASG meeting last Thursday.
The position of senator is
set to assist one of the five ASG
officers (president, vice president,
assistant to the president, admin­
istrative assistant, and entertain­
ment coordinator).
Tom Pagh, former ASG
presidential candidate, and Tim
Jones took their oaths as sena­
tors to Vice President Leslie
Aiding Assistant to the Presi­
dent Danette Winner are Jim
Holly and Brad Conway. Although
there are no senators listed di-
fectly under President Faith
Taylor, she will have access to
the resources provided by Win­
ner, Holly, and Conway.
Gertrude' Amundson under­
took the job of senator to Ad­
ministrative Assistant Beverly
Tim Pierson is the new En­
tertainment Coordinator, after
making his way through a series
of interviews from ASG. The new
entertainment senators, which
were sworn in Thursday, are
Renee Bogart, Sara Lack, Re­
becca Rautenberg, and Heather
Entertainment Senator Matt
Lindiand was at his post before
the new senators were chosen.
Furthermore, Michelle
Walch and Maggie Rhodes, for­
mer entertainment senators,
resigned last week.
Davis returns from teaching in Panama
by Caree Hussey
would kiss them on the cheek.”
ama City to San Jose. In both
for the Minister of Education
Fcature/Managing Editor
Davis also said that there countries “the traffic is helping with a new English exam
“Something I didn’t adjust was a “strong sense of family.” horrible,’’she said.
that was written while she was
In Costa Rica she worked there.
to was gunshots at night and in Another difference was that both
One thing Davis said she
the daytime. I couldn’t get used Panama and Costa Rica“have lots with both major national univer­
sities . It was the first time that would like to change is ,’T wish I
to seeing people on street cor­ and lots of holidays!”
ners with machine guns,’’said Kay
Even though there were riots both universities had cooperated. were more fluent in Spanish. My
Davis worked with English Spanish did improve while I was
Davis, English as a second lan­ during Davis’ visit, she said,”I
didn’t think about it.” Davis said student-teacher classes, gave there, but I’m definitely not fluent
guage coordinator.
Davis received a Fulbright she never felt she was in any seminars on methodologies and or bilingual.”
scholarship to teach in Panama danger. At one point the stu­ techniques, worked with USIS
Overall Davis said that, “It
last year. Panama was actually dents held an anti-government conducting teacher training was truly the experience of a life­
seminars used in the public time. It was a wonderful year. I
Davis’ second choice. Her first rally and took over the streets.
choice was the Bahamas and her
“There was no violence. It schools and was official reader had a wonderful time!
third choice was Costa Rica. was very orderly. They closed the
During her stay in Panama, po­ streets and directed traffic. One
litical unrest erupted, so she also Panamanian student stayed with
got the opportunity to teach in me at school,” she said.
Costa Rica.
Davis said she felt her stu­
While in Panama, Davis dents were veiy protective of her.
taught at the University of Pan­ “The students would tell me when
ama, giving instruction in Eng­ demonstrations were planned,
lish to English majors. She also what time and when to avoid what
taught composition and intro­ areas. The students would tell
duction to literature.
me if I should stay on campus.”
Davis also worked with the
Davis did eventually trans­
regional English training officer fer to Costa Rica because the
for the United States Informa­ university closed down, and there
tion Service (USIS), who con­ was fear of anti-American senti­
ducted seminars on the interior ment. But, she went back to
and taught study skills classes.
Panama a week before she re­
What Davis said she will turned home and found that “It’s
remember most about her trip is not there, there is no anti-Ameri­
“the people. They were warm and canism.”
friendly and outgoing, and that
All in all, Davis said that she
includes the people from the USIS enjoyed her stay. “The snorkel­
office. You just can’t get over ing was great in Panama, they
them; they’re charming.”
have beautiful beaches. I loved
Photo by Jillian Porter
There were some cultural it!”
differences according to Davis.
When Davis transferred to Kay Davis found, despite the conflicts in Panama, she thoroughly
“When you greeted someone, you Costa Rica she drove from Pan­ enjoyed the time she spent there.
Oregon City, Oregon
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Blood drive
held today
The Associated Student
Government of Clackamas
Community College is spon­
soring today’s blood drive in
the Community Center’s Fire­
side Lounge from 10*2.
The American Red Cross
has declared a red alert be­
cause they can only supply
hospitals with 50 percent of
what is requested. They are
asking anyone who can give
blood, to do so.
Dance set for
Friday night
- Friday night ASG will be.
throwing a Halloween dance
from 9-12 p.m. in the Com­
munity Center.
The first 20 people
through the door will receive
a free lottery ticket and the
prize for the best costume is a
car stereo.
Music will be provided by
Romeo Bleu. Admission is $2
with a costume and $3 with­
out a costume.
Clackamas is celebrating
Wellness Week (Oct. 24-30)
this week. Today’s activities
include a nutritional analysis
of a single day of your food
intake. From 11-1 this after­
noon in CC101, just bring ina
copy of your day’s menu, fill
out a form, and a computer
will tell you about your calo­
ries and nutritional values.
Tomorrow the college
wellness team will sponsor a
non-cholesterolwalk around
the campus loop. Participants
walk around Douglas Loop
dressed as their favorite non­
cholesterol food. The meet­
ing time and place is 12:30-
1:30 tomorrow afternoon i the
lower level of Randall Hall.
Bookstore to
hold sale
The Clackamas Commu­
nity College Bookstore, near
the north end of McLoughlin
Hall, will be holding a sale of
up to 50 percent off on se­
lected paperbacks during the
week of Oct. 24-31.
■Work Study
page 3.