SPORTS Clackamas Community College April 27,1988 Page 7 Cougar track teams qualify 30 for state by Mark Borrelli Staff Writer The Clackamas men’s track team continued their domina­ tion over league opponents, cruising to an easy dual meet victory to end their league season with a perfect 17-0 record. The Cougar men finished with 104-1/2, while second place Linn Benton finished with 57-1/2. The undefeated season marked a first for coach Mike Hodges. “This is my first undefeated season as a coach. It is definately one of the better seasons that a Clackamas team has ever had.” The five team field included Clark, Linn-Benton, Chemeketa, SWOCC, and Western Oregon State College. “Western has the best small four year college program in the state.” Highlighting another suc­ cessful Clackamas meet was the return of Keith Ferrell. Ferrell returned in fine fashion, turning in a first place finish in the stee­ ple chase (9:35.06). He then turned in his fastest ever 5000 meters, covering the distance in 15:08.7. Gabe Crane continues to shine for the Cougars, finishing first in the long jump with a leap of 22’8”. He turned in a personal record time in the 400 meter hurdles, finishing first with a time of 55.3. He also placed second in the high hurdles, and anchored a winn­ ing mile relay team. Tory Bland once again dominated the sprint events, winning the 100 meter run in 10.8 seconds. Bland also won the 200 meters with a time of 22.4, and ran a leg on both of the winning relay teams. Steve Miller placed third in the 200, crossing the line with a time of 22.7. Shawn Hartley finished fifth in the 400 meters, but his time Of 50.05 qualified him for the State Championships. In the 800 meters event, Victor Vieele turned in a season best, finishing fourth with a time of 2:07.03. Jack Kegg the running events with a first place finish in the 1500 meters, turning in a personal record time of 40:8.8. Nate Golden kept the Clackamas points ad­ ding up, finishing second in the 400, with a personal record of 48.8. He also ran a leg on both relays and finished second in the long jump with a leap of 21’9 1/2”. Bryan England was close behind Golden in the 400, finishing third with a clocking of 48.7. Clackamas also fared well in the field events, Jim Baker got things off to a good start with a third place finish in the Hammer throw, tossing it 142’2”. He also placed third in the shot put with a heave of 44’2” and placed second in the discus with a mark of 137’9”. In the javelin throw, Warren Behymer finished third with a toss of 179’10”. John Pahlke finished fifth with a mark of 178’6”. Rick Flemmer finished first in the high jump, jumping over the bar at 6’8”. Steve Miller finished the gréât day for the Cougars with a second place finish in the triple jump, with a 45’7 3/4” mark. With the regular season over, the men have already qualified 20 men in 37 events and there are still three weeks until the State Championships at Mt. Hood Community College May 13-14. “I was very pleased with our season. We knew that we would be strong, but we never counted on being undefeated.” Even with their outstanding season, Hodges feels that his team could have been better. “We were never at full strength. We just got Keith back and we lost Wille Hewson to an ankle injury.” Hodges feels his team will be the team to beat in the State Championships. “We should be the favorite. The way we have handled everyone this season.” While the men were dominating their opponents, the women were not doing too bad either. “That was the finest women’s performance in several years,” observed Coach Hodges. Freshman Gina Passadore lead the way for Clackamas, winning the javelin throw with a mark of 141’3”. She won the triple jump with a jump of 31’5”, she finish­ ed second in the shot put with a toss of 33’3 1/2”, and she ran a leg on Clackamas’ second place 400 meter relay team. Another freshman, Jodi Martini also con­ tributed to the cause, placing se­ cond in the 100 meters with a 12.8 which qualified her for the State Championships. She finished third in the 200 with a time of 27.6, her best of the season, and she ran on both relay teams. Cami. White set personal records in the high jump, Damascus Hopes cruisec across the finish line. finishing third with a 4’8” jump, they’re improving every week.” set another personal record in the Hodges feels that his team has 400 meters with a clocking of come a long way from last 63.7, and she ran on both relay year’s performances: “We have teams. LeAnn Hopkins finished gained a lot of ground since last fifth in the 400 with a time of year on some of the tougher 71.2. Christa Caraher finished teams. I’m really proud of our fifth in the 800 and 1500 with progress.” Clackamas suffered times of 2:52.7 and 5:29.1 - both an injury to distance runner season’s bests. In the 5000 Dena Raddle that will put her meters, Jeanne Barnett placed out for the rest of the season^ fifth with a time of 19:47.6, her but Hodges hopes his women season’s best. Wendy Johnson will do well at state. “We set a finished sixth with a personal goal to finish third and we think record time of 20:16.6. it’s a legitimate goal.” The women have qualified 10 Both the men and women will women in 11 events for the state be back in action, getting ready meet to date. Hodges feels that 1 for the state meet May 13-14 and the women’s team is just now the Northwest Championships reaching its peak: “This team is May 27-28 in Spokane. stronger than last year’s and Softball split doube-header by Christopher Curran Design/Sports Editor Cougar runner recovers from race. photo by nm zwney centimeters In Tuesday action Clackamas swept their double-header against Grays Harbor. In the first game the Cougars topped Grays Harbor 8-2 behind the pitching of Leslie Johnson, who increased her record to 5-4. Clackamas scored 11 runs in the fifth and sixth innings en route to a 12-4 smothering of the Chokers. Yvonne Johnson in­ creased her record to 6-4 with the victory. The Clackamas softball team split a pair of double-headers over the last weekend and came away with a two win two loss per­ formance in doing so. Friday saw the Cougars in Bremerton, Washington to match talents with Olympic Community College. In the day’s opener Clackamas pitcher Yvonne Johnson allowed just four hits by Olympic’s bat­ ters as she tossed her way to a 3-2 triumph. Those four hits came cme each in the first, second, third, and fifth innings. The Cougars trailed 2-0 from the first inning until the seventh inning when they earned three runs off five consecutive hits. Leading the batters for the Cougars were Trina Hutchinson, Leslie Johnson, LeAnna Helvig, and Angie Downey, who all pounded two hits apiece. The second game against Olympic turned out to be a com­ plete departure for Clackamas. There was very little the Cougars could do as Olympic overwhelm­ ed them 9-0. Olympic started early, scoring three runs in the top of the first inning. They pulled one more out of their hat in the second inning and if that weren’t enough, mastered five runs during inning number five. For the Cougars, Leslie Johnson suffered the loss which put her season tally at 4-4. Yvonne Johnson pitched both games at Highline Community College because Leslie Johnson was out with a sore shoulder. In the first game of the double­ header at Highline in Tacoma, the Cougar defense allowed only one run in the first four innings and claimed a 2-0 lead at that point, but were mauled by four runs in the fifth inning and one in the sixth. They could never recover and they fell to defeat for just the sixth time this season. The second game was more to the Cougars’ liking. They were able to come back from the earlier loss to conquer Highline 5-3 on another excellent pitching performance from Yvonne Johnson. The Cougars claimed eight hits, four of them in the first inn­ ing and took control of the game. Two runs in the fourth inning sealed the victory for the Cougars. Yvonne Johnson allow­ ed Highline batters to it just .154 on four hits out of 26 at bats. COUGAR NOTES: Clackamas pitcher Yvonne Johnson had a busy week, pitching four of six games. She went 3-1 for the week... Leslie Johnson was hampered by a sore shoulder and didn’t pitch in either of Saturday’s contests. However, she pasted a 1-1 record last week...Merry Ferguson was a bright spot in Clackamas’ 9-0 defeat in the second game against Olympic Friday as she claimed two of the Cougar’s three hits for that game.