SPORTS Clackamas Community College October 12,1988 Page 7 Runners making progress... I Cross Country Teams prepare for State By Mark A. Borrelli Sports Editor I The Clackamas men’s and women’s cross country teams continue to show why they are a state power. With another im­ pressive showing, the latest com­ ing at the Mt Hood invitational Saturday, Oct. 8. ■ The women continue to improve They finished third with 89 points behind George Fox University and Central Oregon Community College. K Karin Merritt was first to complete the 2.8 mile course for Clackamas, finishing 12th with a time of 18:59. Next across for the Cougars was Carmay Bond who finished 15th with a time of 19:10. Angie Wright was close behind, finishing 16th with the exact same time of 19:10. ■ Other Clackamas finishers were Heather McElheny at 26th, Lori Schutt at 28th, Sonya Hult at 38th, and Leona Burke at 47th. I “I was real happy with our performance. We stayed ahead happy to claim the wins over Lane and Mt. Hood, but doesn’t know if his team can hold on. “Were not sure whether or of all of the Oregon teams,” said Coach Mike Hodges. Hodges was also very happy with the way his team rah together. ' “Our top five finished within 76 seconds of each other. That’s a big improvement from last week,” he said. Although his women’s team finished third, Hodges was in no way disappointed. . “We’re showing good im­ provement. We are showing continued improvement from both Heather and Lori,” he said. The Clackamas men also seem to be getting better every week. Although they finished fourth, they ran well, but ran against some tough competition. Nick Barger finished 16th, followed by Dusty Moore who was 17th. Mike Paulsen finished 20th, and Bob Uttely came in 43rd. Mark Paulsen was 48th. 53rd was Rich Lillgenberg, 61st was Jack Kegg, and 64th was Bob Boryles. Coach Mike Hodges was ■ Nick Barger just likes to run. Midway into the 1988 cross coun­ tryseason the Clackamas Com­ munity College runner seems to be catching his stride. I Barger finished seventh at the Clackamas Invitational on Oct. 1 and finished first among Oregon runners. ■ Thus far, the freshman run­ ner has battled with the lingering effects of a cold and promises to improve. “I am just now getting healthy enough to where I can do some­ thing,” he said. The 19-year-old graduate of Gladstone High School brings to Clackamas some impressive credentials. At Gladstone he was the top runner in his district three consecutive years and in his sen­ ior season finished second among with a knee injury. Both team’s are done with league competition until the state meet Oct. 29 at Linn-Benton. Practice, practlce...Coach Hodges prepares his troops for the State cross country meet Oct 29 at Linn-Benton. Intran'urals beain Barger key for Clackamas by Luis Perez staff writer on to that or not,” he said. A big key to the Clackamas men’s season will depend on the return of Ryan Burco who is ou t cross country runners in the state. Barger’s goals for 1988 in­ clude compiling similar honors in the regional and state champi­ onships. It is to this end that he trains diligently, running from five to ten miles a day. “I just like to run,” he said. Barger is currently studying general education while making the adjustment from high school to college. When he has time off from his busy schedule he enjoys activities such as hunting and fish­ ing to relax. For now, however, Barger has his sights zeroed-in on the Oct. 8 Mount Hood Invitational meet, a milestone bn his road towards inevitable success. • /———; By Mark A. Borrei Sports Editor Okay all you couch potatoes sitting in the Community Center reading this story right now. It’s time to get off your collective rear-ends, and get to Kathie Woods office to get signed up for Fall Intramurals. Flag football,racquetball,a turkey trot, and a number of “fun runs” are scheduled for this year’s fall activities. Flag football, always a popu­ lar sport, has had its deadline extended to Friday Oct. 14. By this time you must have your roster turned in to Kathie Woods, or you will be unable to show that 4.4speed, or those Steve Largent hands, or that John Elway arm to all of your friends. Schedules to these all-star games will be posted on Monday Oct. 17 by high noon. Games will start Oct. 18. The 3.1 mile turkey trot will take place on Nov. 23 at 12:00 neon. No CCC Cross country athletes may win a prize, but you may compete anyway. Turkeys will be given to the top female,, and male fir’sher. There also will be ran Jom draw­ ings for frozen pies. In case the race sounds a little long, a 2.4 mile walk will also take place, so all you turkeys can walk or run for a turkey. The last activities offered are a number of “fun runs.” A 2-4 mile run will be held on Thurs­ day, Nov. 17. You can sign up at the time of the run. The run will start at 12:05 p.m. rain or Shine, and will start in the lower level of Randall hall. Winners will be awarded Clackamas Intramural t-shirts that you can all wear proudly, provided you get that roster in on "time. Norm's Cafeteria The Clackamas Community College Culinary Choice /‘A Try our homemade soups, or our salad or sandwich bat Welcome.. and welcome back to Clackamas! himself to be quite a contributor for the Cougars this season. centimeters iiii |2 ni | ui l|3llltllll|4HI|llll|5ll ri ■ i ■ lei 1111 1 ! 1|7111 I 1 I 1 |8l i 11 * 1 11 |9l 1 1 I i 1 1 1 |fpl 1 16 (M) 49.25 -0.16 0.01 17 38.62 -0.18 -0.04 18(B) 28.86 0.54 0.60 19 16.19 -0.05 0.73 20 8.29 -0.81 0.19 21 3.44 -0.23 0.49 0.75 0.98 1.24 1.67 2.04 2.42 22 31.41 20.98 -19.43 ........... 23 72.46 -24.45 55.93 "I«1....... 24 72.95 16.83 68.80 |f3l 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 \14I H I I I I I |í5l I I 11 11 1 |l6t 1 1 1 1 25 29.37 13.06 -49.49 26 54.91 -38.91 30 77 ■ 27 43.96 52.00 30.01 11zl 111 1111 |18> 1 I I 1 I I I |f9l 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 ¡20 28 82.74 3.45 81.29 29 52.79 50.88 -12.72 Colors by Munsell Color Services Lab 30 50.87 -27.17 -29.46 < L* a* b*