News News Briefs------- A/ew Print editor z------------ sought for fall term ELC having plant sale PSU, ELC Sponsors tour The John Inskeep En­ vironmental Learning Center at Clackamas Community College will hold its Annual Spring Benefit Plant Sale Friday through Sunday, May 1-3 and Friday and Saturday, May 8 and 9 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.. New varieties of shade trees, both evergreen and deciduous have just arrived in time for our spring plant sale. . Proceeds will benefit the new Lakeside Education Hall. This much needed classroom facility will provide a unique space for enrichment and community classes and serve community and business groups as a retreat center in a quiet wildlife habitat. A weekend scenic excursion from Willamette Falls to the Central Oregon high plateau region with well-known Naturalist and Botanist David Danley along with the John In­ skeep Environmental Learning Center Staff will be conducted on May 8, 9 and 10. This special Envirotrekking tour is sponsored jointly by the Environmental Learning Center and Portland State University. Cost of the tour is $85 for non members and $78 for members of ELC. Two hours of Portland State Graduate or Undergraduate credit may be obtained for an additional $54. To register please call ext. 351. * by Mary Prath Staff Writer The Print is looking for an Editor for fall term. Applications can be picked up in trailer B. A job description can be pick­ ed up also. A few of the respon­ sibilities are: The Editor will be overlooking a staff of 10 to 20 writers, editors, photographers, artists and adver­ tising sales persons. The Editor is responsible for establishing new beats, and for helping the reporters cover the campus efficiently. The Editor will lead editorial board meetings each week, pro­ viding leadership to section editors and the head photographer. Being an Editor is a big respon­ sibility, but it has many, rewards: a full tuitionl waiver, $60 per month expense allowance, separate office, and valuable ex­ perience. 1 Journalism experience is re­ quired for the position, but the student does hot have to be a journalism major. Knowing how to gather information for a story, knowing basic grammar and writing skills, and knowing how to edit as well as the ability to work well with people, in­ dividually and as a group are some of these skills. The Editor will need to be responsible. Get­ ting the paper out each week will be his/her responsibility. iourname. That’s not too much for your country to ask. Student pulled from class Register with Selective Service. It’s quick. It’s easy. And it’s the law. Presented as a Public Service Announcement by the Selective Serwe System. Maybe there is a substitute for expedience. Call 800-257-1200,*' Ext. 1066 or mail the coupon-and start your I subscription to The Will Street Journal at student savings of up to $48 off the regular subscrip­ tion price. That’s a pretty generous offer. Especially when you consider what it actually represents. Tuition for the real world. F to subscribe, call 800-257-1200?! Ext. 1966 toll-free. I the Wall Street Journal. SOO 3rd Ave. W, Seattle. one year ol The WWIStrret Journal for $66-o | of 948 off the regular sttbserififioM finer. 15 weeks «or $26. D Payment enclosed Student I.D.Í .Grad ______ . I |74SN TheWl Street Journal. I T TW daily diary qf the American i •In Pennsylvania, call 800-222-3380. Ext. 1066 ° 1986 Dow Jone* A Company, Inc. April 29, 1987 I ------------ 1 Month/Year Some of his books are “This House of Sky,’’ “Winter Brother,’’ “The Sea Runners” and “Engligh Creek.” “Danc­ ing at the Rascal Fair” will ap­ pear this fall. Mr. Doig has received awards from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Western Heritage Foundation, as well as acknowledgments from the Na-i tional Book Awards Committee] and the Western Writers of America. His work has been read by Dick Estell on the NPR pro-' gram “The Radio Reader.” Mr. Doig’s talk will emphasize his writing and research. AI discussion period will follow, j Please join us. If you have any questions, ¡ please contact the English I Department (ext. 284) or Craig; Lesley (282-9842). Auction helps CCC election Applying for a Social Security card? (BEGINNER OR ADVANCED) Not just for Spanish majors only, but for everyone: beginners, “in between" students, and advanced. Put some excitement into your college career!! BEGINNER OR ADVANCED-Cost is about the same as a semester in a U.S. college: $3,870. Price, includes