The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, May 20, 1987, Page 2, Image 2

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Proposal could
cost colleges
counselors given you adequate
Special treatment
Lorain Collins: I believe so.
They helped me to decide what
classes are best for my needs.
One or two were a little impa­
tient when there were lots of
Concerned student
i Do you know these people?
! Who are Neale Frothingham,
Lleckie Hostetler, Dana
pumolt, Becky Blumenkron,
fend Ann Haller?
If you don’t know, you
should find out. These people
pre your representatives at
¡Clackamas Community Col­
lege. They are (in order) A.S.G.
President, Vice President,
Assistant to the President,
Entertainment Coordinator and
Administrative Assistant. Want
to know more? These people
make decisions for you in dif­
ferent aspects of Government
on campus.
Do you ever voice an opinion
about what happens on cam­
pus? I’ll bet you do. But to
whom is the opinion given? A
friend, a fellow student, an in­
structor? Give your opinion to
the people that represent you. If
they don’t know what you want
or what your opinion is, they
can only go by “what’s gone
Whether you arg a full, part
or occasional time student,
what you think does matter.
Without you there wouldn’t be
a college to run and you can
make a difference.
Charles F. Cunningham
Check next week for more.
Mike Huff ord: Yes. One time
I almost took three classes I
didn’t have to take, but because
of their expertise in the field of
education, they saved me from
three agonizing classes. I guess I
owe those people.
Letters to new editors
,etter from Neale Frothingham
> New Editor
Dear Heleen:
Letter From Neale Frothingham
to New Sports/Design Editor
Dear Chris:
Congratulations on your ap­
pointment as Editor-In-Chief of
the Print. We at ASG are look­
ing forward to seeing what you
have in mind for the Print next
/ear. Again, and I know I speak
for everyone in the executive
cabinet, Congratulations!!! •
Congratulations on your ap­
pointment as Sports/Design
Editor of the Print. I know that
the Sports Editor is a full time
job in itself so you will be quite
busy as Design Editor too. We
at ASG wish you the best year
possible on the Print. And
again, Congratulations, from
myself and everyone on the ex­
ecutive cabinet.
Sincerely, Neale Frothingham,
President ASG
Lyn Barclay: Yes, very good
advice. They helped me find out
what classes to take for my ma-
Letter to ASG
productive and enjoyable school
year next year.
Once again, thanks for the let­
ters of support.
Sincerely, Heleen Veenstra and
Chris Curran, Editor and
Design/Sports Editor
If you ask me, the worst thing
about having two sisters is being
the oldest. Sure, it’s great to be
the oldest when you are left in
charge when your parents go out
for the evening, but the thrill of
torturing your younger siblings
only lasts so long.
The one main gripe I have
about being the oldest is the
special treatment my sisters
receive from my parents. Not on­
ly do they get privileges at an
earlier age than I did, but they
also get punished less often than I
When I ask my parents why
my sisters don’t get punished for
the same things I did when I was
growing up, they say they (my
parents) are getting older and
more tired and it just doesn’t
bother them as much as it used
to. Personally, I don’t think this
is fair.
Some of the privileges my
sisters have received has included
staying up late on weeknights,
watching R-rated movies, and us­
ing the phone.
If I remember correctly, my
bedtime was nine o’clock on
weeknights until my freshman
year in high school when it was
raised to 10 p.m. My sisters,
however, are allowed to stay up
until 11 p.m. and sometimes even
later. They received this privilege
in junior high.
One of the more shocking in­
stances in which my sisters receiv­
ed privileges sooner than I was
when the movie “Porky’s” came
out on HBO. The movie had first
come out in the theaters when I
was 13 and I had asked my
parents if I could go see it with
some friends. They said, “No,
you’re too young. You’ll have to
wait until you are older to see
those kinds of movies.” A few
years later I was just sitting down
to watch the movie on HBO
(after asking my parents if I could
do so), when my sisters joined
me. I tried to be nice and warn
them that Mom and Dad would
be mad if they came out and
caught them watching an R-rated
movie, but they ignored me. At
just that moment my mom came
into the room, saw what we were
watching, commented that it was
a funny movie (she and my father
had seen it before I had asked to
see it when I was 13) and went on
about her business.
