The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, January 27, 1988, Image 1

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The Clackamas Women’s basketball team is alone
atop their division with a 6-0 league record, page 7 for
For the third time this year, the first time this term,
Literary taient shines through. See the four page
center insert, “Rhapsody.”
■ ■■
....... -
Vol. XXI No. 11
January 27, 1988
Ski trip
Clackamas Community College
Oregon City, OR 97045
Supreme Court ruling...
Decision threatens journalists
by Heleen Veenstra
The Supreme Court decision
concerning the First Amend­
ment Rights of high school
journalists could also be poten­
tially dangerous for college
January 13 the Supreme
Court ruled 5 to 3 that school
officials have the power to cen­
sor school newspapers. The case
started when a high school prin­
cipal in Hazelwood, Missouri
censored two pages from their
newspaper, published as a part
of the journalism curriculum, in
students/newspaper staff
members filed a suit, arguing
that their First Amendment
Rights of free speech were
violated by the principal, and
the rest of the school Board.
However, the Court ruled
that there was no violation of
the First Amendment Rights.
The decision indicated that stu­
dent speech in school
newspapers and other school
funded activities can be cen­
sored if necessary.
“The Court did not say
whether its ruling would apply
to state universities as well as
public schools. But in other
contexts, the Court has sug­
gested there is broader protec­
tion of constitutional rights in
universities,” stated the “New
York Times” in its January 14
Since the student newspaper
“The Print,” and other school
activities are financed by the
college and CCC is not as stated
above a state university or a
public school, where does it
leave us?
“I think the college press
should be treated as much as
possible like the free press any
place. That ruling surprised me
a little bit,” Dr.,1 John} Keyser,
president, stated.
“I think any press operating
in the free world needs to exer­
cise good judgement. It sound-
i ed to me like there was some
question about the good judge­
ment involved in the publication
of at least one of those stories.
However, that is no excuse to
make a president cause less
freedom in the press,” Keyser
/“It’s definitely tricky ground
I think, and probably will result
in the tightening of control in
some colleges,” Keyser added.
Kirkpatrick begins new job
by Lisa Graham
Staff Writer
Last Saturday 35 people from the “Focus on Women” program
took to Mt. Hood. Related story on page 6.
___________________ '
Clackamas’ new part-time grant
writer, is a woman with far
reaching goals for both herself
and for Clackamas.
Kirkpatrick said her goals at
Qackamas are to: “find out
faculty wishes, put them
together, and to make them a
reality” and to “provide funds
for programs ordinarily not
Program ideas that Kirkpatrick
is pursuing are a cultural
awareness workshop for high
school language teachers, an
honors program for the
humanities, child care network­
ing, child care for displaced
homemakers, a sculpture garden,
and a learning disabilities pro­
gram. Kirkpatrick is also in­
vestigating the availability of new
funds from the National Science
Foundation which could provide
funding for programs such as
faculty enhancement workshops
and women in science programs.
Kirkpatrick said she is “look­
ing forward to helping pass the
March levy.” Kirkpatrick will
help by compiling information
needed to train staff on the im­
portance of the levy and also by
helping coordinate the internal
information campaign.
Kirkpatrick’s goals for this
year extend beyond her concerns
with Clackamas and include win­
ning the Democratic nomination
for House 27 in the May primary.
An elected official of thirteen
years, Kirkpatrick has served on
both the Metro City council and
the Lake Oswego council.
Kirkpatrick said that she feels her
chances for election are good. “I
feel I know the issues that con­
cern the people of Clackamas
County,” she said, “issues such
as jobs, the environment, im­
proved economic development,
and good schools at a reasonable
Frothingham to lobby in D.C.
by Tom Golden
Staff Writer -_______________
ASG President Neale
Frothingham is currently mak­
ing plans to go to the District of
Columbia to lobby U.S. Con­
gressmen for funds to support
child care and financial aid for
community college students.
Frothingham was allocated
$100 by the Community Col­
leges of Oregon’s Student
Association and Comission’s
Board of Presidents to make the
“I’ve got 15-20 minutes with
each congressman so I’ve got to
make an impression very quick­
ly,” said Frothingham.
Frothingham has appointments
with representatives Denny
Smith and Les Aucoin of
Oregon, as well as Renny
Schiller, Bob Packwood’s aide
on education, Greg Garwood,
senior staff member of the
house appropriations commit­
tee, Carla Lynetti, Senator
Chiles’ senior Staff member on
education and Frothingham has
a tentative appointment with
representative Foley, House
majority, “number two man,”
or Susan Moos, Foley’s aide on
Other items on the CCOSAC
Board of Presidents meeting
Jan. 25-26 included developing
a program for the CCOSAC
schools to deal with problems
students have with alcohol
and/or drugs, and whether or
not community colleges should
convert to the semester system.
Frothingham was quick to
point out that CCC already has
a successful alcohol and drug
program that exceeds federal
guidelines. “We want to avoid
unnecessary duplications. If it
strengthens our own program
then we would consider pur­
chasing it.”
Though no decision was
made on the semester issue
Frothingham said the push was
on to decide on it at the next
photo by Heidi Klein
CORKY KIRKPATRICK—takes new part-time job as grant