jet round trip to Seville from New York, room, board, and tuition complete. Government grants and loans may be applied towards our programs. You 11 need... • Proof of your age • Proof of your citizenship or immigration status • Proof of your identity If you’re 18 or over, you must apply in person at any Social Security office. Live with a Spanish family, attend classes four hours a day, four days a week, four months. Earn 16 hrs. of credit (equivalent to 4 semesters taught in U.S. colleges over a two year time span). Your Spanish studies .will be enhanced by opportunities not avail­ able in a. U.S. classroom. Standardized tests show our students’ language skills superior to students completing two year programs in U.S. Advanced courses also. CN Hurry. It takes a lot of time to make all ar­ rangements. college you attend city If you would like information on future programs give permanent address below. Ivan Doig, Northwest writer, will come to Clackamas Com­ munity College Thursday, April 30, at 7pm. Retired County Extension Agent, Gray Thompson, will be teaching a class in Troubleshooting Plant Pro­ blems at the John Inskeep En­ vironmental Learning Center. This class will discuss and suggest correction, however, the main emphasis will be on iden­ Friday, May 1, 1987, thei tification of problems. There will be time for questions and Friends of CCC are holding s| silent auction from 10 a.m. to 7| answers. This class will meet one night p.m. and an Oral Auction star-i only, Friday, May 1 from 6-9 ting at 8 p.m. Guests wishing tc p.m. at the Environmental bid at the auction must registei I Learning Center Pavilion. Cost at the registration desk, and] of the class is $6 for members, secure a bid number. All pro-: and $9 for others. To register ¡ceeds will help the Clackamas] please call ext. 351 Tuesday Community College election ef-j through Friday 8 a.m, to 5 p.m. forts._____________________ y SEMESTER IN SPAIN your present street address After you’re done with school, you face one of the hardest lessons in life: Without experience, it’s tough toget a job. And without a job. it’s tough to get experience. At The Wall Street journal, we recognize that expe­ rience is something you don’t start earning until after graduation, j But while you’re waiting, we can give you a head start by providing some of the same competitive advantages that experience brings. For instance, our wide-ranging nev. s coverage gives you a clearer understanding or the whole complex world of business. Our tightly focused feature re­ porting prepares you for .your more specific ambitions—whether in management, accounting, finance, technology, marketing or snail business. . And our in-depth analysis helps you formulate your ideas in a sharper and more persuasive way. Class identifies plant problems A student from Clackamas Community College has been removed from class by the Oregon City Police. Stan Johnson, from Public Safety, said that the Oregon City Police removed the student from class because there was a court order. Johnson said he didn’t know anything about the removal, but that’s because Public Safety doesn’t know about all the court orders of the whole county. Johnson pointed out it hap­ pens often that a student needs to be removed from class, and he does it, so it won’t interrupt the dass. Johnson concluded that it was probably a criminal case, other­ wise the court order just would X»ve been sent by mail.________ and a few more facts. That’s all we’re really asking of the two million young men who will turn 18 this year. After all. there’s no draft. So if someone you know should be registering, remind them that it only takes five minutes at the post office. And, it helps keep our country strong.^ta^^ Ivan Doig to speak I I I I SPRING SEMESTER—Jan. 30-May 29 FALL SEMESTER—Aug. 29-Dec. 19 each year. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Social Security Administration FULLY ACCREDITED—A Program Of Trinity Christian College. For full information—send coupon to: SEMESTER IN SPAIN 6 your permanent street address city state 2065’ Laraway Lake Drive S.E., CN . Grand Rapids. Michigan 49506 (A Program of Trinity Christian College) . J § ALASKA Summer Employment • Earn $600+/week in cannery • Earn $8,000-$12,000+ for 2 months on-fishing vessel • Over 8,000 openings • Male or female • No experience necessary • Ages 18-70+ To receive your 52-page employment booklet, send $5.95 toM&L Research, P.O. Box 84008, Seattle, WA 98124. R>9« 3