I couldn’t understand the
logic. Here my sisters were both
younger than I was when I had
first asked to see the movie and
they are being allowed to see it
without even asking at all.
Phone privileges became a big
issue when I began using the
phone in high school as a way of
communicating with my friends
instead of just waiting to see
them in school the next day.
For the next two years I was
restricted from using the phone
various times, while my sisters
were usually given a warning
because they weren’t caught us­
ing it as often.
After the two years were
up and I was a junior in high
school my parents decided to in­
vest in that wonderful inven­
tion, call-waiting. Now my
sisters can talk whenever they
want and not worry about my
parents’ friends getting busy
signals, which is what got me in­
to trouble so often.
Parents and their ways of
parenting are so confusing to
their children, they ought to
give us handbooks when we’re
born so that we can stay out of
trouble better. I have learned a
lot from my sisters and I have
enjoyed having them around,
even if they haven’t had the
benefits of parental punishment
as often as they should have. I
hope you’re listening Mom and
Dad, it’s not too late to save
them you know.
The Print
Sincerely, Neale Frothingham,
President ASG
As the executive editors of The
Print next year, we would like to
frank ASG President Neale
Frothingham and the ASG
cabinet for their letters of sup­
We at The Print are looking
forward to working with ASG
next year. We anticipate both a
Pago 2
by Stephani Veff
Opinions Editor
As part of the Administration’s budget proposals for fiscal year ’88,
the Department of Treasury would be asked to levy a social security
tax of nearly 15% on all student jobs on campus. Most on campus
employment is either work-study or helps the student to offset the
costs of attending school in other ways.
For the past 48 years students have been exempt from paying these
taxes and this change will not only burden the students by reducing
their wages, but it would also reduce the purchasing power of federal
college work study and other work programs on campus. The change
would cost the institutions themselves money, since the tax would re­
quire from each dollar approximately 7.25 cents from the employer as
well as 7.25 cents from the student.
To be enacted, the House Ways and Means and the Senate
Finance Committees would need to legislate this change, which is
currently just an Administration proposal. The United States Stu­
dent Association (USSA) has already joined with other higher
education groups in opposition to the proposal, and in this coali­
tion submitted testimony to the committees. It is time to support
them in their endeavors.
If this proposal should be passed it could cost colleges and
universities millions of dollars, dollars that could be used to in­
crease financial aid instead of decreasing it. Many students would
he unable to attend college if it were not for financial aid, and any
means to decrease aid should be abolished. If the current system
has worked for 48 years there is no real reason to change it, it is bet­
ter left the way it is.
parents - what
a concept
Alan Espasandin: No, I don’t*
think they took enough time
with me. A counselor gave me a
general overview of classes with
amounts of credits, nqt specific
classes. I’ve taken a lot of
classes that turn out to be elec­
lives at Portland State. If may
have set me back two years.
The Print aims to be a fair and impartial newspaper covering the college
community. Opinions expressed in The Print do not necessarily reflect
those of the College administration, faculty, Associated Student Govern­
ment or other members of The Print staff. Articles and information
published in The Print can be reprinted only with permission from the
Student Publications Office. The Print is a weekly publication distributed
each Wednesday except for Finals Week. Clackamas Community Col­
lege, 19600 S. Molalla Ave., Oregon City, Oregon 97045. Office : Trailer
B. Telephone: 657-8400, ext. 309.
Editor-In-Chief: Dean Grey
News Editor: Heleen Veenstra
Design Editor: Bret Hodgert
Photo Editor: Beth Coffey
Opinions/Copy, Editor: Stephani Veff
Feature Editor: Marie Stoppelmoor
Sports Editor: Christopher Curran
Staff Writers: Terri Grayum, Jan Hampton,
Sherri Michaels, Mary Prath, Steven Ziolkowski,
Tammy Swartzendruber
Photographer: Von Daniel
Artist: Jo Crisp
Layout Staff: Dawn Kuehl, Tom Shauvin,
Judy Singer, April Cooke
Business Manager: Jim Brown
Typesetter: Crystal Penner
Advisor: Linda Vogt
Clackamas Community CoIlogs