The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, January 13, 1988, Page 4, Image 4

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Clackamas Community College
Page 4
11-1 record
Men’s basketball off to good start
nected on just 19 out of 39 shots
in the first half. Clackamas
heated up a little in the second
half, hitting on 6 out of 18 on
their way to a 33 percent clip
from the floor for the game.
Leading the way for the
Cougars was Jeff Hoffman with
16 points and 10 reboimds. Jeff
Stein pitched in with 14 points
and eight rebounds. For Mt.
Hood, Wray Wade led the scor­
ing with 13 points.
“We were never able to pull
away from them.They’re a good
upper half team.” Once again
Kiser refused to point at one
player as a key to his team’s suc­
cess. “More than one guy is the
key, we’re a well balanced team.”
Besides Clackamas, Kiser ex­
pects that Umpqua and
Chemketa are the teams that will
be the toughest, but feels that all
the teams in the league will be
closely battling for a playoff
spot. “The rest of the teams are
so close that if you have a bad
night you could get beat by any
After winning the Northwest
Championship last year, it looks
as if Kiser has got his team once
again playing championship ball.
“The reason we win, is not one
player. We’re not big, (but) we’re
fairly quick.” Execution and
defense is the secret for success
for Kiser. “We play good defense
we got 7-8 people who have a and execute well. We’re mentally
solid shot of going to the na­ tough (and) that is a big key to
tionals, they have the ability.”
Berney plans on spending
some time with his squad by get­
ting them back into shape.
Clackamas will train with the
PSU team before scrimmaging by Christopher Curran
Design/Sports Editor
with them this week. They will
return to the mat for real Thurs­
Once again Intramural sports
day when they travel to Idaho to are upon us. There are three
face the number one ranked major events scheduled during
North Idaho. Things don’t get winter term.
any easier for Clackamas with a
There will be five on five
visit to Tacoma Friday to. face basketball for hoop fans. The
Highline. “That will be a good deadline to sign up is 2 p.m. Fri­
test for us, to see how our peo­ day, Jan. 16. Intramural
ple are coming along.” The next basketball is not open to inter­
Cougar home match will be collegiate players for purposes
against Highline January 22.
of fairness.
Jeff Hoffman was close behind
with 13 points. Coach Kiser,
however, couldn’t identify one
The Clackamas men’s basket­
key player in the team’s victory.
ball team is proving once again
“All of our starters played well.
that they are a team to be
reckoned with in 1988, with a We had five players in double
figures.” The coach was happy
perfect 2-0 league record, and a
about the bench play of his
11-1 overall record.
team. “Jon Rainforth and
The Cougars opened the
league season hosting a tough Shawm Hartley both came off.
the bench and played well.”
league foe in Chemeketa, but
overcame a slow first half to Rainforth, a freshman from
post a 78-73 win. “Chemeketa Clackamas, scored seveh points
was beating us pretty good in and grabbed three rebounds.
the first half, .but we sucked it Hartley, a sophomore from
up, and played better in the se­ Vancouver, B.C., tallied 11
half,” observed/ points and had two rebounds;
' For the losers, Tim Hamel led
Clackamas coach Royce Kiser.
Chemketa with 20 pointy, two
With Clackamas’ slow start,
Chemeketa jumped out to a rebounds, and three assist^.
; In a Saturday league contest
36-33 halftime lead, only to see
the Cougars erupt in the second, vs. cross town rival Mt. Hood,
half for the win.
“We re­ Clackamas made AINTS out of
bounded better and played bet­ the Saints, jumping out to a
ter defense.” Kiser also felt that 37-26 halftime lead and coasting
after a slow start his troops to a 60-53 win at home. The
played pretty well. “After the Cougars played excellent
first ten minutes we played a defense, but had a hard time
finding the basket on the of­
real good bailgame.”
Jeff Stein led the Cougar fense. “We played excellent
scoring, tallying 16 points, defense, but our shooting was
while grabbing six rebounds, very cold,” Kiser noted. The
and dishing out three assists. cold-shooting Cougars con-
by Mark Borrelli
Staff Writer_________________________
Wrestlers attempting
banner season
by Mark Borrelli
Staff Writer_________________________
The Clackamas Cougar
wrestling team, coming off a
2nd place finish in the Nationals
last year, is preparing for what,
Coach Norm Berney, hopes will
be another banner season.
The Cougar grapplers are off
to a slow start. In their only
home match, a contest with
Pacific Lutheran University of
Tacoma, CCC lost 19-16. Win­
ners in the match for Clackamas
were Tom Malone at 142, Bryan
Schiller at 150, Shawn Brunson
at 198, and Steve Cox won the
heavy weight battle. In the
match, nine wrestlers for
Clackamas were freshman, five
regular starters were unable to
Lack of experience, and con­
ditioning proved to be the
Cougars downfall according to
Coach Berney. “We had a three
week Christmas break, and the
kids didn’t keep themselves in
as good as shape as we would
have liked.” Berney, however,
remains optimistic about his
young team. “Once we get into
condition and gain some ex­
perience we will wrestle better.”
Some top freshman wrestlers
for Clackamas who are impress­
ing Berney are Schiller, Malone,
Brunson, and heavy weight
Cox. “Brunson wrestled a good
match and pinned a good kid.
Schiller and Malone both did a
good job and Steve Cox pinned
a senior.”
Added with some of
Clackamas’ returning wrestlers
like Tim Jordan (who finished
2nd in Nationals last year) and
the Cougars should be strong
again this year. Coach Berney is
optimistic about his team retur­
ning to the nationals. “I think
photo by Julio Church
A Clackamas player prepares to shoot in last Wednesday’s
thrashing of Chemeketa 88-67. The Cougars, coming off of two
straight victories over Chemeketa and Mt. Hood, play at Ump­
qua Community College tonight.
Intramural program begins
Sign-up rosters are available
on the intramural bulletin board
in the lower level of Randall
Hall. Play will take place
Tuesdays and Thursdays at
There will be a three on three
one day volleyball tournament.
It is a coed tournament with a
limit of two intercollegiate
volleyball players per team.
A round robin coed racquet­
ball tournament will be included
in intramural action this term.
Participants must be enrolled in
a racquetball class in order to
use the facilities at Eastside
Athletic Club.
Clackamas intramural
T-shirts will be awarded to the
champion in each event.
The Clackamas intramural
sports program is designed to be
a recreational activity, which
allow students, faculty, and
staff to participate in many ac-1
tivities this term.
Start the year right
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