The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, April 06, 1988, Page 4, Image 4

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ASG officials review past year
The ASG guide states the presi­
dent’s responsibilities as “manag­
ing and directing all functions of
ASG.” Frothingham defined
these responsibilities in his own
terms. “I see myself as being a
consumer advocate,” he said.
“The consumer in this case is the
student. My job is to see that the
student gets the cost of the dollars
Vice-President Dumolt said
ASG has “been great, a lot of
hard work.” Describing his job,
he said “you don’t always have
the time to do what you need to
do. It’s not a push-over. You’re
having to deal with lots of other
people and you’re having to work
with other colleges. You’re the
reason why things do or don’t get
Photo« by Both Coffoy'
. done.”
ASG President Frothingham
A quality that Dumolt said he
Staff Writer
found necessary for ASG was an
Lisa Graham______ ________________
ability to “get along with other
The ASG candidate applica­ people regardless of what you
tion deadline is April 15. The might think of them.” He also
elected positions open are Presi­ stressed the skill of time manage­
dent and Vice-President. Council ment. “You have to be able to
appointed positions are the Assis­ juggle study and ASG along with
tant to the President, Ad­ work and other activities outside
ministrative Assistant and Enter­ the college.”
tainment Coordinator along with
As Assistant to President,
two openings in the student Anne Holler said that she has
Neale Frothingham. “As a learned just how much influence
Current elected officials were students can have on the college.
She mentioned that politicians
asked what their experiences have
been as ASG officials and what seek out opinions of student
goverments. “Students can have
responsibilities they had to carry.
an effect on their schools and stu­
All were candid and open.
“It’s been an absolutely fan­ dent government can have an ef­
tastic experience,” said President fect on the commmunity,” she'
Neil Frothingham. “As a finance said. “I think it’s really impor­
major, I’ve learned more about tant that students become more
management, budgeting and aware of what’s going on outside
.about how to be a competetive (the campus). Whatever is going
employee in the job market than I on out there is going to effect
would have learned in six years of them here in some way.”
Qualified for the job of Assis­
Frothingham said that he sees tant to the President, she said, is
“anybody interested in having
ASG as playing an increased role
in college decisions. “The some fun, meeting some new
people and working. Sometimes,
Presidents Council and the Board
of Education are looking more you have five different projects
strongly at student opinion,” he due and you’re tearing your hair
said. As ah example he mention­ out and not sure which way to
ed the recently approved plans jump.” She concluded, “It’s
for a $4050 upgrade in lighting in good place to make some new
friends and to learn a lot. And I
the Barlow parking lot. This
came about, he said, from stu­ don’t mean necessarily, of
just how a student government
dent concern voiced through the
runs, but also how the college
government runs. You also learn
to work with people you never
thought you could.”
As Entertainment Coor­
dinator, B.J. Blumenkron said
that it is a job that comes with
many responsibilities. The ASG
guidebook states the job as being
responsible for coordinating all
“student planned activities that
contain social, educational,
and/or entertainment qualities.”
The job demands a great deal of
time, she said and specified that
in order to make the job work,
the yearly calendar planning
should be done during the sum­
This year, Blumenkron said
that she saw her responsiblities as
providing entertainment for a
wider range of audiences. “When
I came into office the cry from
the students, young and old, was
‘there’s too much young!’
To remedy the problem,
Blumenkron decided to “enter­
tain the majority. To do that I
ASG Vice-President Dumolt
had to offer as many programs as
possible.” Because of limited
funds, Blumenkron decided to
put a premium on artists from
within the state and “put the
money from our community col­
lege and put it back into our own
arts community.” Blumenkron
said that her plan was well receiv­
ed by artist and was successful in
incresing the number of artists
brought to the campus.
Stance set on semester conversion
by Mietete K. Taylor
Assistant Opinions Editor
The CCC college board is cur­
rently working on reaching a
decision on whether the college
should convert from the quarter
system to the semester system
The board is trying to decide
whether they should stay with the
current quarter schedule and suf­
fer the the consequences of being
off schedule from other state col­
leges in Oregon. Their other deci­
sion is to convert, in 1990 as plan­
ned, to the semester system and
risk losing students who might be
inconvenienced by the schedule
of the semester system.
“The semester system (might
hot) fit the schedules of com­
munity college students,” Presi­
dent Keyser said when commen­
ting on the possible negative efb
fects of the proposed conversion.
“Learning is better designed in a
short time frame,” Keyser also
Many community college
students are older and are work­
ing and raising families as well as
going to school. Keyser feels that
‘Tm opposed to the
semester conversion”
these students may encounter
problems if the college was to go
to the semester system.
