The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, February 03, 1988, Image 1

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The Clackamas wrestling team is
knocking on the door to the regional
playoffs. They are a young team with a
lot of potential as they head to the
regionais. Story on page 7.
The library is recruiting help from art
students to give it a new look. The
library suffered through changes over
1': winier bfeak and ¡t tost some artwork.
J; -
Vol. XXI No. 12
February 3, 1988
Clackamas Community College
Oregon City, OR 97045
College features
by Stephani Veff
Opinion/Copy Editor
For the first time in years,
Clackamas Community College
will be putting on a Homecom­
ing. The event to be held on
Feb. 13, was the idea of two
ASG senate members, Cathi
Pearson and Maggie Rhodes, who
are now in charge of arranging
the event.
Homecoming is to consist of
three major events: the men’s
and women’s basketball games,
the Homecoming court selec­
tion, and the dance.
Because CCC’s dances have
been less than successful in the
past, Pearson and Rhodes have
launched an ad campaign that
includes announcements in the
“Today” bulletin and “The
Print,” posters around campus,
fliers, and possibly an an­
nouncement on the radio. It is
hoped that with this amount of
advertising, there will be a
larger turn out than at a regular
CCC dance.
The dance will have music
played by a live DJ. “Ozell,” a
DJ who entertained ASG, Stu­
dent Publications, the Music
Department, the Theatre^
Department, and the Speech
Team at an awards banquet last
spring, will be back to get the
CCC Mall rockin’. Cookies and
soft drinks will be served at the
The selection for Homecom­
ing court is a three part process:
1. The person must be
nominated by getting 50 people
to sign a nomination sheet by
last Monday (Feb. 1). 2. The
nominees are then chosen to be
on the court which will be an­
nounced on Feb. 11. 3. The
court will then take part in the
Official Crowning Coronation
of the King and Queen at half
time during the men’s basket­
ball game on Feb. 13.
The basketball games will be
held in Randall Hall, with the
women’s game beginning at 6
p.m. and the men’s game begin­
ning at 8 p.m. The prices for the
game are $2 for adults, $1 for
students (CCC students FREE
with current student body card),
and children 6 and under free.
The dance tickets will be sold
before and at the dance with
prices being: presold $3.50
single, $5 couple and at-the-
door $4 single, $6 couple.
Textbooks questioned
by Tom Golden
Staff Writer
Is the CCC student bookstore
selling books that aren’t meant
to be sold? An instructor here
on campus seems to think so.
L The instructor, who wished to
^remain anonjhnous, has been
^finding books in the bookstore
t with markings that say the book
is not to be sold. The books in
question are “deinonstrator
. models” for teachers to peruse'
for the purpose of seeing
whether or not the text fills the'
teacher’s needs. Instructors are<
inundated with these books »
every year with a notation on '
the book that says something'
like, “promotional copy; not to
be sold.”
So what is a teacher supposed:
to do with the text if he finds ;
that it doesn’t meet his needs? [
ASG President Neale Frothing-!
ham: “You can’t fault an in­
structor, for making good use of i
1 textbook. What are they going |
to do, throw it away?”
Gary Craig, Inventory Con­
trol for the CCC bookstore, had
answers about how these books
make it to the shelves. “We buy
from 12 used book companies
who buy books from book­
stores and professors across the
U.S. The reason we do this
basically is so students can get a
better price,” said Craig.
“There’s a big question about;
who’s book is it? The publisher
is sending it to the instructor.
Since they (professors) get in-
nundated by book companies
ones they don’t use, they elect
to sell.”
Does this process really bring
down the price of the texts? The
answers are mixed. Craig thinks
the student gets a better deal on
used materials. Frothingham.
says this distribution, “con­
tributes to the wholesale price
of the textbooks that the pub­
lisher markets.” The instructor
says that the volume of free
books is bringing the price up
because publishers have to pro­
duce more to make a profit.
Is this practice unethical?
Though no one seems to know
if the warnings are legally bin­
ding, the instructor thinks, “it
isn’t quite right.” He likened it
to running a red light when no
“cops” were around. The
bookstore believes the light is
Levy supporters turn to students
by Lisa Graham
Staff Writer
“Students can have an im­
pact,” said Dave Dickson,
Director of Planning and
Development. “They are the
best salespeople, for the
college.” So what is the college
Selling? Amway?? No, the
March school levy.
“Last year the Friends of
Clackamas Community College
did a survey and found that
people liked the college, felt
good about it and felt that we
did everything right,” explained
Dixon. “But still we lost the
levy. Taxes were too high. We
had to do something else, so this
year we start our person to per­
son, neighbor to neighbor,
word of mouth, personal con­
tact campaign.”
This new strategy calls for in­
dividuals to vote “yes” and to
urge their neighbors to do so
also. This is how students can
help. As Dixon explains,
“Students talking about their
experiences and telling
neighbor's what Clackamas has
done for them -- that is what is
going to sell the college.”
“Average voters vote from the
heart,” said Dickson. “Last
year half of the “no” voters
said they would’ve voted “yes”
if they had felt that thè cause
was strong enough.”
This year “The Friends of
Clackamas Community Col­
lege” are trying to make that
need heard. Students who wish
to become involved with the
Friends can contact the ASG to
find out their community’s stu­
dent representative. Students
can help by putting up lawn
signs or by volunteering their
Dixon also urged students to
write letters to the editors of
local newspapers. He said to
stress not the budget’s facts and
figures, but to stress whàt the
college has done for them.