“I am opposed to the semester
conversion,” Keyser said. He
also said that he felt that the
semester system was not a good
idea for any college - two year or
four year. Keyser and Bonnie
Robertson, a member of the
CCC college board have sent a
Clackamas Community College
Page 4
Computer breakdown
Improvisation saves day
First, the technician upgraded
the two good disk drives. “This
At 8:30 Wednesday evening, should make your whole system
the back lobby of Barlow Hall run 15 to 20 percent faster when
was quiet, except for three per­ it’s under heavy use,” the tech
sons carefully shifting a crate into commented before he and “T”
the building. When the three by prepared to shut down the entire
four by three foot cardboard box system.
From a box about the size of a
was finally settled onto the floor
of the computer room the techni­ dishwasher the tech pulled out a
cian checked the tilt and crush drawer of integrated circuit
gauges on the side of the con­ boards. These circuits formed a
cover for a hard disk drive unit
“These babies don’t like to be about the size of a couple of .shoe
jiggled around too much,” he boxes.
“What happened to the old
said, “Or those little plastic tilt
and crunch windows release a red one?” I asked.
“Bad spindle,” the tech
dye - and then we take the whole
unit back without even unpack­ replied. “The hard disk is like a
phonograph player. It has a
ing it.”
The “unit,” surrounded by a head, that reads and writes data
metal shipping case coated with on the disk. And the disk is
anti-static and shock absorbing driven by a small electric asyn-
plastic was pillowed on all sides chronic motor. The disk turns on
by almost twelve inches of foam a spindle. The spindle went bad,”
he concluded. “At least, that’s
rubber. “It” was not a bomb.
“It” was a 590 megabyte hard what I hope,” “T” added.
“How do you know it was the
disk drive. The hard disk is the
computer’s permanent memory spindle?” I asked.
“It’s a smart drive,” the tech
and address book.
When the campus’ mainframe said. “It has about 18K of inter­
computer went down during nal memory that can run self­
registration, everyone - staff, diagnostics. That was what the
faculty and students - noticed error code indicated.”
“And what would one of these
how important our data process­
ing department is to college cost me for my computer at
operations. Student records, class home?” . _I asked. “About
scheduling and billing are just a $30,000,” “T” said. But he add­
few of the activities tied together ed, “It’s under warranty. Except
by the computer to keep in the contract we only get labor
costs between nine and five and
everything running smoothly.
What began as a day and a half that would mean shutting down
shut-down of the mainframe the computer during registration
could have continued much again.”
It was about 10:00 p.m. The
longer except for the hard work
and ingenuity of “T.” “T” is In- technician went back to the ter­
ouye Tsuyoshi, Data Processing minal after bolting in the new
Officer at Clackamas Communi­ unit. He typed in a few com­
mands. He went back to the
ty College.
“When the disk went down, I drawer and placed the circuit
backed it up (copied the informa­ boards over the hard disk drive.
tion stored on the disk) and He jammed his hand between a
began using just two of our three board and the drawer, pinching
disks in a limited capacity,” “T” one of his fingers. I read silent
curses across his smiling face.
■ Using the computer equivalent The printer ticked a line across
of chewing gum and baling wire the page.
I walked over and read it quiet­
to run a three cylinder engine on
two cylinders, “T” got the ly, laughing aloud.
“It says, ‘Do you want help?’
system back up and running on;
Tuesday. Wednesday night he doesn’t it?” the technician asked.
and a Data General Technician “I thought you’d like that,” he
rebuilt the engine.
by Steven Ziolkowski
Staff Writer
letter to the state board of higher
education expressing their op­
position to the proposed semester
conversion. <
Ticket increase
In the letter Keyser and
for traffic tickets have
Robertson stated that the conver­
been increased from the current
sion would be very costly to the
rate of $3 for all violations to $10
college financially and may not
for handicapped parking viola­
save any money for the college at
tions and $5 for all other viola­
any point. They said that the col­
tions. All violators have an op­
lege would not be able to serve
portunity to go to the traffic ap­
the community as well if the col­
peals board if they are ticketed.
lege was on a semester system. If
the college did not' eonvert and
Give Blood
the state colleges did, then many
Drive—April 13, 10
students would have problems
a.m. - 3 p.m. Community
transferring. The letter also said
that this educational issue was - Renter.
not one of great importance to
Concert for CCC
many Oregonians or students.
The conversion may make the
Music concerts for CCC staff
path towards college success un­
and students return this Spring
necessarily more challenging.
starting Wed., Apr. 6, Noon to 1
p.m. with nationally known
The college board will make
their final decision about the con­
pianist and composer John
version next fall.
^Nielson. Free in the CC Mall.
News Briefs
Romanticism a hit
Last Wednesday the Friends of
CCC Library hosted a slide-tape
show, poetry reading and music
relating to the age of English
This show was presented along
with a display in the library which
was given to them for a week by
the Oregon committee for the
About 130 people were present
Wednesday night for the presen­
tation. Which was put on for the
Humanities experience classes
and the English and Art Depart­
Because of the success that
came with this display and per­
formance, the Friends of the
library are thinking about doing
other shows of this kind.